
本文详细介绍了uwsgi服务器的常用命令,包括启动、停止、重启等操作,并探讨了其在部署Python Web应用中的关键作用。通过实例展示了如何配置uwsgi以实现高效稳定的运行环境。
Usage: /usr/local/Python-3.6.6/data/env/pyweb/bin/uwsgi [options...]
    -s|--socket                             bind to the specified UNIX/TCP socket using default protocol
    -s|--uwsgi-socket                       bind to the specified UNIX/TCP socket using uwsgi protocol
    --suwsgi-socket                         bind to the specified UNIX/TCP socket using uwsgi protocol over SSL
    --ssl-socket                            bind to the specified UNIX/TCP socket using uwsgi protocol over SSL
    --http-socket                           bind to the specified UNIX/TCP socket using HTTP protocol
    --http-socket-modifier1                 force the specified modifier1 when using HTTP protocol
    --http-socket-modifier2                 force the specified modifier2 when using HTTP protocol
    --http11-socket                         bind to the specified UNIX/TCP socket using HTTP 1.1 (Keep-Alive) protocol
    --https-socket                          bind to the specified UNIX/TCP socket using HTTPS protocol
    --https-socket-modifier1                force the specified modifier1 when using HTTPS protocol
    --https-socket-modifier2                force the specified modifier2 when using HTTPS protocol
    --fastcgi-socket                        bind to the specified UNIX/TCP socket using FastCGI protocol
    --fastcgi-nph-socket                    bind to the specified UNIX/TCP socket using FastCGI protocol (nph mode)
    --fastcgi-modifier1                     force the specified modifier1 when using FastCGI protocol
    --fastcgi-modifier2                     force the specified modifier2 when using FastCGI protocol
    --scgi-socket                           bind to the specified UNIX/TCP socket using SCGI protocol
    --scgi-nph-socket                       bind to the specified UNIX/TCP socket using SCGI protocol (nph mode)
    --scgi-modifier1                        force the specified modifier1 when using SCGI protocol
    --scgi-modifier2                        force the specified modifier2 when using SCGI protocol
    --raw-socket                            bind to the specified UNIX/TCP socket using RAW protocol
    --raw-modifier1                         force the specified modifier1 when using RAW protocol
    --raw-modifier2                         force the specified modifier2 when using RAW protocol
    --puwsgi-socket                         bind to the specified UNIX/TCP socket using persistent uwsgi protocol (puwsgi)
    --protocol                              force the specified protocol for default sockets
    --socket-protocol                       force the specified protocol for default sockets
    --shared-socket                         create a shared socket for advanced jailing or ipc
    --undeferred-shared-socket              create a shared socket for advanced jailing or ipc (undeferred mode)
    -p|--processes                          spawn the specified number of workers/processes
    -p|--workers                            spawn the specified number of workers/processes
    --thunder-lock                          serialize accept() usage (if possible)
    -t|--harakiri                           set harakiri timeout
    --harakiri-verbose                      enable verbose mode for harakiri
    --harakiri-no-arh                       do not enable harakiri during after-request-hook
    --no-harakiri-arh                       do not enable harakiri during after-request-hook
    --no-harakiri-after-req-hook            do not enable harakiri during after-request-hook
    --backtrace-depth                       set backtrace depth
    --mule-harakiri                         set harakiri timeout for mule tasks
    -x|--xmlconfig                          load config from xml file
    -x|--xml                                load config from xml file
    --config                                load configuration using the pluggable system
    --fallback-config                       re-exec uwsgi with the specified config when exit code is 1
    --strict                                enable strict mode (placeholder cannot be used)
    --skip-zero                             skip check of file descriptor 0
    --skip-atexit                           skip atexit hooks (ignored by the master)
    --skip-atexit-teardown                  skip atexit teardown (ignored by the master)
    -S|--set                                set a placeholder or an option
    --set-placeholder                       set a placeholder
    --set-ph                                set a placeholder
    --get                                   print the specified option value and exit
    --declare-option                        declare a new uWSGI custom option
    --declare-option2                       declare a new uWSGI custom option (non-immediate)
    --resolve                               place the result of a dns query in the specified placeholder, sytax: placeholder=name (immediate option)
    --for                                   (opt logic) for cycle
    --for-glob                              (opt logic) for cycle (expand glob)
    --for-times                             (opt logic) for cycle (expand the specified num to a list starting from 1)
    --for-readline                          (opt logic) for cycle (expand the specified file to a list of lines)
    --endfor                                (opt logic) end for cycle
    --end-for                               (opt logic) end for cycle
    --if-opt                                (opt logic) check for option
    --if-not-opt                            (opt logic) check for option
    --if-env                                (opt logic) check for environment variable
    --if-not-env                            (opt logic) check for environment variable
    --ifenv                                 (opt logic) check for environment variable
    --if-reload                             (opt logic) check for reload
    --if-not-reload                         (opt logic) check for reload
    --if-hostname                           (opt logic) check for hostname
    --if-not-hostname                       (opt logic) check for hostname
    --if-hostname-match                     (opt logic) try to match hostname against a regular expression
    --if-not-hostname-match                 (opt logic) try to match hostname against a regular expression
    --if-exists                             (opt logic) check for file/directory existence
    --if-not-exists                         (opt logic) check for file/directory existence
    --ifexists                              (opt logic) check for file/directory existence
    --if-plugin                             (opt logic) check for plugin
    --if-not-plugin                         (opt logic) check for plugin
    --ifplugin                              (opt logic) check for plugin
    --if-file                               (opt logic) check for file existance
    --if-not-file                           (opt logic) check for file existance
    --if-dir                                (opt logic) check for directory existance
    --if-not-dir                            (opt logic) check for directory existance
    --ifdir                                 (opt logic) check for directory existance
    --if-directory                          (opt logic) check for directory existance
    --endif                                 (opt logic) end if
    --end-if                                (opt logic) end if
    --blacklist                             set options blacklist context
    --end-blacklist                         clear options blacklist context
    --whitelist                             set options whitelist context
    --end-whitelist                         clear options whitelist context
    --ignore-sigpipe                        do not report (annoying) SIGPIPE
    --ignore-write-errors                   do not report (annoying) write()/writev() errors
    --write-errors-tolerance                set the maximum number of allowed write errors (default: no tolerance)
    --write-errors-exception-only           only raise an exception on write errors giving control to the app itself
    --disable-write-exception               disable exception generation on write()/writev()
    --inherit                               use the specified file as config template
    --include                               include the specified file as immediate configuration
    --inject-before                         inject a text file before the config file (advanced templating)
    --inject-after                          inject a text file after the config file (advanced templating)
    -d|--daemonize                          daemonize uWSGI
    --daemonize2                            daemonize uWSGI after app loading
    --stop                                  stop an instance
    --reload                                reload an instance
    --pause                                 pause an instance
    --suspend                               suspend an instance
    --resume                                resume an instance
    --connect-and-read                      connect to a socket and wait for data from it
    --extract                               fetch/dump any supported address to stdout
    -l|--listen                             set the socket listen queue size
    -v|--max-vars                           set the amount of internal iovec/vars structures
    --max-apps                              set the maximum number of per-worker applications
    -b|--buffer-size                        set internal buffer size
    -m|--memory-report                      enable memory report
    --profiler                              enable the specified profiler
    -c|--cgi-mode                           force CGI-mode for plugins supporting it
    -a|--abstract-socket                    force UNIX socket in abstract mode (Linux only)
    -C|--chmod-socket                       chmod-socket
    -C|--chmod                              chmod-socket
    --chown-socket                          chown unix sockets
    --umask                                 set umask
    --freebind                              put socket in freebind mode
    --map-socket                            map sockets to specific workers
    -T|--enable-threads                     enable threads
    --no-threads-wait                       do not wait for threads cancellation on quit/reload
    --auto-procname                         automatically set processes name to something meaningful
    --procname-prefix                       add a prefix to the process names
    --procname-prefix-spaced                add a spaced prefix to the process names
    --procname-append                       append a string to process names
    --procname                              set process names
    --procname-master                       set master process name
    -i|--single-interpreter                 do not use multiple interpreters (where available)
    --need-app                              exit if no app can be loaded
    -M|--master                             enable master process
    --honour-stdin                          do not remap stdin to /dev/null
    --emperor                               run the Emperor
    --emperor-proxy-socket                  force the vassal to became an Emperor proxy
    --emperor-wrapper                       set a binary wrapper for vassals
    --emperor-wrapper-override              set a binary wrapper for vassals to try before the default one
    --emperor-wrapper-fallback              set a binary wrapper for vassals to try as a last resort
    --emperor-nofollow                      do not follow symlinks when checking for mtime
    --emperor-procname                      set the Emperor process name
    --emperor-freq                          set the Emperor scan frequency (default 3 seconds)
    --emperor-required-heartbeat            set the Emperor tolerance about heartbeats
    --emperor-curse-tolerance               set the Emperor tolerance about cursed vassals
    --emperor-pidfile                       write the Emperor pid in the specified file
    --emperor-tyrant                        put the Emperor in Tyrant mode
    --emperor-tyrant-nofollow               do not follow symlinks when checking for uid/gid in Tyrant mode
    --emperor-stats                         run the Emperor stats server
    --emperor-stats-server                  run the Emperor stats server
    --early-emperor                         spawn the emperor as soon as possibile
    --emperor-broodlord                     run the emperor in BroodLord mode
    --emperor-throttle                      set throttling level (in milliseconds) for bad behaving vassals (default 1000)
    --emperor-max-throttle                  set max throttling level (in milliseconds) for bad behaving vassals (default 3 minutes)
    --emperor-magic-exec                    prefix vassals config files with exec:// if they have the executable bit
    --emperor-on-demand-extension           search for text file (vassal name + extension) containing the on demand socket name
    --emperor-on-demand-ext                 search for text file (vassal name + extension) containing the on demand socket name
    --emperor-on-demand-directory           enable on demand mode binding to the unix socket in the specified directory named like the vassal + .socket
    --emperor-on-demand-dir                 enable on demand mode binding to the unix socket in the specified directory named like the vassal + .socket
    --emperor-on-demand-exec                use the output of the specified command as on demand socket name (the vassal name is passed as the only argument)
    --emperor-extra-extension               allows the specified extension in the Emperor (vassal will be called with --config)
    --emperor-extra-ext                     allows the specified extension in the Emperor (vassal will be called with --config)
    --emperor-no-blacklist                  disable Emperor blacklisting subsystem
    --emperor-use-clone                     use clone() instead of fork() passing the specified unshare() flags
    --emperor-graceful-shutdown             use vassals graceful shutdown during ragnarok
    --imperial-monitor-list                 list enabled imperial monitors
    --imperial-monitors-list                list enabled imperial monitors
    --vassals-inherit                       add config templates to vassals config (uses --inherit)
    --vassals-include                       include config templates to vassals config (uses --include instead of --inherit)
    --vassals-inherit-before                add config templates to vassals config (uses --inherit, parses before the vassal file)
    --vassals-include-before                include config templates to vassals config (uses --include instead of --inherit, parses before the vassal file)
    --vassals-start-hook                    run the specified command before each vassal starts
    --vassals-stop-hook                     run the specified command after vassal's death
    --vassal-sos                            ask emperor for reinforcement when overloaded
    --vassal-sos-backlog                    ask emperor for sos if backlog queue has more items than the value specified
    --vassals-set                           automatically set the specified option (via --set) for every vassal
    --vassal-set                            automatically set the specified option (via --set) for every vassal
    --heartbeat                             announce healthiness to the emperor
    --reload-mercy                          set the maximum time (in seconds) we wait for workers and other processes to die during reload/shutdown
    --worker-reload-mercy                   set the maximum time (in seconds) a worker can take to reload/shutdown (default is 60)
    --mule-reload-mercy                     set the maximum time (in seconds) a mule can take to reload/shutdown (default is 60)
    --exit-on-reload                        force exit even if a reload is requested
    --die-on-term                           exit instead of brutal reload on SIGTERM
    --force-gateway                         force the spawn of the first registered gateway without a master
    -h|--help                               show this help
    -h|--usage                              show this help
    --print-sym                             print content of the specified binary symbol
    --print-symbol                          print content of the specified binary symbol
    -r|--reaper                             call waitpid(-1,...) after each request to get rid of zombies
    -R|--max-requests                       reload workers after the specified amount of managed requests
    --min-worker-lifetime                   number of seconds worker must run before being reloaded (default is 60)
    --max-worker-lifetime                   reload workers after the specified amount of seconds (default is disabled)
    --max-worker-lifetime-delta             add (worker_id * delta) seconds to the max_worker_lifetime value of each worker
    -z|--socket-timeout                     set internal sockets timeout
    --no-fd-passing                         disable file descriptor passing
    --locks                                 create the specified number of shared locks
    --lock-engine                           set the lock engine
    --ftok                                  set the ipcsem key via ftok() for avoiding duplicates
    --persistent-ipcsem                     do not remove ipcsem's on shu




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