一日精通python编程_爱上Python 一日精通Python编程 [Learn Python in One Day and Learn it Well ]...

第1章 什么是Python ? 1

1.1 什么是 Python ? 1

1.2 为什么学习 Python ? 1

第2章 为 Python 做好准备 3

2.1 安装解释器 3

2.2 使用 Python Shell、IDLE 并编写第一个程序 4

第3章 变量和操作符的世界 7

3.1 变量是什么? 7

3.2 命名一个变量 7

3.3 赋值符号 8

3.4 基本操作符 9

3.5 更多的分配操作符 10

第4章 Python中的数据类型 11

4.1 整型 11

4.2 浮点型 11

4.3 字符串 11

4.4 Python中的类型转换 15

4.5 列表 16

4.6 元组 18

4.7 字典 19

第5章 程序可交互 23

5.1 Input() 23

5.2 Print() 24

5.3 三引号 25

5.4 转义符号 25

第6章 选择和判断 27

6.1 条件语句 27

6.2 if语句 28

6.3 内联if 30

6.4 for循环 30

6.5 while循环 32

6.6 break中断 33

6.7 continue 34

6.8 Try, Except 35

第7章 函数和模块 39

7.1 什么是函数? 39

7.2 定义函数 39

7.3 变量作用域 40

7.4 引入模块 42

7.5 创建模块 43

第8章 处理文件 45

8.1 打开并读取文本文件 45

8.2 使用For循环来读取文本文件 47

8.3 写入文本文件 47

8.4 通过缓冲大小来打开并读取文本文件 48

8.5 打开、读取并写入二进制文件 49

8.6 删除和重命名文件 49

第9章 项目:数学和BODMAS计算法则 51

第一部分:myPythonFunction.py 51

第二部分:mathGame.py 58

挑战自我 59

附录A:处理字符串 61

附录B:处理列表 70

附录C:处理元组 75

附录D:处理字典 77

附录E:项目答案 80

挑战自我 83

最后一件事 85

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Master HTML and CSS with Interactive Exercises and a unique Hands-On Project Have you always wanted to learn HTML and CSS but are afraid it'll be too difficult for you? Or perhaps you are a blogger who wants to tweak your blog's design without having to spend money on an expensive theme? This book is for you. You no longer have to waste your time and money learning HTML and CSS from lengthy books, expensive online courses or complicated tutorials. Nor do you have to spend money buying expensive website themes. There are tons of free CSS templates online that you can download and modify to build your own website IF you know HTML and CSS. What this book offers... HTML and CSS for Beginners Complex concepts are broken down into simple steps to ensure that you can easily master the two languages even if you have never coded before. Carefully Chosen Examples (with images) Examples are carefully chosen to illustrate all concepts. In addition, images are provided whenever necessary so that you can immediately see the visual effects of various CSS properties. Learn The Languages Fast Concepts are presented in a "to-the-point" style to cater to the busy individual. With this book, you can learn HTML and CSS in just one day and start coding immediately. How is this book different... The best way to learn HTML and CSS is by doing. End-of-Chapter Exercises Each CSS chapter comes with an end-of-chapter exercise where you get to practice the different CSS properties covered in the chapter and see first hand how different CSS values affect the design of the website. Bonus Project The book also includes a bonus project that requires the application of all the concepts taught previously. Working through the project will not only give you an immense sense of achievement, it’ll also help you see how the various concepts tie together. After completing the project, you will not walk away with just a vague understanding of HTML and CSS. You will have achieved a level of understanding and mastery that enables you to start coding your own website immediately. Are you ready to dip your toes into the exciting world of HTML and CSS? This book is for you. Click the "Add To Cart" button and download it now. What you'll learn: What is CSS and HTML? What software do you need to write and run CSS codes? What are HTML tags and elements? What are the commonly used HTML tags and how to use them? What are IDs and Classes? What is the basic CSS syntax? What are CSS selectors? What are pseudo classes and pseudo elements? How to apply CSS rules to your website and what is the order of precedence? What is the CSS box model? How to position and float your CSS boxes How to hide HTML content How to change the background of CSS boxes How to use the CSS color property to change colors How to modify text and font of a website How to create navigation bars How to create gorgeous looking tables to display your data


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