pydb - a lightweight database with Python syntax queries, using ZeroMQ
pydb is a database for storing nested list and dict and allows Python syntax queries instead of some variation of SQL. A deliberate choice is made to make no optimization on the queries so you know exactly what paths queries take.
pydb depends on
portalocker (not needed yet, under consideration)
Install with
pip install -r requirements.txt
undoable has to be downloaded manually and added to your python path for the moment.
git clone
export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:`pwd`/undoable
(Alternatively, copy to where the rest of pydb's source is.)
In one terminal, run
In a different terminal, run
to get a prompt to access the database
> db
Sample session
> db
> db['x'] = 3
> db['x']
> db['l'] = range(10)
> db
{u'x': 3, u'l': [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]}
> db['l'][4] = ['a', 'b', 'c']
> db.undo()
> db
{u'x': 3, u'l': [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]}
> db.undo()
> db.redo()
> db.redo()
> db
{u'x': 3, u'l': [0, 1, 2, 3, [u'a', u'b', u'c'], 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]}
> [v for v in db['l'][4]]
[u'a', u'b', u'c']
> [k for k in db]
[u'x', u'l']
> db['l'][4].append('d')
The server can be stopped and restarted to continue the session (without needing to restart the client). The most common use in an application is to import and use the client while the server is still run the same way.
from pydb.client import client
db, socket = client()
db['x'] = 3
x = db['x']._run()
db['l'] = range(10)
odd_squares = [v*v for v in db['l'] if v%2]
lock example
from pydb.client import client
db, socket = client()
x = db['x']._run()
db['x'] = x + 1
(or simply db['x'] = db['x']._run() + 1 but this will also run two queries instead of one.)
Intended use
A single instance of the database server with any number of clients (for example a web server) running on the same machine. The total database size isn't too large and large chunks are stored externally in files and represented by File objects in the database. Some thought was put towards making it possible to have these on separate machines or to have multiple database servers (see below).
Architecture starts a queued router-dealer server and a reply ( zmq.REP ) server. The router-dealer serializes (and queues) incoming requests and sends one request at a time to the reply server. The reply server handles the request and answers the client (of that request).
All messages are encoded in JSON.
Debugging is provided to help debugging. All requests sent from the client are executed ( exec in globals() ) on the server. This feature should probably be disabled for any public-facing program (safest would be to delete it from ).
Features and non-features
Data type
All data is JSON encoded and decoded so only JSON-encodable data can be stored, although its possible to write your own encoder to support more types of data.
Connection type
In theory, this database could allow any type of connection that ZeroMQ allows but most tests were done using TCP.
Query syntax
As seen the above examples, the first argument returned by client is treated as the root of nested list and dict and regular Python syntax is used to describe the entries we want to read or modify from that root (such as db['l'][4] ).
To read an entry that is not an iterator, an extra ._run() function needs to be called (such as db['l'][4]._run() ). This is because of the lazy evaluation implemented so db['l'][4] never actually sends any requests.
lock and unlock in allows a client to get exclusive access to the database. No writes or reads are possible from other clients in the meantime. The client program has to be written so the order in which other accesses are treated are unimportant.
No deadlock (dead client) checks are implemented.
No support for locking only part of the database is implemented although this could be implemented using lock and unlock .
if not db['locks'].get(('l', 4), False) and not db['locks'].get(('l'), False):
db['locks'][('l', 4)] = True
# return and do something else meanwhile
# Do stuff on db['l'][4]
assert(db['locks'].get(('l', 4), False))
db['locks'][('l', 4)] = False
Disk storage
The database itself is stored as a single pickled file but large blobs can be stored on the filesystem and a path in the database. If the client is on the same
Large files are "transfered" using a File("/path/to/file") object. The file needs to already be on the server's filesystem before a File object is stored.
Server.undo and Server.redo are available but need to be called manually from a client.
Multiple database servers
The database's architecture makes provisions for having multiple read-only servers and one read-write server but it is not yet implemented
The read-only servers should reload the database from disk periodically (with the database file made available to them through some other means like a network filesystem or simply copying). No system for sending just the changes are available out of the box.
There is no authentication mechanism. The intended usage is to have appropriate firewall rules outside the database.
I might write more if there's request for it.
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