new (chisel3.stage.ChiselStage).execute --help ouput

Usage: chisel [options] [<arg>...]

Shell Options
  <arg>...                 optional unbounded args
  -td, --target-dir <directory>
                           Work directory (default: '.')
  -faf, --annotation-file <file>
                           An input annotation file
  -foaf, --output-annotation-file <file>
                           An output annotation file
  --show-registrations     print discovered registered libraries and transforms
  --help                   prints this usage text
Logging Options
  -ll, --log-level {error|warn|info|debug|trace}
                           Set global logging verbosity (default: None
  -cll, --class-log-level <FullClassName:{error|warn|info|debug|trace}>...
                           Set per-class logging verbosity
  --log-file <file>        Log to a file instead of STDOUT
  -lcn, --log-class-names  Show class names and log level in logging output
Chisel Front End Options
  -chnrf, --no-run-firrtl  Do not run the FIRRTL compiler (generate FIRRTL IR from Chisel and exit)
  --full-stacktrace        Show full stack trace when an exception is thrown
  --throw-on-first-error   Throw an exception on the first error instead of continuing
                           Warn when reflective naming changes the name of signals (3.6 migration)
  --chisel-output-file <file>
                           Write Chisel-generated FIRRTL to this file (default: <circuit-main>.fir)
  --module <package>.<module>
                           The name of a Chisel module to elaborate (module must be in the classpath)
FIRRTL Compiler Options
  -i, --input-file <file>  An input FIRRTL file
  -I, --input-directory <directory>
                           A directory of FIRRTL files
  -o, --output-file <file>
                           The output FIRRTL file
  --info-mode <ignore|use|gen|append>
                           Source file info handling mode (default: use)
  --firrtl-source <string>
                           An input FIRRTL circuit string
  -fct, --custom-transforms <package>.<class>
                           Run these transforms during compilation
  --change-name-case <lower|upper>
                           Convert all FIRRTL names to a specific case
  -X, --compiler <none|high|middle|low|verilog|mverilog|sverilog>
                           The FIRRTL compiler to use (default: verilog)
  -E, --emit-circuit <chirrtl|high|middle|low|verilog|mverilog|sverilog>
                           Run the specified circuit emitter (all modules in one file)
  -P, --emit-circuit-protobuf <chirrtl|mhigh|high|middle|low|low-opt>
                           Run the specified circuit emitter generating a Protocol Buffer format
  -e, --emit-modules <chirrtl|high|middle|low|verilog|mverilog|sverilog>
                           Run the specified module emitter (one file per module)
  -p, --emit-modules-protobuf <chirrtl|mhigh|high|middle|low|low-opt>
                           Run the specified module emitter (one protobuf per module)
  --emission-options <disableMemRandomization,disableRegisterRandomization>
                           Options to disable random initialization for memory and registers
  --no-dedup               Do NOT dedup modules
                           (deprecated, this option does nothing)
                           Disable expression inlining
  --dont-fold <primop>     Disable folding of specific primitive operations
  --target:fpga            Choose compilation strategies that generally favor FPGA targets
  --start-from <chirrtl|mhigh|high|middle|low|low-opt>
  --no-cse                 Disable common subexpression elimination
                           Allow annotation files to contain unrecognized annotations
  --wave-viewer-script <value>
                           <json>, you can combine them like 'json', pass empty string will generate json
FIRRTL Transform Options
  --no-dce                 Disable dead code elimination
  --no-check-comb-loops    Disable combinational loop checking
  -fil, --inline <circuit>[.<module>[.<instance>]][,...]
                           Inline selected modules
  -clks, --list-clocks -c:<circuit>:-m:<module>:-o:<filename>
                           List which signal drives each clock of every descendent of specified modules
  --no-asa                 Disable assert submodule assumptions
                           Disable constant propagation elimination
  --lint [*]|[<lintRule>,<lintRule>,...]
                           Enable linting for specified rules, where * is all rules. Available rules: anon-regs,trunc-widths,conflicting-module-names.
  --lint-options (strict|warn)[,displayTotal=<numError>][,display:<lintName>=<numError>]
                           Customize linting options, including strict/warn or number of violations displayed.
  --lint-whitelist:anon-regs <filename1>.scala[,<filename2>.scala]*
                           Enable linting anonymous registers for all files except provided files.
  --lint-whitelist:trunc-widths <filename1>.scala[,<filename2>.scala]*
                           Enable linting anonymous registers for all files except provided files.
  --lint-whitelist:conflicting-module-names <filename1>.scala[,<filename2>.scala]*
                           Enable linting anonymous registers for all files except provided files.
  --with-aspect <package>.<aspect>
                           The name/class of an aspect to compile with (must be a class/object without arguments!)
  --tr-write-vcd           writes vcd execution log, filename will be based on top-name
                           vcd output by default does not show var that start with underscore, this overrides that
  --tr-verbose             makes the treadle very verbose
  --tr-allow-cycle         will try to run when firrtl contains combinational loops
  --tr-random-seed <value>
                           sets the seed for Treadle's random number generator
                           show the low firrtl source treadle is using to build simulator
                           save the low firrtl source treadle is using to build simulator
                           Deprecated: This option has no effect and will be removed in treadle 1.4
  --tr-validif-random      validIf returns random value when condition is false
  --tr-rollback-buffers <value>
                           number of rollback buffers, 0 is no buffers, default is 0
  --tr-mem-to-vcd <value>  log specified memory/indices to vcd, format "all" or "memoryName:1,2,5-10" 
  --tr-clock-info <value>  comma separated list of clock-name[:period[:initial-offset]]
  --tr-symbols-to-watch <value>
  --tr-reset-name <value>  name of the default reset signal
                           makes treadle do it's own randomization of circuit at startup
                           makes treadle do it's own reset at startup, usually for internal use only
                           add in the black boxes needed to simulate rocket
                           Adds a string "[<wall-time>]" to the front of printf lines, helps match to vcd
  --tr-firrtl-source-string <value>
                           a serialized firrtl circuit, mostly used internally
  -tfsf, --tr-firrtl-source-file <value>
                           specify treadle repl source file
                           Will ignore Forma Assume statements
  --tr-enable-coverage <value>
                           Enables automatic line coverage on tests
MemLib Options
  -firw, --infer-rw        Enable read/write port inference for memories
  -frsq, --repl-seq-mem -c:<circuit>:-i:<file>:-o:<file>
                           Blackbox and emit a configuration file for each sequential memory
  -gmv, --gen-mem-verilog <blackbox|full>
                           Blackbox and emit a Verilog behavior model for each sequential memory

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