【Practice English Experience】How To Write A Formal Email? (Email Format and Samples)如何写标准的英文电子邮件?


一、主题行 Subject line


以下关键点应该keep in mind:

  • Make the subject line specific, simple, and to the point. For example, instead of ‘The internship report you asked for’, write, ‘Internship Report, {date/week/month}’.
  • The subject line should be short. Ideally, your subject line should stand around six words.
  • Keep the most important and informative words in the beginning of the subject line.
  • Use markers like Fwd, Reply, Urgent, or Notice to further narrow down the subject. It informs your reader about the nature of your email.

一些good的Subject line例子:

  • Marketing Data for July 2018
  • Marketing Budget, October 2018
  • List of New Freelancers
  • Job Application for the Post of XYZ
  • Leave Application
  • Query Regarding the Missing Information in the Document
  • Contract Agreement - XYZ Assignment

二、Salutation 致意

每封电子邮件都是针对某人的。 开始您的正式电子邮件,以适合您与他们的关系的方式称呼收件人。

For people you are unfamiliar with or do not know the names of, use ‘To Whom It May Concern’ or ‘Dear sir/madam’.

For senior officials, stick to their designation or follow it with their name, for example, ‘To the Manager’, ‘Dear Dr. Ghosh’, or ‘Dear Ms. Kapoor’.

Among colleagues, it may be appropriate to simply precede the name with a ‘Hi’.

Do not skip the salutation and always be respectful. Never use nicknames or just surnames or first names when you write a formal email.

三、Body of the email 邮件主体

  • The opening paragraph should set the tone and reason for your email. Introduce yourself if you are a stranger to the person you are writing to, and jot down why you are writing to them.

For example, you can begin with ‘My name is Abc, and this email is with reference to Xyz.’ or ‘This is with reference to the marketing budget as discussed in the meeting.

  • Elaborate on your concern, question, or response as comprehensively as possible. Write in a way that is easy to understand, but at the same time, do not lose your point in providing unnecessary information. Say only what is required.
  • The closing of the email should also support the nature and format of a formal email. If you are asking a question, close with something like ‘Hope to have an answer from you soon’, or ‘Looking forward to hearing from you soon’, and if you are addressing a question, end with ‘Hope I have sufficiently answered your query/doubts.

四、Signature 签名

These are the last words when you write a formal email and is capable of forming a lasting impression on your reader.

  • Sign off with a simple word or phrase, which conveys respect. Safe choices are ‘Best regards’, ‘Warmly’, ‘Sincerely’, ‘Kind regards’, or simply ‘Thanks’.
  • If you are writing to someone for the first time or someone who is not an immediate colleague or senior, use your full name.
  • Furnish your name with contact information. Your phone number and/or work address are enough.
  • If you are writing on behalf of or as an employee of an institution, make sure to mention it along with adequate contact details
  • To make your signature even more effective, you may also choose or design an attractive (but not flashy) template.

Tip: Stay abreast and do not use outdated format of a formal email. There is no need to write a date when using electronic modes of communication. Keep all your text left-aligned when you write a formal email.

Formal Email Samples 标准格式例子

Email sample 1: A request

Subject: Extension on Report Deadline

Dear Mr./Ms. {Recipient’s sir name},

I am writing this to request you for an extension on the XYZ project report which is due on {date}. My mother has taken ill unexpectedly, and I must leave for home tonight. I’m afraid it will take me a week before I can return to the office and complete the report.

Kindly grant me an extension till {date} for the same. I promise to deliver the project report by then.

{Your name}
{Phone number}

Email sample 2: A question

Subject: Enquiry about Conference Centre Timings

Dear sir/madam,

I am writing to enquire about the timings for the conference centre at {place}. Our company is hosting a delegation from {place} and is interested in booking the centre for an important corporate event on {date}. I checked your website but could not find the information I require.

If you could kindly send across the timings when the conference centre is available, we can design an itinerary at the earliest and share the schedule with you to initiate the booking procedure.

Looking forward to an early response.

{Your name}
{Phone nmber}
{Designation, company}

Email sample 3: A complaint

Subject: Complaint against Gender Discrimination in the Office

Dear Mr./Ms. {Recipient’s name}

This is to bring to your notice an instance of discrimination on the basis of gender in the office. I was due for a meeting with {name, department} this month, and was surprised to see that I was dropped from the plan at the last minute. In a conversation with {name of offending person} on {date} about it, I was told that the move was taken because they did not feel I would land the deal as a woman and that “it was best left to the men”.

I have worked tirelessly in {Name of Company} for the last {Time Period}. Given the reputation of {Name of Company} as a female-friendly and discrimination-free workplace, and I am appalled at being treated like this.

I have previously raised this issue privately with {name of offending person} but failed to receive an apology or a satisfactory response. I wish to pursue this further with this official complaint and come to a swift and fitting solution with the help of Human Resources and other members of Management.

Hoping to see this matter dealt with at the earliest,
{Your name}
{Phone number}

Email sample 4: A response to a query/complaint

Subject: Response to complaint dated {date}

Dear {Name of Complainant},

I would like to apologize for the disappointment caused to you on behalf of the company. I assure you that your complaint has been forwarded to the concerned department and strict action is being taken to rectify the situation.

Your satisfaction with our services and your feedback as a client are of the utmost importance to us. I would be happy to answer any further queries while we look into this matter.

Thank you for your patience.

Best regards,
{Your name}
{Phone number}

Email sample 5: An announcement or statement

Subject: New member in the team!

Dear all,

I am glad to introduce you to {name of person}, who will be assisting us as an intern for the next 6 months. He is a third-year Economics student at {name of institution}, and is excited about joining the team.

I hope to see you all welcome him into the office and provide him with your help and feedback wherever necessary.

Fond regards,
{Your name}




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