Given the following list:
I want to filter strings longer than 3 characters. I achieve this with the following code:
With for loop:
long_dna = []
for element in DNA_list:
length = len(element)
if int(length) > 3:
print long_dna
But I want my code to be more general, so I can later filter strings of any length, so I use a function and for loop:
def get_long(dna_seq, threshold):
return len(dna_seq) > threshold
long_dna_loop2 = []
for element in DNA_list:
if get_long(element, 3) is True:
print long_dna_loop2
I want to achieve the same generality using filter() but I cannot achieve this. If I use the above function get_long(), I simply cannot pass arguments to it when I use it with filter(). Is it just not possible or is there a way around it?
My code with filter() for the specific case:
def is_long(dna):
return len(dna) > 3
long_dna_filter = filter(is_long, DNA_list)
Use lambda to provide the threshold, like this:
filter(lambda seq: get_long(seq, 3),