I am using Abaqus (6.13) to run FEM thermal simulations. I need to get the total external heat flux aplied on that model. My searches indicated that the only way to get it was to sum de RFLE history output on the whole model and it works fine. The problem is that I have a ~300 000 elements model and that the simple opening of the Report/XY window takes a couple of hours.
In order to simplify my exportations, I made an exporting macro with the macro manager of Abaqus. The recording starts before importing the odb in abaqus and ends after exporting the report containing the X/Y datas.
This generated macro is big (~900 000 lines) so I give you here a cropped version of it:
# -*- coding: mbcs -*-
# Do not delete the following import lines
from abaqus import *
from abaqusConstants import *
import __main__
def OdbMacro1():
import section
import regionToolset
import displayGroupMdbToolset as dgm
import part
import material
import assembly
import step
import interaction
import load
import mesh
import optimization
import job
import sketch
import visualization
import xyPlot
import displayGroupOdbToolset as dgo
import connectorBehavior
import os
o1 = session.openOdb(name='C:\FolderPath\odb.odb')
session.viewports['Viewport: 1'].setValues(displayedObject=o1)
odb = session.odbs['C:\FolderPath\odb.odb']
xy0 = xyPlot.XYDataFromHistory(odb=odb,
outputVariableName='Nodal temperature: NT11 PI: PAD-1 Node 10 in NSET PADSURF_BACK',
steps=('Step-2', ), suppressQuery=True)
xy1 = xyPlot.XYDataFromHistory(odb=odb,
outputVariableName='Nodal temperature: NT11 PI: PAD-1 Node 10053 in NSET PADSURF_BACK',
steps=('Step-2', ), suppressQuery=True)
xy2 = xyPlot.XYDataFromHistory(odb=odb,
outputVariableName='Nodal temperature: NT11 PI: PAD-1 Node 10054 in NSET PADSURF_BACK',
steps=('Step-2', )