simevents opens the main SimEvents® library.
SimEvents integrates discrete-event system modeling into the Simulink® time-based framework. In time-based systems, a signal changes value in
response to the simulation clock, and state updates occur synchronously with time. In
discrete-event or event-based systems, state transitions depend on asynchronous discrete
incidents called events.
SimEvents provides a discrete-event simulation engine and component library for
analyzing event-driven system models and optimizing performance characteristics such as
latency, throughput, and packet loss. Queues, servers, switches, and other predefined blocks
enable you to model routing, processing delays, and prioritization for scheduling and
In SimEvents:
Entity — A discrete item or object of interest based on the application domain. For
example an entity can represent vehicles arriving at a gas station, messages within a
communication network, planes on a runway, or trains within a signaling system.
Event — Asynchronous discrete incidents. For example, an event can represent an
entity entry to a block or entity departure from a block.
Event Action — A custom action invoked by an event. You can customize event actions
using MATLAB® code that performs calculations and Simulink function calls.
SimEvents blocks can produce, process, and route entities. The blocks can also attach
data to entities and manipulate entity data using event actions.