课程笔记:Parallel Programming in Java(第一周)

Parallel Programming in Java(第一周)

Parallel Programming in Java 是 Coursera 的上的一门课程,一共有四周课程内容,讲述Java中的并行程序设计。这里是第一周课程的内容笔记。主要内容为 Task Parallel,即 任务并行设计

Task Parallel

Task Parallel 包括 task 创建和 task 终止两部分主要操作。

  • 使用 async 指明那些 task 是可以被并行执行的
  • 使用 finish block 等待任务同步结束,回到顺序执行的部分

使用 PCDP 包可以很好地在代码中支持 asyncfinish block 标注

Fork-Join Framework

Java 标准中需要使用 Fork-Join Framework 。将可以并行的部分使用 fork 创建一个新的进程执行,在需要同步的地方使用 join 等待该进行的结束。Java 中的封装机制使得 forkjoin 函数对应一个类实例执行,即:


完成一个并行 task 的部署和同步。


进行程序设计时,可以使用计算图——有向无环图——来表示 task 级并行的执行顺序与相互关系。


  • 节点:表示并行模型中的 task
  • 有向边:task 之间的相互转移关系
    • Continue edge:表示需要顺序执行的 task
    • Fork edge:表示 fork 操作对应的 child task
    • Join edge:表示 join 操作,将不同的 child task 同步


  • 如何判断两个任务之间能否并行?


  • 数据竞争(data race)


  • 衡量并行模型的表现

    • WORK:表示模型中 task 串行时的表现,即图中所有节点表示的 task 的执行时间和
    • SPAN:图中最长的路径长度,表示整个并行模型的执行时间
    • ideal parallelism = W O R K ( G ) S P A N ( G ) \text{ideal parallelism}=\frac{WORK(G)}{SPAN(G)} ideal parallelism=SPAN(G)WORK(G)


T p T_{p} Tp 表示有 p p p 个处理器的执行时间。多处理器的执行时间不仅和任务本身的执行时间、计算图有关,而且和任务规划中的执行方式有关。满足:

T 1 = W O R K T ∞ = S P A N T ∞ ≤ T p ≤ T 1 \begin{aligned} T_{1}&=WORK \\ T_{\infin}&=SPAN \\ T_{\infin}&\le{T_{p}}\le{T_{1}} \\ \end{aligned} T1TT=WORK=SPANTpT1


S P E E D U P = T 1 T p S P E E D U P ≤ p S P E E D U P ≤ ideal parallelism SPEEDUP=\frac{T_{1}}{T_{p}} \\ SPEEDUP\le{p} \\ SPEEDUP\le{\text{ideal parallelism}} SPEEDUP=TpT1SPEEDUPpSPEEDUPideal parallelism

阿姆达尔定律(Amdahl’s law)

给定一组 task,需要多少处理器能够得到最佳的加速比?

  • 已知计算图的情况下,可以通过计算 W O R K S P A N \frac{WORK}{SPAN} SPANWORK 得到 S P E E D U P SPEEDUP SPEEDUP 的上界

  • 未知计算图的情况下,根据 Amdahl’s law,考虑 task 中顺序执行的部分所占的比例 q q q S P E E D U P ≤ 1 q SPEEDUP\le{\frac{1}{q}} SPEEDUPq1

    ∵ S P A N ≥ q × W O R K ∴ S P E E D U P ≤ W O R K S P A N = W O R K q × W O R K = 1 q \begin{aligned} &\because{SPAN\ge{q\times{WORK}}} \\ &\therefore{SPEEDUP\le{\frac{WORK}{SPAN}}=\frac{WORK}{q\times{WORK}}=\frac{1}{q}} \end{aligned} SPANq×WORKSPEEDUPSPANWORK=q×WORKWORK=q1


使用 async-finish API
package edu.coursera.parallel;

import static edu.rice.pcdp.PCDP.async;
import static edu.rice.pcdp.PCDP.finish;

public final class Compare {
    private static double sum1;
    private static double sum2;

    Compare() {


    public static void main(String[] args) {
        double[] array = new double[20000000];
        for (int i = 0; i < 20000000; i++) {
            array[i] = i + 1;
        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
            System.out.println(String.format("This is run for %d/5", i + 1));

    public static void sequential(final double... array) {
        sum1 = 0.;
        sum2 = 0.;
        long start = System.nanoTime();
        for (int i = 0; i < array.length / 2; i++) {
            sum1 += 1 / array[i];

        for (int j = array.length / 2; j < array.length; j++) {
            sum2 += 1 / array[j];
        double seqResult = sum1 + sum2;
        long seqTime = System.nanoTime() - start;
            .format("sequential version time: %#.2f, result is %#.4f",
                seqTime / 1e6, seqResult));

    public static void parallel(final double... array) {
        sum1 = 0.;
        sum2 = 0.;
        long start = System.nanoTime();
        finish(() -> {
            async(() -> {
                for (int i = 0; i < array.length / 2; i++) {
                    sum1 += 1 / array[i];
            for (int j = array.length / 2; j < array.length; j++) {
                sum2 += 1 / array[j];

        double parResult = sum1 + sum2;
        long parTime = System.nanoTime() - start;
                .format("parallel version time: %#.2f, result is %#.4f",
                    parTime / 1e6, parResult));


This is run for 9/5
parallel version time: 11.39, result is 17.3885
sequential version time: 22.93, result is 17.3885
This is run for 10/5
parallel version time: 11.87, result is 17.3885
sequential version time: 21.44, result is 17.3885
使用 fork-join Framework
import java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool;
import java.util.concurrent.RecursiveAction;

 * Class wrapping methods for implementing reciprocal array sum in parallel.
public final class ReciprocalArraySum {

     * Default constructor.
    private ReciprocalArraySum() {

     * Sequentially compute the sum of the reciprocal values for a given array.
     * @param input Input array
     * @return The sum of the reciprocals of the array input
    protected static double seqArraySum(final double[] input) {
        double sum = 0;

        // Compute sum of reciprocals of array elements
        for (int i = 0; i < input.length; i++) {
            sum += 1 / input[i];

        return sum;

     * This class stub can be filled in to implement the body of each task
     * created to perform reciprocal array sum in parallel.
    private static class ReciprocalArraySumTask extends RecursiveAction {
        static int SEQUENTIAL_THRESHOLD = 5;
        private static int chunkSize;
         * Starting index for traversal done by this task.
        private final int startIndexInclusive;
         * Ending index for traversal done by this task.
        private final int endIndexExclusive;
         * Input array to reciprocal sum.
        private final double[] input;
         * Intermediate value produced by this task.
        private double value;

         * Constructor.
         * @param setStartIndexInclusive Set the starting index to begin
         *        parallel traversal at.
         * @param setEndIndexExclusive Set ending index for parallel traversal.
         * @param setInput Input values
        ReciprocalArraySumTask(final int setStartIndexInclusive,
                final int setEndIndexExclusive, final double[] setInput) {
            this.startIndexInclusive = setStartIndexInclusive;
            this.endIndexExclusive = setEndIndexExclusive;
            this.input = setInput;
            SEQUENTIAL_THRESHOLD = setInput.length + chunkSize - 1) / chunkSize;

        public static void setChunkSize(int chunk) {
            chunkSize = chunk;

         * Getter for the value produced by this task.
         * @return Value produced by this task
        public double getValue() {
            return value;

        protected void compute() {
            if (endIndexExclusive - startIndexInclusive <= SEQUENTIAL_THRESHOLD) {
                for (int i = startIndexInclusive; i < endIndexExclusive; i++) {
                    value += 1 / input[i];
            } else {
                ReciprocalArraySumTask left =
                    new ReciprocalArraySumTask(startIndexInclusive,
                        (startIndexInclusive + endIndexExclusive)/2, input);
                ReciprocalArraySumTask right =
                    new ReciprocalArraySumTask(
                    	(startIndexInclusive + endIndexExclusive)/2, 
                    	endIndexExclusive, input);
                value = left.getValue() + right.getValue();

     * TODO: Extend the work you did to implement parArraySum to use a set
     * number of tasks to compute the reciprocal array sum. You may find the
     * above utilities getChunkStartInclusive and getChunkEndExclusive helpful
     * in computing the range of element indices that belong to each chunk.
     * @param input Input array
     * @param numTasks The number of tasks to create
     * @return The sum of the reciprocals of the array input
    protected static double parManyTaskArraySum(final double[] input,
            final int numTasks) {
            + ".parallelism", String.format("%d", numTasks+2));
        ReciprocalArraySumTask t = new ReciprocalArraySumTask(0, input.length
            , input);
        double sum = t.getValue();
        return sum;




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