java我的世界1.14.4_Minecraft Java版 1.14.4 发布

MC-150623 - The game crashed whilst rendering overlay: Unable to fit texture

MC-150623 - 游戏在渲染遮盖层的时候崩溃:Unable to fit texture

MC-156389 - Game Crashes when Shift + Command + Delete 18 characters at once on Anvil

MC-156389 - 当按下 Shift + Command + Delete 键从铁砧中一次性删除 18 个字符时会导致游戏崩溃

MC-156407 - Unobtainable (speed) suspicious stew can be obtained from villagers

MC-156407 - 可以从村民那里买到不可合成的具有速度效果的迷之炖菜

MC-156574 - Villager demand values increase/decrease indefinitely

MC-156574 - 村民的需求值无限增加/减少

MC-149018 - High Idle CPU usage on Server Edition (Minecraft 1.14 Release)

MC-149018 - 即使服务器内无玩家/动物/怪物,服务端的CPU占用率依旧过高

MC-154271 - Rolling shutter issue on MacOS since 1.14.3 Pre-Release 2

MC-154271 - 修复自 1.14.3 Pre2 就存在于 MacOS 中的果冻效应显示问题

MC-149880 - Villager trades wrong book

MC-149880 - 修复村民交易中附魔书的错误

MC-151282 - Villager trade GUI doesn’t show the correct price on servers if trade demand is high

MC-151282 - 修复当服务器中交易需求较高时导致的物品价格显示错误

MC-156042 - Villager demand never goes down over time unless traded with

MC-156042 - 修复村民在一直未交易的情况下, 村民需求不能下降的漏洞

MC-156349 - Cannot press Enter on Direct Connect

MC-156349 - 修复直接连接服务器页面不能按回车的BUG

Fixed debug reports in worlds with a dot in their name


Fixed server freeze when Villagers fell into the void


MC-145769 - Villagers aren’t shutting doors behind them

MC-145769 - 村民不会关掉身后的门

MC-148613 - Aquatic mobs are not spawning / Fish spawned from buckets count towards the aquatic mob cap again

MC-148613 - 水域生物不生成/从桶里倒进水的鱼又被计入水域生物了

MC-152908 - When a player joins a server, everything that happened during the time offline queued on connecting to the server

MC-152908 - 当一名玩家加入服务器时,所有在他离线时发生的事情都会在连接服务器时进入信息传输队列

MC-153406 - Score JSON Component Crash in items

MC-153406 - 物品中的 JSON 聊天组件 的 Score 功能导致游戏崩溃

MC-153749 - Trusting Foxes attack player when self-injured

MC-153749 - 信任玩家的狐狸在受伤时攻击玩家

MC-153852 - Concrete powder deleting waterlogged blocks when falling

MC-153852 - 混凝土粉末在坠落时会删除充水方块

MC-155711 - Functions capable of running commands they shouldn’t be able to (publish, debug …)

MC-155711 - 函数能够执行它们不应能执行的命令(publish、debug 等)

MC-156013 - Breaking Blocks “re-appear” to nudge player

MC-156013 - 被破坏的方块「重新出现」使玩家迷惑

MC-136318 - Floatable mobs are unable to walk when in waterlogged blocks

MC-136318 - 在充水的方块中,能漂浮在水面上的生物不能移动

MC-151150 - Entities (Villagers) cause massive lag when attempting to pathfind

MC-151150 - 实体(村民)寻路时极卡

MC-151376 - Villagers are not pathfinding towards their POI; POI detection range is too small

MC-151376 - 村民们不能根据自己的喜好寻路, POI 探测范围过小

MC-151810 - Mobs don’t try to avoid fall damage anymore

MC-151810 - 生物不尝试避免摔落伤害

MC-154214 - Chunks refusing to unload due to incorrect player ticket additions

MC-154214 - 由于错误的玩家更新导致的区块拒绝卸载

MC-155147 - Mouse acceleration with the new 1.14.3 update

MC-155147 - 新的 1.14.3 更新导致的鼠标灵敏度增加的问题

MC-155906 - Failed to save debug dump if the destination location contains a space

MC-155906 - 如果目标路径包含空格将不能储存调试日志

MC-100946- Bow with mending undraws when receiving XP while drawed

MC-100946- 拉紧附有经验修补的弓的玩家接受经验时弓会松弛

MC-113968- Zombies of village siege spawn despite gamerule doMobSpawning being false

MC-113968- 纵使游戏规则 doMobSpawning 为 false,仍会产生僵尸围城。

MC-113970- Zombies of village siege do not spawn centered on a block

MC-113970- 僵尸围城中生成的僵尸未在方块正中央

MC-134964- Unexpected error: java.util.NoSuchElementException

MC-134964- 异常 java.util.NoSuchElementException

MC-142037- java.lang.NullPointerException: Initializing game

MC-142037- 初始化游戏时的空指针异常

MC-143755- Arbitrary score/selector/NBT resolution using lectern without operator rights

MC-143755- 即使没有 OP 权限也通过讲台解析JSON 聊天组件中的 score/selector/NBT

MC-143886- Acacia leaves render improprly from a distance

MC-143886- 在一定距离下金合欢树叶无法正常渲染

MC-146289- Farmer villagers don’t stop to pick up their crops

MC-146289- 农民村民不会停下来拾起掉落物

MC-147844- Pillagers don’t pathfind around obstacles & out of water

MC-147844- 掠夺者不能绕过障碍或游出水

MC-152094- End city/end ship generation gets cut at chunk borders sometimes

MC-152094- 有时末地城/船的生成会在区块边界被截断

MC-152636- Killing a zombie right as it converts into a Drowned will drop the loot from zombie while still converting into a Drowned

MC-152636- 杀死正在转换为溺尸的僵尸会掉落僵尸的战利品

MC-153498- Cyrillic letter #x0404; is not included in the Minecraft font

MC-153498- 西里尔字母 #x0404; 不在 Minecraft 字体里

MC-153665- Full villager inventory creates invisible items

MC-153665- 村民物品栏满后会使物品隐藏

MC-153712- Java using 100-200% CPU (MacOS)

MC-153712- Java 使用 100-200% 的 CPU(MacOS)

MC-153766- Rabbits no longer need sand/grass in order to spawn in deserts/tundras

MC-153766- 兔子不再需要沙子或草就能在沙漠、冻原中生成

MC-153892- Mending slows down breaking blocks

MC-153892- 经验修补使挖掘方块变慢

MC-154019- Beacon deactivate sound not sounds when you break the base

MC-154019- 破坏基座并不会触发信标的失活音效

MC-154031- villagers give away all food if they want to share it

MC-154031- 村民分享食物时会全送出去

MC-154068- parrots occasionally disappearing when you take them from a boat

MC-154068- 从船上取下鹦鹉有概率会消失

MC-154201- Trying to trade with villager immediately closes trading menu for some villagers

MC-154201- 尝试和某些村民交易时会立刻关闭交易菜单

MC-154362- Crossbow has to re-load when mending takes place

MC-154362- 经验修补生效后,弩需要重新上箭

MC-154509- Bashkir letters #x0498;, #x0499;, #x04a0;, #x04a1;, #x04aa; and #x04ab; are not included in the Minecraft font

MC-154509- 巴什基尔字母 #x0498;、#x0499;、#x04a0;、#x04a1;、#x04aa; 和 #x04ab; 不在 Minecraft 字体当中

MC-154668- Invalid characters crash the game in jigsaw block input upon pressing enter

MC-154668- 在拼图方块里面输入非法字符后按下回车会使游戏崩溃

MC-154830- All wall signs use oak color on maps

MC-154830- 地图上所有告示牌都显示橡木的颜色

MC-155092- Zombie sieges can happen on mushroom islands

MC-155092- 僵尸围城能够发生在蘑菇岛上

MC-155104- when closing a menu while moving the mouse, the screen will move in that direction

MC-155104- 移动鼠标时关闭菜单会让屏幕延该方向移动

MC-155172- Hostile Wolf AI has been broken. Wolves can no longer attack enemies efficiently.

MC-155172- 敌对性狼的AI问题, 导致狼不再能有效攻击生物。

MC-155238- Villagers picking up workstation through wall

MC-155238- 村民穿墙选择工作站

MC-155345- ConcurrentModificationException when a player leaves an active raid

MC-155345- 玩家离开已触发的袭击事件时导致的 ConcurrentModificationException 异常

MC-155571- Silverfish & Endermite spawners no longer functioning

MC-155571- 蠹虫和末影螨刷怪笼无法正常工作





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