


2008-07-01 回答


Option Explicit

Const PI = 3.14159265358979

Const e = 2.71828182845905

Dim Express As String

Dim expr As String

Private Function Operate(Woperate As String, a As Double, b As Double) As Double

On Error GoTo myerr

Select Case Woperate

Case "+"

Operate = a + b

Case "-"

Operate = a - b

Case "*"

Operate = a * b

Case "/"

Operate = a / b

Case "^"

Operate = a ^ b

End Select

myerr: If Err <> 0 Then MsgBox Error: Exit Function

End Function

Private Function InstrAsc(Wstring As String, START As Long, UAscii As Integer, LAscii As Integer) As Long

Dim a As Long

Dim b As String

Dim lenth As Long

lenth = Len(Wstring)

For a = START To lenth

b = Mid(Wstring, a, 1)

If Asc(b) < UAscii + 1 And Asc(b) > LAscii - 1 Then InstrAsc = a: Exit For


If a > lenth Then InstrAsc = 0

End Function

Private Function Compute(WExpress As String) As Double

Dim a As Double

Dim b As Double

Dim i As Long

Dim l As Long

Dim r As Long

Dim answer As Double

Dim temp As Long

Dim Express As String

Dim isfunc As Boolean

Express = WExpress

Dim lenth As Long

'lenth = Len(express)

Dim ex As String

Dim fun As String



For i = Len(Express) To 1 Step -1

ex = Mid(Express, i, 1)

If ex = "^" Then

FindNum Express, i, a, b, l, r

answer = Operate(ex, a, b)

Express = Mid(Express, 1, l - 1) & CStr(answer) & Mid(Express, r + 1)

Exit For

End If


Loop Until i = 0



fun = ""

isfunc = False

For i = Len(Express) To 1 Step -1

ex = Mid(Express, i, 1)

If Asc(ex) <= vbKeyZ And Asc(ex) >= vbKeyA And ex <> "E" And ex <> "-" And ex <> "+" Then

fun = ex & fun

If isfunc = False Then l = i

isfunc = True


If isfunc = True Then Exit For

End If


i = i + 1

' If i = 0 Then Exit Do

If fun = "" Then Exit Do

FindNum Express, l, a, b, temp, r

answer = Func(fun, b)

Express = Mid(Express, 1, i - 1) & answer & Mid(Express, r + 1)

Loop Until i = 0



For i = 1 To Len(Express)

ex = Mid(Express, i, 1)

If ex = "*" Or ex = "/" Then

FindNum Express, i, a, b, l, r

answer = Operate(ex, a, b)

Express = Mid(Express, 1, l - 1) & CStr(answer) & Mid(Express, r + 1)

End If


Loop Until i = Len(Express) + 1


On Error Resume Next

Dim g As Double


For i = 1 To Len(Express)

ex = Mid(Express, i, 1)

Err = 0

g = CDbl2(Express)

If Err = 0 Then Exit Do

If i > 1 And (ex = "+" Or ex = "-") Then

If Mid(Express, i - 1, 1) <> "E" Then

FindNum Express, i, a, b, l, r

answer = Operate(ex, a, b)

Express = Mid(Express, 1, l - 1) & CStr(answer) & Mid(Express, r + 1)

End If

End If


Loop Until i = Len(Express) + 1

Compute = CDbl2(Express)

End Function

Private Sub DelSpace()

Dim a As Long

Dim lenth As Long

'lenth = Len(Text1.Text)

For a = 1 To Len(Text1.Text)

If Mid(Text1.Text, a, 1) = " " Then

Text1.Text = Left(Text1.Text, a - 1) & Mid(Text1.Text, a + 1)

a = a - 1

End If


End Sub

Private Function FindNum(ByVal Wstring As Variant, ByVal START As Long, a As Variant, b As Variant, l As Long, r As Long) As Boolean

On Error Resume Next

Dim a0 As String

Dim b0 As String

Dim X As Long

Dim Y As String

Dim lenth As Long

'lenth = Len(WString)

For X = START - 1 To 1 Step -1

Y = Mid(Wstring, X, 1)

If Asc(Y) >= vbKey0 And Asc(Y) <= vbKey9 Or Y = "." Or Y = "E" Or Mid(Wstring, X - 1, 1) = "E" Or _

(FindChar(Mid(Wstring, X - 1, 2), "-", "+", "*", "/") > 0 And (Y = "-" Or Y = "+")) Then ' And x = 1 And (y = "-" Or y = "+")) Then

a0 = Y & a0

Else: Exit For

End If

l = X


For X = START + 1 To Len(Wstring)

Y = Mid(Wstring, X, 1)

If Asc(Y) >= vbKey0 And Asc(Y) <= vbKey9 Or Y = "." Or Y = "E" Or Mid(Wstring, X - 1, 1) = "E" Or _

(FindChar(Mid(Wstring, X - 1, 2), "-", "+", "*", "/") > 0 And (Y = "-" Or Y = "+")) Or (Asc(Mid(Wstring, X - 1, 1)) <= vbKeyZ And Asc(Mid(Wstring, X - 1, 1)) >= vbKeyA And Asc(Mid(Wstring, X - 1, 1)) <> vbKeyE) Then

b0 = b0 & Y

Else: Exit For

End If

r = X


a = CDbl2(a0)

b = CDbl2(b0)

If Err Then FindNum = False Else FindNum = True

End Function

Private Sub Command0_Click()

If Text1.Text = "" Then Exit Sub

expr = Text1.Text

Text1 = Cal

End Sub

Private Function Cal() As Double

Dim a As Long

Dim b As Long

Dim sign As String

Dim answer As String



For b = 1 To Len(Express)

sign = Mid(Express, b, 1)

If sign = ")" Then a = instr2(Express, "(", b): Exit For


If sign <> ")" Then Exit Do

answer = Compute(Mid(Express, a + 1, b - a - 1))

Express = Mid(Express, 1, a - 1) & CStr(answer) & Mid(Express, b + 1)

If b = Len(Express) + 1 Then

If Asc(Mid(Express, 2, 1)) > vbKeyZ Or Asc(Mid(Express, 2, 1)) < vbKeyA Then

If Left(Express, 1) = "(" Then Express = Mid(Express, 2, Len(Express) - 2)

Exit Do

End If

End If


Cal = Express

End Function

Private Function instr2(Wstring As String, Wfind As String, START As Long) As Long

Dim a As Long

For a = START To 1 Step -1

If Mid(Wstring, a, 1) = Wfind Then instr2 = a: Exit For


End Function

Private Sub START()

On Error Resume Next

Dim a As Long

Dim b As Long

Dim sign As String

Dim answer As String

Dim l As Long

Dim r As Long

'Dim a0, b0


Express = "(" & Text1.Text & ")"

For a = 1 To Len(Express)

If Mid(Express, a, 1) = "(" Then

b = b + 1

ElseIf Mid(Express, a, 1) = ")" Then b = b - 1

End If


For a = 1 To b

Express = Express & ")"


Express = UCase(Express)


For a = 1 To Len(Express) - 1

If Asc(Mid(Express, a, 1)) < vbKey9 + 1 And Asc(Mid(Express, a, 1)) > vbKey0 - 1 _

And (Mid(Express, a + 1, 1) = "(" Or (Asc(Mid(Express, a + 1, 1)) < vbKeyZ + 1 _

And Asc(Mid(Express, a + 1, 1)) > vbKeyA - 1) And Mid(Express, a + 1, 1) <> "E") Then

Express = Mid(Express, 1, a) & "*" & Mid(Express, a + 1)

' FindNum Express, a + 1, a0, b0, l, r

' l = iif(InstrAsc(Express, a + 2, vbKey9, vbKey0)>findchar(express,"+","-","*","/") ,

Exit For

End If


If Err Then Exit Do

Loop Until a = Len(Express)

'Print Express

End Sub

Private Sub FUHAO()

Dim a As Long

Dim b As Long

Dim c As String


' For a = 1 To Len(express)

' if Mid(a, 1)="

End Sub

Private Function CDbl2(Express As String) As Double

Dim a As Long

Dim cou As Long

Dim b As String

b = Express

For a = 1 To Len(Express)

If Mid(Express, a, 1) = "-" Then cou = cou + 1


If cou > 0 Then

For a = 1 To Len(Express)

If Mid(Express, a, 1) = "." Or Asc(Mid(Express, a, 1)) <= vbKey9 And Asc(Mid(Express, a, 1)) >= vbKey0 Then Exit For


cou = cou Mod 2

If cou = 1 Then b = "-" & Mid(Express, a) Else b = Mid(Express, a)

End If

CDbl2 = CDbl(b)

End Function

Private Function FindChar(Wstring As String, Char As String, Optional Char2 As String, Optional char3 As String, Optional char4 As String) As Long

Dim a As Long

If Char2 = "" Then Char2 = Char

If char3 = "" Then char3 = Char

If char4 = "" Then char4 = Char

FindChar = 0

For a = 1 To Len(Wstring)

If Mid(Wstring, a, 1) <> Char And Mid(Wstring, a, 1) <> Char2 And Mid(Wstring, a, 1) <> char3 And Mid(Wstring, a, 1) <> char4 Then

FindChar = a - 1

Exit For

End If


If a = Len(Wstring) + 1 Then FindChar = a - 1

End Function

Private Function Func(WFunction As String, a As Double) As Double

On Error Resume Next

Select Case WFunction

Case "SIN"

Func = Sin(a)

Case "COS"

Func = Cos(a)

Case "TAN"

Func = Tan(a)

Case "TG"

Func = Tan(a)

Case "ARCTG"

Func = Atn(a)

Case "ABS"

Func = Abs(a)

Case "LN"

Func = Log(a)

Case "LG"

Func = Log(a) / Log(10)

Case "LOG"

Func = Log(a) / Log(10)

Case "EXP"

Func = Exp(a)

Case "SQR"

Func = Sqr(a)

Case "SEC"

Func = 1 / Cos(a)

Case "CSC"

Func = 1 / Sin(a)

Case "CTG"

Func = 1 / Tan(a)


Func = Atn(a / Sqr(-a * a + 1))


Func = Atn(-a / Sqr(-a * a + 1)) + PI / 2


Func = Atn(a / Sqr(a * a - 1)) + Sgn((a) - 1) * (PI / 2)


Func = Atn(a / Sqr(a * a - 1)) + (Sgn(a) - 1) * (PI / 2)


Func = Atn(a) + PI / 2

Case "SH"

Func = (Exp(a) - Exp(-a)) / 2

Case "CH"

Func = (Exp(a) + Exp(-a)) / 2

Case Else

MsgBox "有错误发生": End

End Select

If Err <> 0 Then MsgBox "有错误发生": End

End Function

Private Sub Label1_Click()

End Sub

Private Sub Label1_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)

End Sub

Private Sub Command1_Click(Index As Integer)

Text1.Text = Text1.Text & Command1(Index).Caption

End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click(Index As Integer)

Text1.Text = Text1.Text & Command2(Index).Caption

End Sub

Private Sub Command3_Click(Index As Integer)

Text1.Text = Text1.Text & Command3(Index).Caption

End Sub

Private Sub Command4_Click()

If expr <> "" Then Text1.Text = expr

End Sub

Private Sub Command5_Click()

expr = ""

Text1.Text = ""

End Sub

Private Sub Command6_Click()


End Sub





当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


