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原创 Your kernel does not support swap memory limit

Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?systemctl start dockersystemctl enable dockersystemctl restart dockerYour kernel does not support swap memory limitjournalctl -fu dockervim /etc/defau

2020-12-02 15:28:25 916

原创 Failed to initialize NVML: Driver/library version mismatch


2020-11-23 21:49:40 760 1

原创 docker: Error response from daemon: could not select device driver ““ with capabilities: [[gpu]

docker: Error response from daemon: could not select device driver ““ with capabilities: [[gpu]这是因为没有安装nvidia container toolkit的结果,导致创建容器的时候无法选择CPU解决方法:Ubuntu18.04安装docker及nvidia docker...

2020-11-23 19:22:12 1321

转载 软件安装管家软件目录

  转载 软件目录(点击即可跳转) ①电脑办公 ②室内/外设计 ③平面设计 ④机械设计 ⑤影视动画  ⑥建筑设计 ⑧屏幕录像 ⑨开发编程 ⑩电子绘图 ⑪数据分析 ⑫理科工具 ⑬虚拟机 ①电脑办公 电脑系统(U盘安装)PE系统Win7Win8Win10XP 电脑系统(直接安装)Win7Win8Win10浏览器(纯净版)星愿浏览器  Of...

2020-10-03 14:50:04 10181 1

原创 学生免费使用pycharm专业版


2020-09-18 11:10:04 1007

原创 Anaconda python3.6版本下载及历史版本下载

Anaconda python3.6版本下载及历史版本下载下图是相对应的版本通过链接https://repo.anaconda.com/archive/可以访问历史发布版本可以用国内清华镜像下载相应的版本https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/anaconda/archive/...

2020-09-18 11:00:21 1334

原创 chrome谷歌浏览器不能拖拽安装插件


2020-09-18 09:32:10 2664 1

转载 VSCode Pylint 消除OpenCV PyTorch等程序中下面的红色波浪线

前言 VSCode版本 我是在Windows10下使用的最新版的VSCode:June 2020 (version 1.47) 问题 安装Anaconda后再安装VSCode,默认给我们安装了Pylint。而Pylint是什么呢,这里引用博客: pylint主要用来分析你的...

2020-09-17 21:33:31 585 1

原创 码云大小


2020-07-13 08:35:09 342

原创 UnicodeDecodeError: ‘utf-8‘ codec can‘t decode byte 0xbc in position 0: inva

UnicodeDecodeError: ‘utf-8’ codec can’t decode byte 0xbc in position 0: inva今天python读取txt文档的时候遇到这个报错,这个是编解码的问题,改成encoding='gbk’即可,因为txt文件里面就是这么编码的 with open('images/test_images/labels.txt','r', encoding='gbk') as f: for line in f.readlines():

2020-07-06 08:13:42 6297 2

原创 AttributeError: ‘str‘ object has no attribute ‘decode‘

AttributeError: ‘str’ object has no attribute ‘decode’解决方法直接去掉decode(‘utf8’)tips:str通过encode()方法可以编码为指定的bytes。反过来,当从网络或磁盘上读取了字节流,那么读到的数据就是bytes。要把bytes变为str,就需要用decode()方法。反之,则使用encode()方法即可!...

2020-07-06 07:44:56 691

转载 E:Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?

E:Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it? 在Ubuntu系统里用sudo apt-get instal

2020-06-10 08:44:48 593

转载 git clone、git pull和git fetch的用法及区别

本文转载自https://segmentfault.com/a/1190000017030384最近在一个学习小组里学习AI的课程,我们所有的学习资料和homework都放在gitlab上。今天一个小队友从gitlab上load仓库的时候问起了这个问题,正好在此总结记录一下,仅供参考。1.git clonegit clone顾名思义就是将其他仓库克隆到本地,包括被clone仓库的版本变化。举个例子,你当前目录比方说是在e:/course/中,此时若想下载远程仓库,本地无需git init,直接git.

2020-05-10 10:04:36 281

原创 git报错:fatal: Couldn't find remote ref master

如果新建的仓库在pull的时候有时会出现这个问题,这时候可以进行忽略,直接提交就行可以找出配置的用户名和邮箱是否正确git config user.name 或者 git config --global user.namegit config user.email 或者 git config --gloabl user.email检查远程仓库设置git remote -v如果发现远程仓库有错误的话,就删除一下再重新设置一下git remote rm origingit remote.

2020-05-09 13:47:33 4094

原创 python opencv帧合成视频

python opencv帧合成视频import cv2import osfrom datetime import datetime # print(cv2.__version__) def frames_to_video(save_path, frames_path): # fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'mp4v') fourc...

2020-05-01 15:26:32 1924

原创 ERROR: Unexpected bus error encountered in worker. This might be caused by insufficient shared memor

ERROR: Unexpected bus error encountered in worker. This might be caused by insufficient shared memory (shm)要将pytroch中Dataloader中的num_works改成0

2020-04-24 11:42:09 269

原创 Git fatal: protocol 'https' is not supported

Git fatal: protocol ‘https’ is not supported错误解决

2020-04-23 20:27:06 1591

原创 Winscp断点续传功能


2020-04-23 08:08:03 4408 2

原创 RuntimeError: Subtraction, the `-` operator, with a bool tensor is not supported. If you are trying

RuntimeError: Subtraction, the - operator, with a bool tensor is not supported. If you are trying to invert a mask, use the ~ or bitwise_not() operator instead今天训练的时候报了一个错需要将程序中的1-pred_best_iou换成 ~...

2020-04-14 18:28:03 3567 1

原创 No module named 'Cython'

No module named ‘Cython’pip install 即可

2020-04-14 17:55:30 7841

原创 ERROR: Unexpected bus error encountered in worker. This might be caused by insufficient shared memor

ERROR: Unexpected bus error encountered in worker. This might be caused by insufficient shared memory (shm).需要把dataloader里面的num_works设置成1

2020-03-25 14:04:46 734

原创 easy_install和pip区别

easy_install和pip区别pippip install packagename==version 安装包pip install --upgrade packagename=version升级包pip uninstall packagename 卸载包easy_installeasy_install packagename 安装包easy_install -U p...

2020-03-18 16:35:43 180

原创 SSH连接docker中的container


2020-03-18 08:32:00 267

原创 Ubuntu18.04配置深度学习环境


2020-03-17 09:02:58 269 1

原创 Consider using the `--user` option or check the permissions

今天win10更新pip的时候报错根据报错内容需要加一个 --user于是我加了一个 --user 但是因为刚才卸载了旧的pip新的没有装上就找不到Cannot open D:\anaconda\a\Scripts\pip-script.py需要用这样就OK了...

2020-03-17 08:52:44 3976 1

原创 RuntimeError: dictionary changed size during iteration

RuntimeError: dictionary changed size during iteration字典在遍历的时候不能修改字典元素需要改成

2020-03-16 17:11:22 146

原创 pytorch在推理时出现CUDA error: out of memory

pytorch在推理时出现CUDA error: out of memory发现是这个问题with torch.no_grad(): output = net(input)

2020-03-10 16:50:13 420 1

原创 UserWarning: nn.functional.upsample is deprecated. Use nn.functional.interpolate instead

UserWarning: nn.functional.upsample is deprecated. Use nn.functional.interpolate instead版本问题导致的import torch.nn.functional as F把F.upsample换成F.interpolate就行

2020-03-10 16:16:21 6360 1

原创 UserWarning: volatile was removed and now has no effect. Use `with torch.no_grad():` instead

UserWarning: volatile was removed and now has no effect. Use with torch.no_grad(): instead代码中原先是需要改成:应该是torch的版本问题所导致的。

2020-03-10 16:01:04 8899 1

原创 No module named 'pysot'

No module named ‘pysot’在运行pysot程序的时候报错需要添加环境变量export PYTHONPATH=/path/to/pysot:$PYTHONPATH

2020-03-07 09:39:05 894 1

原创 dtypes.py:526: FutureWarning: Passing (type, 1) or '1type' as a synonym of type is deprecated; in a

dtypes.py:526: FutureWarning: Passing (type, 1) or ‘1type’ as a synonym of type is deprecated; in a future version of numpy, it will be understood as (type, (1,)) / ‘(1,)type’.安装完tensorflow报错,是numpy版...

2020-03-05 20:49:12 359

原创 ImportError: libcublas.so.10.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

ImportError: libcublas.so.10.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory安装完tensorflow后报错,这是tensorflow和cuda版本号不对应所导致的,一定要对应https://tensorflow.google.cn/install/source可以看对应的版本号...

2020-03-05 20:23:38 134

原创 ImportError: cannot import name 'PILLOW_VERSION'

ImportError: cannot import name ‘PILLOW_VERSION’出现报错,发现有pillow但是依然报错,应该是版本问题卸载一下,装一下低版本的,我的版是7.0.0pip uninstall pillowpip install pillow==6.2.2 -i https://pypi.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/simple some-pa...

2020-03-05 19:29:39 223

原创 ImportError: libgthread-2.0.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

ImportError: libgthread-2.0.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory解决方法:sudo apt-get install libglib2.0-0

2020-03-04 21:50:12 1124

原创 ImportError: libSM.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

ImportError: libSM.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory需要进行安装apt-get updateapt-get install -y libsm6 libxext6 libxrender-devpip install opencv-python

2020-03-04 09:20:00 179

原创 WARNING:tensorflow:Entity bound method Conv.call of tensorflow.python.layers.convolutional

WARNING:tensorflow:Entity <bound method Conv.call of <tensorflow.python.layers.convolutional.Conv2D object at 0x7f33eed68f60>> could not be transformed and will be executed as-isWarming t...

2020-02-29 16:12:14 3544 1

原创 深度学习中训练集、验证集、测试集


2019-10-11 09:51:23 683

原创 解决ADS1.2安装到100%后卡住,安装失败,打开后出现报错问题


2018-11-20 21:56:51 9669 2



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