void python_eval(const char* s)
PyCodeObject* code = (PyCodeObject*) Py_CompileString(s, "example", Py_file_input);
PyObject* main_module = PyImport_AddModule("__main__");
PyObject* global_dict = PyModule_GetDict(main_module);
PyObject* local_dict = PyDict_New();
PyObject* obj = PyEval_EvalCode(code, global_dict, local_dict);
PyObject* result = PyObject_Str(obj);
// Print the result if you want.
// PyObject_Print(result, stdout, 0);
然后我们从LLVM的常见样板开始,但是使用ctypes将cbits.so共享库的共享对象加载到全局进程空间中,这样我们就有了python_eval符号。然后创建一个带有函数的简单LLVM模块,分配一个带有ctypes的Python源的字符串,并将指针从我们的模块传递到运行JIT函数的ExecutionEngine,后者又将Python源代码传递给调用Python C-API的C-function,然后返回LLVM JIT。在import llvm.core as lc
import llvm.ee as le
import ctypes
import inspect
ctypes._dlopen('./cbits.so', ctypes.RTLD_GLOBAL)
pointer = lc.Type.pointer
i32 = lc.Type.int(32)
i64 = lc.Type.int(64)
char_type = lc.Type.int(8)
string_type = pointer(char_type)
zero = lc.Constant.int(i64, 0)
def build():
mod = lc.Module.new('call python')
evalfn = lc.Function.new(mod,
[string_type], False), "python_eval")
funty = lc.Type.function(lc.Type.void(), [string_type])
fn = lc.Function.new(mod, funty, "call")
fn_arg0 = fn.args[0]
fn_arg0.name = "input"
block = fn.append_basic_block("entry")
builder = lc.Builder.new(block)
builder.call(evalfn, [fn_arg0])
return fn, mod
def run(fn, mod, buf):
tm = le.TargetMachine.new(features='', cm=le.CM_JITDEFAULT)
eb = le.EngineBuilder.new(mod)
engine = eb.create(tm)
ptr = ctypes.cast(buf, ctypes.c_voidp)
ax = le.GenericValue.pointer(ptr.value)
print 'IR'.center(80, '=')
print mod
print 'Assembly'.center(80, '=')
print mod.to_native_assembly()
print 'Result'.center(80, '=')
engine.run_function(fn, [ax])
if __name__ == '__main__':
# If you want to evaluate the source of an existing function
# source_str = inspect.getsource(mypyfn)
# If you want to pass a source string
source_str = "print 'Hello from Python C-API inside of LLVM!'"
buf = ctypes.create_string_buffer(source_str)
fn, mod = build()
run(fn, mod, buf)
; ModuleID = 'call python'
declare void @python_eval(i8*)
define void @call(i8* %input) {
call void @python_eval(i8* %input)
ret void
Hello from Python C-API inside of LLVM!