阅读了《Mastering Ethereum》的前四章,是以太坊开发的入门书籍,英文版链接如下,好像当时我阅读时暂时没有中文版本。随着阅读此书,正式进入了代码编程的学习阶段,也正是教授先推荐阅读《Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Technologies》的原因。
(Windows系统下在Ubuntu中搭建以太坊开发环境的博客待整理更新至最新周报告后再整理发布。大致步骤为Geth, Node, MetaMask, VSCode的安装)
Last week, I read the first four chapters of Mastering Ethereum, which are What Is Ethereum, Ethereum Basics, Ethereum Clients, and Cryptography.
1. By comparing Ethereum and Bitcoin, I learned their respective components and differences. Learn about the birth of Ethereum and the four stages of Ethereum development: Frontier, Homestead, Metropolis, and Serenity.
2. Learned the currency unit of Ethereum: ether and Wei. Use MetaMask to create a chrome browser-side wallet. Wrote a simple faucet contract example in Solidity. Used the Remix IDE to compile the contract and the contract was successfully registered and traded on the Ropsten test-net.
3. Run the first hello.go program, downloaded Go-Ethereum and configured the environment, and synchronized the Ethereum blockchain with light mode. By running Geth, the JSON-RPC API was called with the simple example provided in the book.
4. Learned Ethereum has two different types of accounts, externally owned accounts and contracts. Learned the address encoding method of Ethereum, ICAP, and EIP-55.