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Part1 : 

1. Study /work 

Doyou study or work ? 

2. bored 

whatwould you do when you feel bored ? why ?  

whendo you feel bored ? 

3. vacation 

whatdid you do for your last vacation ? 

Doyou like planning vacation ? 

4.  shoes 

howoften do you buy shoes ? 

Doyou prefer comfortable shoes or fashionable shoes ?

Doyou buy shoes online ? 

5. music 

Doyou like listening to music ? 

whatkind of music you dislike ? 

Haveyou ever been to the music concert before ? 

doyou play music instrument ? 

6. sky 

Do you like watching the sky ? 

what's the sky like at night in your hometown ? 

Do you like watching stars ? 

Have you ever taken a course about stars ? 

Is it important to study stars ? 

what's your favorite star ? 

7. cooking 

Doyou usually cook ? 

Doyou eat at home or eat outside ? 

whypeople like cooking by themselves ? 

8. cinema 

Doyou often go to the cinema ? 

Didyou often watch films in cenema when you were a child ? 

Doyou prefer going to cinema with friends or watching films  at home ? 

9. school 

howdid you feel in your first day of school ? 

Doyou think anything should be changed in your childhood ? 

10. house/apartment 

Doyou live in a house or an apartment ? 

what'syour favorite room ? 

Willyou move out of your home in the future ? 

11. restaurant 

what kind of restaurant do you like going ? 

Do you go to the restaurant to celebrate sth.?  

Would you like to try new restaurant in the future ? 

Do you prefer to go to a restaurant alone or with friends ? 

12.  rainy days 

Doyou like rainy days ? 

Doyou prefer wet weather or dry weather ? 

Doesa raining day stop you from doing outdoor activities ? 

Doesit rain a lot in your living place? 

13. movie star 

Who is your favorite movie star ? 

Are there any foreign movie stars famous in China ? 

Do you think you can be a star ? 

14.  teacher

What help teachers can give students ? 

what difference roles and parents play in teaching youngpeople ? 

what character make a good teacher ? 

Can teacher help students learn all subjects well ? 

15. sunglasses 

Doyou like wearing sunglasses ? 

Howoften do you wear sunglasses ? 

whatkind of sunglasses do you like buying ?

Doyou buy sunglasses for others ? 

Didyou send sunglasses to sb. ? 

Doyou buy expensive sunglasses ? 

Haveyou ever lost sunglasses before ? 

16.  weekend 

wheredo you usually go at weekends ? 

Doyou like staying alone or staying together with friends ? 

17. Photo-taking

Do you like taking photos ?

Do you prefer to take photos by camera ormobile phone ?

What type of photo-taking skill do you wantto learn most ?

18. tea/coffeedrinking

Is tea and coffee popular in China ?

Did you drink tea or coffee recently whenyou were out ?

Do you make tea or coffee when friends come?

19. painting

Are there any paintings in your bedroom ?

Who is your favorite painter ?

Do you want to collect paintings (in thefuture )

Did you learn pain before ?

Part 2 部分: 

Describe an intelligentperson you know 

you should know : 

who the person is 

what does he or she do 

why you think he/she is smart 

and explain how do you feel about him or her 

Describe a person you have seen who is beautiful orhandsome 

you should say: 

when you saw this person 

where you saw this person 

what kind of personality this person has 

and explain why do you think this person is handsome orbeautiful 

Describe an interestinganimal 

you should say: 

what it is 

what it looks like

and explain why do you think it is an interesting animal 

Describe a person you wantted to be similar when you weregrowing 

you should say: 

who the person was 

how did you know this person 

what did this person do 

and explain why did you want to be similar with this person 

Describe a historicalperiod you are interested in

You shouldsay:

What itwas

When didyou know this historic period

And explainwhy are you interested in it

Describe a change happened of your area recently

You shouldsay:

What thechange was

Where itwas

When ?

And explainhow did you feel about the change

1. Describe a good law in your country (你们国家一则好的法律)

2.Describe a place you can study easily/well (一个让你很容易学习的地方)

3. Describea childhood game you played in your childhood (童年游戏)

4. Describea sport you watch on TV and you want to try (在电视上看过并想尝试的运动)

5. Describea clothes you wear on special occasion (一个特定场合穿的衣服)

6. Describe a foreign language you want tolearn (except English 想学的一门外语)

7. Describea friend in your childhood (童年时的一个朋友)

8. Describe an interesting thing a friendhas done that you also want to do ( what/when he did it? how he felt about that? why you want to try ? 一个你朋友做过,你也想尝试的事) 

9. Describe a person who does sth. toprotect the environment (一个保护环境的人)

10. Describe a time you looked forsth./some infomationon on  the internet (上网搜索信息) 

11. Describe a trip you had dby takingpublic transportation (一次用公共交通的旅行)

12. Describe a successful familyyou know (你知道的一个成功的家族生意)

13. Describe a place you would like togo in the future (一个你将来想去的地方)

14.  Describe a party you attended (一个你参加过的派对)

15. Describe an interesting part ofyour country (你们国家的一个有趣的地方) 

16. Describe an interesting talk or lecture(一个有趣的讲座或讲话) 

17. Describe sth. happened recentlythat made you feel happy  (最近让你开心的事)

18.Describe a useful skill you taught to sb. Who is younger than you(你教过比你年轻人的什么技能)

19. Describean outdoor place or indoor place where you can study very well (一个你学习的地方).

20. Describe an occasion that a person don’ttell the complete truth (一个没有完全讲实话的场合)

21. Describe sth. Someone lost (丢的东西)

22. Describe an important plant in yourcountry (国家重要的一个植物)

23. Describe a person you want to study orwork with (一个你喜欢工作或一起学习的人)

24. Describe a teenager you are familiar with(一个你熟悉的青少年).


中文名字林迁,英文名字Aaron ,  

  • 英国培生教育集团---北京环球雅思总校金牌雅思口语听力主讲。口语,听力教师培训师教雅思口语,从事雅思听力,口语, 托福口语,托福听力 教学工作11载。

  • 2016年荣获腾讯教育“中国好老师”金牌讲师,教师培训师。

  • 莫纳什大学访问学者,在莫纳什大学进修“商务英语”。

  • BC 官方首批认证雅思教师, ETS 官方认证托福教师。

  • “迁哥雅思口语听力”  +  “迁哥托福口语听力”的运营作者,新浪微博知名“教育博主, 头条文章作者”!

  • 《三剑客带你征服雅思口语》畅销书的合著作者。

  • 以“考官思维”的模式帮助万千考生夺取雅思,托福高分。以多年在国外从事商务口译工作的海外生活经历,同学生分享国外的native speaker的绝对地道表达,使雅思,托福课堂不再boring!

  • 教学理念: 作为一个雅思口语,托福口语,雅思听力,托福听力老师,深信最好的教学方法不在于自己,而在于学生之间,深信“取之于民,用之于民”的道理。老师必须注重同学生的时常沟通+积极鼓励+富有责任+因材施教+权威预测+权威发布+不断学习=“为师者”!



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