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【填空题】Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions or adverbs, noticing the verbs that go with them. After he failed to pay for his mortgage, the bank took possession his house.

【填空题】Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions or adverbs, noticing the verbs that go with them. As Socrates knew, a sequence of silly questions is a wonderful way of forcing someone to think just what he believes and wants to say.

【填空题】Fill in the blanks with the words in the box. Pay attention to their meanings and parts of speech in the sentences, and be sure to use the correct forms. cast contract fancy grey pillow range score scout We need a dozen volunteers to the area for the lost child.

【填空题】There are quite a few words describing actions or movements. Fill in the blanks with the words in the box with the help of the definitions provided. Be sure to use the correct form of them. twitch writhe convulse falter limp grip swarm scurry roam sling toss jerk Tourists come like clockwork, through the town like worker ants in a managed rush for souvenirs and photographs. (to move or gather in large numbers)

【填空题】Fill in the blanks with the words in the box. Pay attention to their meanings and parts of speech in the sentences, and be sure to use the correct forms. cast contract fancy grey pillow range score scout As the power to conceive and represent novel imagery, was held by the English poet Coleridge to be more casual and superficial than imagination.

【填空题】Fill in the blanks with the words in the box. Pay attention to their meanings and parts of speech in the sentences, and be sure to use the correct forms. cast contract fancy grey pillow range score scout We were throwing at each other in the bedroom when Mother came in to check on our homework.

【填空题】Fill in the blanks with the words in the box. Pay attention to their meanings and parts of speech in the sentences, and be sure to use the correct forms. cast contract fancy grey pillow range score scout Kate Smith is a talent for a popular TV show. She has discovered a number of gifted singers.

【填空题】Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with the correct form of the words from the boxes. undertone superfluity exultation 1. "I hope you will find someone that's right for you." He said to her with an of sadness and then left. 2. To win a prize of any kind is exciting, but to have won the Pulitzer filled him with ! 3. What William Morris said, a century ago, when he spoke of "humanity, wasted in one way or another by poverty or " has even greater urgency now.

【填空题】Fill in the blanks with the words in the box. Pay attention to their meanings and parts of speech in the sentences, and be sure to use the correct forms. cast contract fancy grey pillow range score scout At this time in Rome, any adult male citizen could a ballot, but voting was done in a complicated system of groups.

【填空题】Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with the correct form of the words from the boxes. triumphantly defiantly ecstatically 1. Elizabeth stretched out full length on the couch and listened as Jane related, , how her love was unfolding like buds in May. 2. "I don't want to know you," Jack sniffed and stared sideways . 3. Ten years ago, the Batman film franchise rose from the dead, and changed the superhero film genre forever.

【填空题】Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions or adverbs, noticing the verbs that go with them. He was acting funny, which made my cheeks ache the grin.

【填空题】Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions or adverbs, noticing the verbs that go with them. The main value of Hinduism is its belief that all life is one, and it is not possible to hold to this belief without accepting that man is the servant and not the lord of creation, and that all men are brothers.

【填空题】Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with the correct form of the words from the boxes. seething vigilant fastidious 1. My sister has a reputation of being with everything she does or cares about. 2.These long-timers acted in ways that revealed their resentment, anger and resistance against new ideas. 3.Though floodwater was receding in some places, officials warned people to remain .

【填空题】Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions or adverbs, noticing the verbs that go with them. Men stumble pebbles, never mountains.

【填空题】Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with the correct form of the words from the boxes. swelling compact unalterable 1. As we came near the venue, we could hear the roar of the crowd for the rival teams. 2. This is a(n) law of nature: Old leaders have to be continuously replaced by new ones. 3. A(n) design saves your office space.

【填空题】Fill in the blanks with the words in the box. Pay attention to their meanings and parts of speech in the sentences, and be sure to use the correct forms. cast contract fancy grey pillow range score scout Any deviations from the terms and conditions of the would thus have to be justified.

【填空题】Fill in the blanks with the words in the box. Pay attention to their meanings and parts of speech in the sentences, and be sure to use the correct forms. cast contract fancy grey pillow range score scout Some college graduates only wish to fall into a featherbed job, one in which they could wear nice suits and drive cars.

【填空题】There are quite a few words describing actions or movements. Fill in the blanks with the words in the box with the help of the definitions provided. Be sure to use the correct form of them. twitch writhe convulse falter limp grip swarm scurry roam sling toss jerk Freddy reminisced the days when he was a young boy, barefoot in the countryside and drinking straight from the cool-water springs. (to move about without purpose of plan)

【填空题】Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions or adverbs, noticing the verbs that go with them. No matter how upset and depressed you are, please don't turn your back ______ your friends and family.

【填空题】Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions or adverbs, noticing the verbs that go with them. Strong demand helped push consumer prices by an official 8.6% this year.

【填空题】Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions or adverbs, noticing the verbs that go with them. As the day wore on, the life-blood seemed to ebb from Ursula, and within the emptiness a heavy despair gathered.

【填空题】Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with the correct form of the words from the boxes. glistening satiny liquid 1. The leaves are with raindrops under the moonlight. 2. Sure enough, her eyes could see the faint gleam of his bronze skin. 3. The baby looked at me with her large eyes which could melt a heart of stone.

【填空题】There are quite a few words describing actions or movements. Fill in the blanks with the words in the box with the help of the definitions provided. Be sure to use the correct form of them. twitch writhe convulse falter limp grip swarm scurry roam sling toss jerk The boy reached into his pocket for a coin, looked at it for a moment, and then it into bubbling waters of the fountain. (to throw lightly or casually or with a flourish)

【填空题】Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions or adverbs, noticing the verbs that go with them. Jackie was asleep at home when he woke up to a smell smoke and then saw flames.

【填空题】Fill in the blanks with the words in the box. Pay attention to their meanings and parts of speech in the sentences, and be sure to use the correct forms. cast contract fancy grey pillow range score scout Little Ben's father him on his lap and gently patted him to sleep.

【填空题】There are quite a few words describing actions or movements. Fill in the blanks with the words in the box with the help of the definitions provided. Be sure to use the correct form of them. twitch writhe convulse falter limp grip swarm scurry roam sling toss jerk They were tall men and did not as they came forward. They walked like men conscious of going to death. (to move unsteadily or hesitantly)

【填空题】Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with the correct form of the words from the boxes. stoicism fatality dismay 1. In spite of higher volumes of traffic in urban as compared with other areas, the and serious injury rate is lower. 2. Dan realized with growing that at 46 he was qualified for nothing. 3. , like Buddhism, calls for indifference to the material world and a fatalism based on freeing oneself from desires.

【填空题】Fill in the blanks with the words in the box. Pay attention to their meanings and parts of speech in the sentences, and be sure to use the correct forms. cast contract fancy grey pillow range score scout He seemed to be very friendly with everyone, though I he enjoyed the company of girls a lot more than the boys.

【填空题】Fill in the blanks with the words in the box. Pay attention to their meanings and parts of speech in the sentences, and be sure to use the correct forms. cast contract fancy grey pillow range score scout Push your hands forward, and feel both arm and chest muscles .

【填空题】Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions or adverbs, noticing the verbs that go with them. They are supremely intelligent, and although quick to learn, they tire new tricks easily.

【填空题】Fill in the blanks with the words in the box. Pay attention to their meanings and parts of speech in the sentences, and be sure to use the correct forms. cast contract fancy grey pillow range score scout Over the years graduates of the English major have found employment in a wide of occupations.

【填空题】There are quite a few words describing actions or movements. Fill in the blanks with the words in the box with the help of the definitions provided. Be sure to use the correct form of them. twitch writhe convulse falter limp grip swarm scurry roam sling toss jerk The chronic leg pain caused my grandfather to for years. (to walk with an uneven step, especially with a weak or injured leg)

【填空题】Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with the correct form of the words from the boxes. grimly incredulously regretfully 1. "You only spent two hours preparing for the test and you passed?" She asked . 2. "I think it's time to get things straight between us." He said . 3. I tell you, your most beloved friend is leaving the school and immigrating with her family to Australia.

【填空题】Fill in the blanks with the words in the box. Pay attention to their meanings and parts of speech in the sentences, and be sure to use the correct forms. cast contract fancy grey pillow range score scout These adventurers have many canoes with which they through all the islands of India.

【填空题】There are quite a few words describing actions or movements. Fill in the blanks with the words in the box with the help of the definitions provided. Be sure to use the correct form of them. twitch writhe convulse falter limp grip swarm scurry roam sling toss jerk Without waiting for Doug's help, Frank tried to the body over his shoulder in a fireman's carry. (to hurl with, or to carry or hang loosely)

【填空题】Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions or adverbs, noticing the verbs that go with them. Put two pieces of bread into the frying pan, pour the egg mixture over bread, and gently press to help the bread absorb the egg mixture.

【填空题】Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions or adverbs, noticing the verbs that go with them. The room was pitch dark, and we had to feel the light switch with our hands carefully.

【填空题】Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions or adverbs, noticing the verbs that go with them. He is here somewhere in the house, lurking behind a chest of drawers, waiting to spring at me.

【填空题】There are quite a few words describing actions or movements. Fill in the blanks with the words in the box with the help of the definitions provided. Be sure to use the correct form of them. twitch writhe convulse falter limp grip swarm scurry roam sling toss jerk She said to her eight-year-old boy, "Now upstairs and get your backpack, quick like a bunny." (to go with light, running steps)

【填空题】There are quite a few words describing actions or movements. Fill in the blanks with the words in the box with the help of the definitions provided. Be sure to use the correct form of them. twitch writhe convulse falter limp grip swarm scurry roam sling toss jerk He is plainly too nervous to give his first performance on stage; everyone can see his face. (to move or cause to move with a sudden jerky motion)

【填空题】Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with the correct form of the words from the boxes. exhilarate poise crinkle 1. He threw the pictures into the fire, watched them burn, and turn to ashes, leaving nothing but a stink behind. 2. She walked back to the village with a water jug on her head. 3. Riches do not with their possession so much as they torment us with their loss.

【填空题】Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions or adverbs, noticing the verbs that go with them. The room suddenly becomes a hive of activity when the team spring action.

【填空题】Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions or adverbs, noticing the verbs that go with them. There must be something wrong with the way he positioned the fishing lines and hooks, because most of the fish just bolted with the bait.

【填空题】Fill in the blanks with the words in the box. Pay attention to their meanings and parts of speech in the sentences, and be sure to use the correct forms. cast contract fancy grey pillow range score scout Once he found out she wanted to marry him because of his money, he would break up with her immediately on that .

【填空题】Fill in the blanks with the words in the box. Pay attention to their meanings and parts of speech in the sentences, and be sure to use the correct forms. cast contract fancy grey pillow range score scout I feel I could more goals if I set my mind to it.

【填空题】Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with the correct form of the words from the boxes. scornfully sternly convulsively 1. He twitched and made a sobbing noise. 2. Knowing that I lied to him about the missing phone, Father lectured me for an hour. 3. Mr. Skinner said , "He is always honeymouthed talking to his superior and puts on quite another face in front of those who work under him."

【填空题】Fill in the blanks with the words in the box. Pay attention to their meanings and parts of speech in the sentences, and be sure to use the correct forms. cast contract fancy grey pillow range score scout The dispute over this case clearly refers to a area between the legal and the illegal.

【连线题】The words below all contain "out" in their formation. Match the words with their meanings.

【填空题】There are quite a few words describing actions or movements. Fill in the blanks with the words in the box with the help of the definitions provided. Be sure to use the correct form of them. twitch writhe convulse falter limp grip swarm scurry roam sling toss jerk It is freezing cold tonight, and my whole body in chills. (to shake or agitate violently)

【填空题】Fill in the blanks with the words in the box. Pay attention to their meanings and parts of speech in the sentences, and be sure to use the correct forms. cast contract fancy grey pillow range score scout I am all for graceful aging. My hair is naturally at the sides and I don't want to dye it.





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