python异常处理结构的关键字_以下 Python 语言关键字在异常处理结构中用来捕获特定类型异常的选项是: (  )...


【A型题】培养真菌常用的培养基是( )

【填空题】He made a quick ________________( adapt) to the new environment.

【A型题】属于真核细胞型的微生物是( )


【填空题】We spent a _____________ (luxury) weekend at a country hotel.

【填空题】He offered her an apology for his ________________ (rude) by giving her some flowers.

【连线题】Match the words with correct meaning.

【填空题】England, Scotland and Wales ___________________ (composition) the island of Great Britain.

【其它】Your boss is going to meet some foreign guests at the airport and you will interpret for him/her. Please discuss with your team members which country your guests come from and make a role-play interpreting.

【单选题】The final score of the basketball match was 5:4, we were only ___ beaten.

【简答题】实验七 草坪外观质量评价.docx

【其它】Please interpret this dialogue into Chinese.

【填空题】American culture stresses ___________(innovate), competition and iddividualism.



【A型题】对于真菌菌丝的描述,错误的是( )

【论述题】1 、预热方案的选择问题,包括换热方式、换热介质、流入空间的选择。

【填空题】Can you give us a more precise _____________ (define) of the word?

【填空题】There will be a prize for the most ___________________ (innovate) design.


【计算题】某企业E产品经过三道工序制成,月初费用:直接材料费 用8000,直接人工费用6000元,制造费用5000元;本月费用 为:直接材料费用72000元,直接人工费用10 000元,制造费 用16 000元。月末:完工产品2000件,各工序月末在产品分 别为1000件、600件和500件。原材料分工序陆续投入。各工 序的材料费用定额为6元、28元和16元,工时定额为24小时、 16小时和10小时。 要求:1计算完工程度和在产品的约当产量,2按约当产量 分配计算完工产品、在产品成本。 (20.0分)


【填空题】We must draw a clear _____________(distince) between right and wrong.


【论述题】某石化厂将催化裂化得到的产品之一粗汽油进行进一步的分馏,现有一套稳定精馏塔装置,进塔原料为粗汽油(夹杂着未被分离干净的催化剂粉末),流量为 23000kg/h ;塔底产品为稳定汽油,流量为 19000kg/h ,出塔温度为 150 °C;塔顶产品为干气和液化气。稳定塔进塔原料工艺要求是 110 °C,而粗汽油初始温度只有 90 °C,现需设计一原料预热方案,将原料加热至入塔温度。 任务分析: 要使粗汽油从 90 °C 升温到 110 °C ,显然必须有提供热量的热源?热源是什么?热源怎样把热量提供给粗汽油?这就是一个典型的工业预热任务。为了完成这个稳定精馏塔原料粗汽油的预热任务,必须解决以下几问题: 1 、预热方案的选择问题,包括换热方式、换热介质、流入空间的选择。 2 、预热设备类型与型号的选择。 3 、强化传热的方法。

【A型题】皮肤癣菌引起的最常见的癣是( )

【A型题】预防癣发生的最好方法是( )


【论述题】3 、强化传热的方法。

【A型题】对于真菌的叙述,哪项不正确( )

【填空题】The chocolates are ___________________ (individual) wrapped in gold foil.

【论述题】2 、预热设备类型与型号的选择。


【填空题】Africa’s most industrialised economy ____1____ by an annualised 3.2% in the first quarter, its ___2_____ ____3____in a decade. Almost every sector of the South African economy was hit, according to the country’s statistics office, with manufacturing, mining and agriculture output falling by 8.8%, 10.8% and 13.2% respectively. The contraction can be blamed in part on ___4_____ ____5____ ___6_____. Eskom, the state-owned utility responsible for supplying nearly all of the country’s power, has struggled to meet demand and is now regarded as a significant risk to South African growth. Blackstone, a private-equity firm, announced that it will buy a portfolio of industrial warehouses in America from GLP, a Singapore-based property investment manager, for $18.7bn. The acquisition, one of the largest private real-estate deals in history, represents a big ____7____ on the continued growth of ___8_____, which has spurred demand for warehouse space by retailers. Infineon Technologies, a German chipmaker, agreed to acquire a rival, Cypress Semiconductor, for €8.4bn ($9.4bn). The deal, which valued San Jose-based Cypress at $23.85 per share, a 46% premium over its share price in the last month, will create the world’s ____9____ largest ___10_____ ___11_____. Infineon investors were dissatisfied with the acquisition, sending shares in the Munich-based firm tumbling more than 9%. Apple said it will shut down its iTunes music service, replacing it with its Music, tv and Podcasts apps. The decision to phase out the software was announced at the firm’s ____12____ ____13____ ____14____. The change will be rolled out later this year with its latest operating system, macos Catalina. Midnight in Paris Fiat Chrysler ___15_____ its $35bn proposal to ___16_____ with Renault. The tie-up, which would have created the world’s third-biggest carmaker, was abandoned by the Italian-American firm shortly after midnight on June 5th when the French government, Renault’s largest shareholder, requested a delay to a final decision on the merger. Fiat Chrysler blamed “political conditions in France” for the deal’s collapse. A social-media ___17_____ calling for a ___18_____ on office dress codes that require women to wear high heels ___19_____ ___20_____ in Japan. The effort spread under the hashtag #KuToo, which plays on the Japanese words for shoe (kutsu) and pain (kutsuu). Asked to comment on the online campaign, Japan’s health minister said that such workplace rules are “necessary and appropriate”.

【A型题】真菌的培养特点不正确的是( )


【填空题】There is a wide ____________(varied) of styles to choose from.


【其它】根据案例资料库提供的案例资料文件夹中的案例分析1,完成要求的任务。并以word文档形式提交。 文档具体格式要求:正文宋,小四字体,标题按照“一、 (二) 1、 (1) ”形式,一级标题加粗,宋 四号字体,其他标题与正文一致。行间距固定值20磅。 要求自拟题目或主题。 (100.0分) (100.0分)

【填空题】_____________________ (immerse) in another country's educational system enhances person's academic and personal growth.



【其它】Do simulation exercise on P13 text C shoot it and upload it.

【填空题】Colorful desert landscape is __________ (unique) deferent from other places.

【A型题】下列哪种不是真菌的繁殖方式( )


【论述题】请同学们根据课上讨论结果,完成该预热设备的设计型计算。具体结果包括: 1. 确定该预热器的名称、换热介质、流向。 2. 确定传热速率 Q 。 3. 确定该预热器传热时的平均温度差 △ tm 。 4. 确定过程中的总传热系数 K 。 5. 确定该预热器的传热面积及型号。 6. 画出该预热器的设备简图。

【填空题】There has been a _____________ (migrate) of people from the countryside to the towns.

【计算题】大华公司有供水、运输、机修三个辅助生产车间,5月份辅助生产车间发生的费用和提供的劳务情况如下: 提供劳务部门 耗用部门 供电度数(度) 运输劳务(公里) 机修劳务 (工时) 辅助生产车间 供电车间 4500 300 运输车间 800 500 机修车间 2300 1300 基本生产车间 甲产品 6100 7200 2200 乙产品 9800 4300 1400 行政管理部门 1500 12000 250 合计(劳务) 20500 29300 4650 辅助生产部门发生的费用: 供电: 34000元;运输:102000元;机修:56000元。 供电车间(计划单价 2.7元/度) 运输车间(计划单价 3.8元/公里) 机修车间(计划单价 14元/工时) 要求:采用直接分配法、交互分配法、计划成本分配法分配辅助生产费用。 (30.0分)

【填空题】Listen to the news and fill in the missing words. You need to fill in only one word for each blank. You can read the full script and the Chinese translation in 答案解析 after you submit your answers. Business this week Print edition | The world this week Jun 6th 2019 Reports emerged that America’s federal government is ____1____ to investigate the country’s biggest tech firms for anti-____2____ ___3_____. The Department of Justice will ___4_____ any potential investigations of Google and Apple, while the Federal Trade Commission will have jurisdiction over Facebook and Amazon. Not to be outdone, lawmakers in the House Judiciary Committee said they were planning their own anti-____5____ probe of digital platforms, including the four tech ____6____. America continued to ____7____ ____8____ ___9_____ on several ____10____. President Donald Trump indicated that he would move forward with threats to impose 5% tariffs on imports from Mexico in an attempt to pressure the country to stem the ____11____ of ___12_____ ____13____ America’s southern border. While there is little support for the president’s proposed tariffs in Congress, ___14_____ ____15____ ___16_____ of ___17_____ ____18____ ____19____, Mr Trump insisted that attempts to stop him would be “foolish”. Jerome Powell, the chairman of the Federal Reserve, ____20____ financial markets rattled by growing trade tensions. Speaking at a conference in Chicago, Mr Powell said the central bank would “act as appropriate to sustain the expansion” amid ___21_____ ___22_____ ____23____. The remarks sparked a rally in American share prices and signalled the Fed’s willingness to ____24____ ____25____ ___26_____. Futures markets indicate a 59% chance of a rate cut by July. China announced plans to create a list of “unreliable” foreign firms, groups and individuals deemed ____27____ to the interests of Chinese firms . The move follows America’s decision last month to place Huawei on its own ___28_____, in effect banning American firms from doing business with the Shenzhen-based ___29_____ ___30_____. China has not provided details about which companies would be included on its blacklist or what measures would be taken against them. By the same token A group of 14 financial firms, led by Swiss bank UBS, is preparing to launch a ___31_____-based digital currency for use in settling cross-border trade. The ____32____-like token, called the utility settlement coin, or USC, is expected to reduce ____33____ and make transactions ___34_____ ____35____. The USC will be backed by major global currencies held at central banks. The firms behind the effort—which include banks in America, Europe, and Japan—expect the digital currency to be operational by 2020.





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