from shapely.geometry importasLineString, asMultiPointdefget_path(n0, n1):"""If n0 and n1 are connected nodes in the graph,
this function will return an array of point
coordinates along the line linking
these two nodes."""
return np.array(json.loads(nx_list_subgraph[n0][n1][‘Json‘])[‘coordinates‘])defget_full_path(path):"""Create numpy array line result
:param path: results of nx.shortest_path function
:return: coordinate pairs along a path"""p_list=[]
curp=Nonefor i in range(len(path)-1):
p= get_path(path[i], path[i+1])if curp isNone:
curp=pif np.sum((p[0]-curp)**2) > np.sum((p[-1]-curp)**2):
p= p[::-1, :]
curp= p[-1]returnnp.vstack(p_list)defwrite_geojson(outfilename, indata):"""create GeoJSON file
:param outfilename: name of output file
:param indata:
:return: a new GeoJSON file"""with open(outfilename,"w") as file_out:
file_out.write(json.dumps(indata))if __name__ == ‘__main__‘:#use Networkx to load a Noded shapefile
#returns a graph where each node is a coordinate pair
#and the edge is the line connecting the two nodes
nx_load_shp = nx.read_shp("../geodata/shp/e01_network_lines_3857.shp")#A graph is not always connected, so we take the largest connected subgraph
#by using the connected_component_subgraphs function.
nx_list_subgraph =list(nx.connected_component_subgraphs(nx_load_shp.to_undirected()))[0]#获取所有节点
#get all the nodes in the network
nx_nodes =np.array(nx_list_subgraph.nodes())#output the nodes to a GeoJSON file to view in QGIS
network_nodes =asMultiPoint(nx_nodes)
network_nodes.__geo_interface__)#this number represents the nodes position
#in the array to identify the node
start_node_pos = 30end_node_pos= 21
#Compute the shortest path. Dijkstra‘s algorithm.
nx_short_path =nx.shortest_path(nx_list_subgraph,
weight=‘distance‘)print(nx_short_path)#create numpy array of coordinates representing result path
nx_array_path =get_full_path(nx_short_path)print("------------------------------------")print(nx_short_path)#将路径点连成线
#convert numpy array to Shapely Linestring
out_shortest_path =asLineString(nx_array_path)