angularjs php mysql_AngularJS Insert Update Delete Using PHP MySQL

This is my first tutorial in AngularJS. In this tutorial

we are going to see basic Insert Update Delete using AngularJS, PHP and

MySQL. This tutorial has following steps

AngularJS Insert Update Delete Using PHP MySQL Steps:

HTML form designing using Bootstrap

Creating AngularJS module and controller.

Finally making making Ajax call using AngularJS $http service to do Insert Update Delete operation.


Design HTML Form Using Bootstrap :

TO create responsive layout for this tutorial I am using Twitter

Bootstrap. For this first create post directory in your server root

folder (htdocs/www). Now create index.html file and add the following

html basic markup in it.

AngularJS Insert Update Delete Using PHP MySQL

Now using Bootstrap Grid system I have split into two column. One for

display HMTL form and other for to display saved details. Here is the

HTML form markup.

AngularJS Insert Update Delete Using PHP MySQL

Company Name
Save User
#NameEmailCompany NameDesignationAction
1Munisupport[at]smarttutorials.netSmartTutorials.netDirector Edit | Delete

We have completed our designing part. Let move AngularJS part.

Create AngularJS Module:

AngularJS is MVC structured JavaScript framework. It let us do client side work effortlessly, also it reduces server load.

When we go for any framework, it has following advantages.

1. We try to follow that framework design pattern and coding structure.

2. We will write manageable code.

3. It help us to finish task so quickly.

In AngularJS everything is in the module. The module is like

container it will have all codes we write for this particular AngularJS

application. Then if our module requires some more functionality then we

will inject particular module in our AngularJS application using

dependency Injection. This avoids unnecessary script loading and also

improves performance of the application.

Here is the syntax to create AngularJS module. I am creating ‘postModule’ for this application.

$postModule = angular.module('postModule', []);

To create module this AngularJS module method will requires following parameters.

Name of the module (i.e. postModule)

Array of dependency modules. Here this application doesn’t need extra modules, so we provide empty array.

Now apply that crated AngularJS application to HTML DOM using ng-app

directive. You may apply this wherever you like to add in your HTML

document. I am adding that module in the body tag like this.

When AngularJS compiler encounters this directive then it initialize AngularJS application.

Now Create AngularJS controller. Here is the syntax for creating controller.

$postModule.controller('PostController',function($scope, $http){ //you properies and methods goes here });

It requires name of the controller (i.e. PostController ), followed

by anonymous function. By default all the AngularJS Controller will

inject $scope service. All the Controller will pass the data from model

to view via this $scope service. Here the Controller is like a linker

between Model and view.

Here our whole AngularJS application script.

$postModule = angular.module('postModule', []); var base_path = document.getElementById('base_path').value; $postModule.controller('PostController',function($scope, $http){ $ = {}; $ = []; $scope.tempUser = {}; $scope.editMode = false; $scope.index = ''; var url = base_path+'ajax.php'; $scope.saveUser = function(){ $http({ method: 'post', url: url, data: $.param({'user' : $scope.tempUser, 'type' : 'save_user' }), headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'} }). success(function(data, status, headers, config) { if(data.success){ if( $scope.editMode ){ $[$scope.index].id =; $[$scope.index].name = $; $[$scope.index].email = $; $[$scope.index].companyName = $scope.tempUser.companyName; $[$scope.index].designation = $scope.tempUser.designation; }else{ ${ id :, name : $, email : $, companyName : $scope.tempUser.companyName, designation : $scope.tempUser.designation }); } $scope.messageSuccess(data.message); $scope.userForm.$setPristine(); $scope.tempUser = {}; }else{ $scope.messageFailure(data.message); } }). error(function(data, status, headers, config) { //$scope.codeStatus = response || "Request failed"; }); jQuery('.btn-save').button('reset'); } $scope.addUser = function(){ jQuery('.btn-save').button('loading'); $scope.saveUser(); $scope.editMode = false; $scope.index = ''; } $scope.updateUser = function(){ $('.btn-save').button('loading'); $scope.saveUser(); } $scope.editUser = function(user){ $scope.tempUser = { id:, name :, email :, companyName : user.companyName, designation : user.designation }; $scope.editMode = true; $scope.index = $; } $scope.deleteUser = function(user){ var r = confirm("Are you sure want to delete this user!"); if (r == true) { $http({ method: 'post', url: url, data: $.param({ 'id' :, 'type' : 'delete_user' }), headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'} }). success(function(data, status, headers, config) { if(data.success){ var index = $; $, 1); }else{ $scope.messageFailure(data.message); } }). error(function(data, status, headers, config) { //$scope.messageFailure(data.message); }); } } $scope.init = function(){ $http({ method: 'post', url: url, data: $.param({ 'type' : 'getUsers' }), headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'} }). success(function(data, status, headers, config) { if(data.success && !angular.isUndefined( ){ $ =; }else{ $scope.messageFailure(data.message); } }). error(function(data, status, headers, config) { //$scope.messageFailure(data.message); }); } $scope.messageFailure = function (msg){ jQuery('.alert-failure-div > p').html(msg); jQuery('.alert-failure-div').show(); jQuery('.alert-failure-div').delay(5000).slideUp(function(){ jQuery('.alert-failure-div > p').html(''); }); } $scope.messageSuccess = function (msg){ jQuery('.alert-success-div > p').html(msg); jQuery('.alert-success-div').show(); jQuery('.alert-success-div').delay(5000).slideUp(function(){ jQuery('.alert-success-div > p').html(''); }); } $scope.getError = function(error, name){ if(angular.isDefined(error)){ if(error.required && name == 'name'){ return "Please enter name"; }else if( && name == 'email'){ return "Please enter valid email"; }else if(error.required && name == 'company_name'){ return "Please enter company name"; }else if(error.required && name == 'designation'){ return "Please enter designation"; }else if(error.required && name == 'email'){ return "Please enter email"; }else if(error.minlength && name == 'name'){ return "Name must be 3 characters long"; }else if(error.minlength && name == 'company_name'){ return "Company name must be 3 characters long"; }else if(error.minlength && name == 'designation'){ return "Designation must be 3 characters long"; } } } });

I will cover AngularJS form validation in different tutorial.

Create sample MySQL Database & Table

Use the following SQL queries to create sample table for this application.

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `employee` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL, `name` varchar(150) NOT NULL, `email` varchar(150) NOT NULL, `companyName` varchar(150) NOT NULL, `designation` varchar(150) NOT NULL ) ENGINE=MyISAM AUTO_INCREMENT=1 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; ALTER TABLE `employee` ADD PRIMARY KEY (`id`);

PHP web service for AngularJS CRUD operation:

First create config.php file and define site wide constants in it.

Site :

Author :muni

*/ //site specific configuration declartion define( 'BASE_PATH', 'http://localhost/post/'); define('DB_HOST', 'localhost'); define('DB_NAME', 'post'); define('DB_USERNAME','root'); define('DB_PASSWORD',''); $mysqli = new mysqli(DB_HOST, DB_USERNAME, DB_PASSWORD, DB_NAME); if (mysqli_connect_errno()) { echo("Failed to connect, the error message is : ". mysqli_connect_error()); exit(); }-app="postModule">

Now create ajax.php file that handles all the Ajax request from

AngularJS for Insert, Read, Update and Delete operation. Here is the

full PHP script that handles the CRUD operation.

Site :

Author :muni

*/ require_once 'config.php'; if( isset($_POST['type']) && !empty( isset($_POST['type']) ) ){ $type = $_POST['type']; switch ($type) { case "save_user": save_user($mysqli); break; case "delete_user": delete_user($mysqli, $_POST['id']); break; case "getUsers": getUsers($mysqli); break; default: invalidRequest(); } }else{ invalidRequest(); } /**

* This function will handle user add, update functionality

* @throws Exception

*/ function save_user($mysqli){ try{ $data = array(); $name = $mysqli->real_escape_string(isset( $_POST['user']['name'] ) ? $_POST['user']['name'] : ''); $companyName = $mysqli->real_escape_string(isset( $_POST['user']['companyName'] ) ? $_POST['user']['companyName'] : ''); $designation = $mysqli->real_escape_string( isset( $_POST['user']['designation'] ) ? $_POST['user']['designation'] : ''); $email = $mysqli->real_escape_string( isset( $_POST['user']['email'] ) ? $_POST['user']['email'] : ''); $id = $mysqli->real_escape_string( isset( $_POST['user']['id'] ) ? $_POST['user']['id'] : ''); if($name == '' || $companyName == '' || $designation == ''|| $email == '' ){ throw new Exception( "Required fields missing, Please enter and submit" ); } if(empty($id)){ $query = "INSERT INTO employee (`id`, `name`, email, `companyName`, `designation`) VALUES (NULL, '$name', '$email', '$companyName', '$designation')"; }else{ $query = "UPDATE employee SET `name` = '$name', email = '$email', `companyName` = '$companyName', `designation` = '$designation' WHERE `employee`.`id` = $id"; } if( $mysqli->query( $query ) ){ $data['success'] = true; if(!empty($id))$data['message'] = 'User updated successfully.'; else $data['message'] = 'User inserted successfully.'; if(empty($id))$data['id'] = (int) $mysqli->insert_id; else $data['id'] = (int) $id; }else{ throw new Exception( $mysqli->sqlstate.' - '. $mysqli->error ); } $mysqli->close(); echo json_encode($data); exit; }catch (Exception $e){ $data = array(); $data['success'] = false; $data['message'] = $e->getMessage(); echo json_encode($data); exit; } } /**

* This function will handle user deletion

* @param string $id

* @throws Exception

*/ function delete_user($mysqli, $id = ''){ try{ if(empty($id)) throw new Exception( "Invalid User." ); $query = "DELETE FROM `employee` WHERE `id` = $id"; if($mysqli->query( $query )){ $data['success'] = true; $data['message'] = 'User deleted successfully.'; echo json_encode($data); exit; }else{ throw new Exception( $mysqli->sqlstate.' - '. $mysqli->error ); } }catch (Exception $e){ $data = array(); $data['success'] = false; $data['message'] = $e->getMessage(); echo json_encode($data); exit; } } /**

* This function gets list of users from database

*/ function getUsers($mysqli){ try{ $query = "SELECT * FROM `employee` order by id desc limit 8"; $result = $mysqli->query( $query ); $data = array(); while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) { $row['id'] = (int) $row['id']; $data['data'][] = $row; } $data['success'] = true; echo json_encode($data);exit; }catch (Exception $e){ $data = array(); $data['success'] = false; $data['message'] = $e->getMessage(); echo json_encode($data); exit; } } function invalidRequest() { $data = array(); $data['success'] = false; $data['message'] = "Invalid request."; echo json_encode($data); exit; }

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