python计算机视觉教材推荐_推荐!计算机视觉最适合入门的 8 本教程,算法与实战兼备...





Top5 计算机视觉教材

这里的 Top5 教材主要关注一般方法和理论(数学),而不是实际问题和方法(代码)的应用。我根据在顶尖学校(如麻省理工学院等)的大学课程中的使用情况以及在讨论网站(如Quora等)上的建议,收集了一份排名前五的教科书。计算机视觉五大教材如下(排名不分先后):

1. 《Computer Vision: Algorithms and Applications》

作者:Richard Szeliski

出版时间:2010 年


目录:1. Introduction

2. Image formation

3. Image processing

3. Feature detection and matching

5. Segmentation

6. Feature-based alignment

7. Structure from motion

8. Dense motion estimation

9. Image stitching

10. Computational photography

11. Stereo correspondence

12. 3D reconstruction

13. Image-based rendering

14. Recognition

2. 《Computer Vision: Models, Learning, and Inference》

作者:Simon Prince

出版时间:2012 年


目录:1. Introduction

2. Introduction to probability

3. Common probability distributions

4. Fitting probability models

5. The normal distribution

6. Learning and inference in vision

7. Modeling complex data densities

8. Regression models

9. Classification models

10. Graphical models

11. Models for chains and trees

12. Models for grids

13. Image preprocessing and feature extraction

14. The pinhole camera

15. Models for transformations

16. Multiple cameras

17. Models for shape

18. Models for style and identity

19. Temporal models

20. Models for visual words

3. 《Computer Vision: A Modern Approach》

作者:David Forsyth、Jean Ponce

出版时间:2011 年


目录:Part I. Image Formation1. Radiometry – Measuring Light

2. Sources, Shadows and Shading

3. Colour

Part II. Image Models4. Geometric Image Features

5. Analytical Image Features

6. An introduction to Probability

Part III. Early Vision: One Image7. Linear Filters

8. Edge Detection

9. Filters and Features

10. Texture

Part IV. Early Vision: Multiple Images11. The Geometry of Multiple Views

12. Stereopsis

13. Affine Structure from Motion

14. Projective Structure from Motion

Part V. Mid-Level Vision15. Segmentation Using Clustering Methods

16. Fitting

17. Segmentation and Fitting Using Probabilistic Methods

18. Tracking

Part VI. High-Level Vision19. Correspondence and Pose Consistency

20. Finding Templates Using Classifiers

21. Recognition by Relations Between Templates

22. Aspect Graphs

Part VII. Applications and Topics23. Range Data

24. Applications: Finding in Digital Libraries

25. Application: Image-Based Rendering

4. 《Introductory Techniques for 3-D Computer Vision》

作者:Emanuele Trucco、Alessandro Verri



目录:1. Introduction

2. Digital snapshots

3. Dealing with Image Noise

4. Image Features

5. More Image Features

6. Camera Calibration

7. Stereopsis

8. Motion

9. Shape from Single-image Cues

10. Recognition

11. Locating Objects in Space

A. Appendix

5. 《Multiple View Geometry in Computer Vision》

作者:Richard Hartley、Andrew Zisserman



目录:1. Introduction

PART 0. The Background: Projective Geometry, Transformations and Estimation2. Projective Geometry and Transformations of 2D

3. Projective Geometry and Transformations of 3D

4. Estimation – 2D Projective Transformations

5. Algorithm Evaluation and Error Analysis

PART I. Camera Geometry and Single View Geometry6. Camera Models

7. Computation of the Camera Matrix P

8. More Single View Geometry

PART II. Two-View Geometry9. Epipolar Geometry and the Fundamental Matrix

10. 3D Reconstruction of Cameras and Structure

11. Computation of the Fundamental Matrix F

12. Structure Computation

13. Scene Planes and Homographies

14. Affine Epipolar Geometry

PART III. Three-View Geometry15. The Trifocal Tensor

16. Computation of the Trifocal Tensor T

PART IV. N-View Geometry17. N-Linearities and Multiple View Tensors

18. N-View Computational Methods

19. Auto-Calibration

20. Duality

21. Cheirality

22. Degenerate Configurations

PART V. Appendices

Top3 计算机视觉编程书籍

我已经收集了一个前三大 CV 编程实战书籍,来自它们在顶级计算机视觉书籍列表中的排名顺序和讨论网站上的推荐。计算机视觉前三名教材如下(排名不分先后):

6. 《Learning OpenCV 3》

作者:Adrian Kaehler、Gary Bradski



目录:1. Overview

2. Introduction to OpenCV

3. Getting to Know OpenCV Data Types

4. Images and Large Array Types

5. Array Operations

6. Drawing and Annotating

7. Functions in OpenCV

8. Image, Video and Data Files

9. Cross-Platform and Native Windows

10. Filters and Convolutions

11. General Image Transforms

12. Image Analysis

13. Histograms and Templates

14. Contours

15. Background Subtraction

16. Keypoints and Descriptors

17. Tracking

18. Camera Models and CAlibration

19. Projection and Three-Dimensional Vision

20. The Basics of Machine Learning in OpenCV

21. StatModel: The Standard Model for Learning in OpenCV

22. Object Detection

23. Future of OpenCV

7. 《Programming Computer Vision with Python》

作者:Jan Erik Solem



目录:1. Basic Image Handling and Processing

2. Local Image Descriptors

3. Image to Image Mappings

4. Camera Models and Augmented Reality

5. Multiple View Geometry

6. Clustering Images

7. Searching Images

8. Classifying Image Content

9. Image Segmentation

10. OpenCV

8. 《Practical Computer Vision With SimpleCV》

作者:Kurt DeMaagd, Anthony Oliver, Nathan Oostendorp, and Katherine Scott



目录:1. Introduction

2. Getting to Know the SimpleCV Framework

3. Image Sources

4. Pixels and Images

5. The Impact of Light

6. Image Arithmetic

7. Drawing on Images

8. Basic Feature Detection

9. FeatureSet Manipulation

10. Advanced Features


最后,从算法理论和代码实战两个角度来说,个人推荐:《Computer Vision: Algorithms and Applications》、《Programming Computer Vision with Python》这两本书。当然,读者可以根据自己的实际情况自行选择。






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