软工大牛Sonal Mahajan及其顶会论文解读


本文旨在介绍软工大牛Sonal Mahajan及其今年ICSE 2018顶会论文“Automated Repair of Mobile Friendly Problems in Web Pages”


论文名称:Automated Repair of Mobile Friendly Problems in Web Pages
作者:Sonal Mahajan(一作),William G. J. Halfond(四作,导师)
单位:University of Southern California, USA
南加利福尼亚大学(University of Southern California),又译南加州大学,简称南加大(USC),是美国西海岸最古老的顶尖私立研究型大学,世界著名高等学府,位于美国加利福尼亚州洛杉矶市,1880年由监理会创立,是美国大学协会(AAU)成员、环太平洋大学联盟成员。[1]

作者Sonal Mahajan信息:

completed M.S. in Computer Science from San Francisco State University in 2012, where I received the Graduate Distinguished Achievement Award. Before that I completed Bachelors in Computer Engineering from the University of Pune, India in 2008.
My research interests lie in Software Engineering, Web Technologies, Testing and Analysis of Web Applications, and Program Analysis.

作者的CV和resume写的都很详细,也让我觉得非常厉害,感兴趣的可以到我的资源页看一看,内含她的CV letter,resume,以及顶会文章的PPT报告。看一位成功人士的过往经历和种种成就,真是一件激励人的事情!共勉之。


Sonal Mahajan (印度)

这位作者得了很多distinguished paper award,best paper award,近两年文章如下:
1)Automated Repair of Mobile Friendly Problems in Web Pages
Sonal Mahajan, Negarsadat Abolhassani, Phil McMinn, William G. J. Halfond
In Proceedings of the 40th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE). May 2018 (To appear). Acceptance rate: 20%
2)Automated Repair of Internationalization Presentation Failures in Web Pages Using Style Similarity Clustering and Search-Based Techniques (Distinguished Paper Award)
Sonal Mahajan, Abdulmajeed Alameer, Phil McMinn, William G. J. Halfond
In Proceedings of the 11th IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation (ICST). April 2018. Acceptance rate: 25%
3)Automated Repair of Layout Cross Browser Issues using Search-Based Techniques (Distinguished Paper Award) [Artifacts Evaluated]
Sonal Mahajan, Abdulmajeed Alameer, Phil McMinn, William G. J. Halfond
In Proceedings of the 26th International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA). July 2017. Acceptance rate: 26%
4)XFix: An Automated Tool for the Repair of Layout Cross Browser Issues
Sonal Mahajan, Abdulmajeed Alameer, Phil McMinn, William G. J. Halfond
In Proceedings of the 26th International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA) – Demo Track. July 2017.
5)Detecting Display Energy Hotspots in Android Apps
Mian Wan, Yuchen Jin, Ding Li, Jiaping Gui, Sonal Mahajan, William G. J. Halfond
In Software Testing, Verification and Reliability. Volume 2017.



1) Mobile devices have become a primary means of accessing the Internet
2) Unfortunately, many websites are not designed to be mobile friendly. This results in problems such as unreadable text, cluttered navigation, and content overflowing a device’s viewport; all of which can lead to a frustrating and poor user experience.
3) Existing techniques are limited in helping developers repair these mobile friendly problems.



1) Our empirical evaluation showed that our approach was able to successfully resolve mobile friendly problems in 95% of the evaluation subjects.
2) In a user study, participants preferred our repaired versions of the subjects and also considered the repaired pages to be more readable than the originals.

先做了一个evaluation,然后还做了一个user study,我觉得这个工作量不小啊。


To address this problem we designed an approach to automatically generate CSS patches that can improve the mobile friendliness of a web page.

To do this our approach builds graph-based models of the layout of a web page. It then uses constraints encoded by these graphs to fnd patches that can improve mobile friendliness while minimizing layout disruption.

To efciently identify the best patch, our approach leverages unique aspects of the problem domain to quantify metrics related to layout distortion and parallelize the computation of the solution. We implemented our approach in a prototype tool, MFix, and evaluated its effectiveness on the home pages of 38 of the Alexa Top 50 most visited websites.


The contributions of our paper are as follows:
(1) A technique for automatically generating CSS based patches to improve the mobile friendliness of a web page
(2) An empirical study on popular websites that shows the approach’s effectiveness at improving mobile friendliness scores while maintaining the original pages’ layout.
(3) A user study that shows that pages patched by our approach are preferred for mobile usage and are rated as more readable.



Our approach for generating a CSS patch can be roughly broken down into three distinct phases, segmentation, localization, and repair.





WompMobile. 2017. WompMobile Website. Retrieved Aug 2017 from http://www.wompmobile.com/
Google. 2018. Consumer Study. Retrieved Feb 2018 from https://www.consumerbarometer.com/en/insights/?countryCode=US


Such usability issues are collectively referred as mobile friendly problems [4, 15] and lead to a frustrating and poor user experience

作者厉害的地方之一在于能够找到这个mobile friendly problem的出处,而且能够描述的很清楚。确实也是涉猎广泛了,知识面很广了。

[4] Bing. 2017. Bing Mobile Friendly Test Tool. Retrieved Aug 2017 from https://www.bing.com/webmaster/tools/mobile-friendliness
[15] Google. 2017. Google Mobile Friendly Test Tool. Retrieved Aug 2017 from https://search.google.com/test/mobile-friendly

3)文章中多次出现this means that,有点像是作者的写作风格。

4)我感觉这个是作者自己找出来的方向,确实是自动修复,但是这个是mobile friendly problems,我之前没有看到过的,而且作者在introduction里面都是引用的网页,说明以前的研究工作确实很少,这个的话确实就很有搞头啊。

5)在论文中,我一般没有见过mentioned above,而是会看到aforementioned


N-COUNT 药片;片剂
A tablet is a small solid round mass of medicine which you swallow.
N-COUNT (黏土、石头制成的)牌,匾,碑
Clay tablets or stone tablets are the flat pieces of clay or stone which people used to write on before paper was invented.

VERB 歪曲;扭曲;曲解
If you distort a statement, fact, or idea, you report or represent it in an untrue way.
V-ERG (使)变形;(使)失真
If something you can see or hear is distorted or distorts, its appearance or sound is changed so that it seems unclear.

N-COUNT 沉溺于某项业余爱好的人
You can refer to a person who is very interested in a particular hobby and spends a lot of time on it as a hobbyist .

N-COUNT 部分;片段
A segment of something is one part of it, considered separately from the rest.
VERB 细分,划分(市场)
If a company segments a market, it divides it into separate parts, usually in order to improve marketing opportunities.

ADJ 前面提到的;上述的
If you refer to the aforementioned person or subject, you mean the person or subject that has already been mentioned.

英 [ʊ’bʊntʊ] 美 [ʊ’bʊntʊ]
n. 非洲谚语;意为“人道对待他人”;一个Linux的发行版本;由debian衍生而来。
noun [U](SAfrE) 班图精神,社团关爱精神(生活在集体中,大家必须分享物品并互相关心)
the idea that people are not only individuals but live in a community and must share things and care for each other


This results in problems such as unreadable text, cluttered navigation, and content overflowing a device’s viewport; all of which can lead to a frustrating and poor user experience.
注意这个all of which,感觉还很酷,还有a frustrating and poor user experience

Existing techniques are limited in helping developers repair these mobile friendly problems.
注意are limited in,意思等于 are unable to

Our empirical evaluation showed that our approach was able to successfully resolve mobile friendly problems in 95% of the evaluation subjects.

This means that unless a website is deemed to be mobile friendly, it is less likely to be highly ranked in the results returned to users.
注意unless,this means that,less likely to be,highly ranked
还有deemed to be

While these tools may provide hints or suggestions as to how to repair the pages, the task of performing the repair is still a manual effort.
注意provide hints,as to,is still
还有 a manual effort

The results showed that our approach could effectively increase the mobile friendliness ratings of a page, typically by 33%, while minimizing layout distortion.
妥妥的复杂句,typically,while minimizing

Our paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we provide background information about typical mobile friendly problems and solutions. Our approach is presented in Section 3. We evaluated our approach on popular websites and conducted a user study of the results, which are described in Section 4. We discuss related work in Section 5, and conclude in Section 6


Broadly speaking, although having a separate mobile website could address mobile friendly concerns, it introduces a heavy maintenance debt on the organization in ensuring that the mobile website renders and behaves consistently and as reliably as its regular desktop version, thereby doubling the cost of an organization’s online presence.
超级复杂句,注意broadly speaking,renders,consistently





[1] 南加利福尼亚大学. https://baike.baidu.com/item/南加利福尼亚大学/7701442?fromtitle=University%20of%20Southern%20California&fromid=11245143&fr=aladdin








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