C语言求cidr,CIDR notation (/25) 和 dotted decimals (的计算

#include // read an IP address in binary form

// store it into an array of 4 strings of 8 chars each

// return 1 if read successfully or 0 if an error occurred

int readBinary(char bin[4][8]) {

char binString[80];

int i, j;

int nextChar = 0;

int len;

// read line

printf("Enter 32-bit IP address in binary form (xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx): ");

fflush(stdout); //flushes the output, it is needed on some version of linux/unix before scanf

scanf("%[^\r\n]", binString);

// store binary digits into bin array

len = strlen(binString);

for (i=0; i<4; i++) {

if (nextChar >= len) {

printf("Invalid input string (too short)\n");

return 0;


for (j=0; j<8; j++) {

// skip spaces

while (nextChar < len && binString[nextChar] == ' ')


// end of string? break the loop

if (nextChar >= len) {

printf("Invalid input string (too short)\n");

return 0;


bin[i][j] = binString[nextChar];


// only 0 and 1 accepted

if (bin[i][j] != '0' && bin[i][j] != '1') {

printf("Invalid input string (not a binary number)\n");

return 0;




// return 1 (OK)

return 1;


// read an IP address in decimal dotted form

// return 1 if ok or 0 if an error occurs

int readIPAddress(int ipaddr[]) {

char decstring[4][4];

int i;

// read IP address as strings

printf("Enter 32-bit IP address in dotted decimal notation (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx): ");


if (scanf("%[^.].%[^.].%[^.].%[^\r\n]", decstring[0], decstring[1], decstring[2], decstring[3]) < 4) {

printf("Invalid input string (wrong IP address format)\n");

return 0;


// convert each string to integer

for (i=0; i<4; i++) {

ipaddr[i] = atoi(decstring[i]);  // atoi converts a string to an integer

if (ipaddr[i] < 0 || ipaddr[i] > 255) {

printf("Invalid input string (incorrect numbers for IP address)\n");

return 0;



return 1;


// read an IP address slash netmask length (CIDR format)

// return 1 if ok or 0 if an error occurs

int readIPSlashAddress(int ipaddr[], int *slash) {

char decstring[4][4];

char slashstring[3];

int i;

// read IP address as strings

printf("Enter IP-address in CIDR notation (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/xx): ");


if (scanf("%[^.].%[^.].%[^.].%[^/]/%[^\r\n]", decstring[0], decstring[1], decstring[2], decstring[3], slashstring) < 5) {

printf("Invalid input string (wrong IP address format)\n");

return 0;


// convert each string to integer

for (i=0; i<4; i++) {

ipaddr[i] = atoi(decstring[i]);

if (ipaddr[i] < 0 || ipaddr[i] > 255) {

printf("Invalid input string (incorrect numbers for IP address)\n");

return 0;



*slash = atoi(slashstring);  // a variable and it stores the netmask-length

if (*slash < 0 || *slash > 32) {

printf("Invalid input string (invalid netmask length)\n");

return 0;


return 1;


// read an IP address slash netmask

// return 1 if ok or 0 if an error occurs

int readIPMaskAddress(int ipaddr[], int mask[]) {

char decstring[4][4];

char maskstring[4][4];

int i;

// read IP address as strings

printf("Enter IP-address/subnet you want converted to CIDR slash form (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx.): ");


if (scanf("%[^.].%[^.].%[^.].%[^/]/%[^.].%[^.].%[^.].%[^\r\n]", decstring[0], decstring[1], decstring[2], decstring[3],

maskstring[0], maskstring[1], maskstring[2], maskstring[3]) < 8) {

printf("Invalid input string (wrong IP address/netmask format)\n");

return 0;


// convert each string to integer

for (i=0; i<4; i++) {

ipaddr[i] = atoi(decstring[i]);

if (ipaddr[i] < 0 || ipaddr[i] > 255) {

printf("Invalid input string (incorrect numbers for IP address)\n");

return 0;



// convert each string to integer

for (i=0; i<4; i++) {

mask[i] = atoi(maskstring[i]);

if (mask[i] < 0 || mask[i] > 255) {

printf("Invalid input string (incorrect numbers for netmask)\n");

return 0;



return 1;


void convertBinToDec(char bin[4][8], int dec[]) {

int i, j;

// convert each binary group to decimal number

for (i=0; i<4; i++) {

dec[i] = 0;

for (j=0; j<8; j++) {

dec[i] *= 2;

if (bin[i][j] == '1')





void convertDecToBin(int dec[], char bin[4][9]) {

int i, j;

// convert each decimal group to binary

for (i=0; i<4; i++) {

for (j=7; j>=0; j--) {

bin[i][j] = (dec[i] & 1) + '0';

dec[i] /= 2;


bin[i][8] = 0;



// show network and host parts

void showNetworkHost(int ipaddr[], int numNetwork) {

int i;

printf("Network portion is: ");

for (i=0; i<=numNetwork; i++)

printf("%d.", ipaddr[i]);


printf("Host portion is: ");

for (i=numNetwork+1; i<4; i++)

printf(".%d", ipaddr[i]);



void convertCIDRToNetmask(int slash, int mask[]) {

// create binary mask first, then convert to decimal

char bin[4][8];

int i, j;

// write 1's while slash is positive, then write 0's

for (i=0; i<4; i++)

for (j=0; j<8; j++) {

if (slash > 0) {

bin[i][j] = '1';




bin[i][j] = '0';


// convert to decimal

convertBinToDec(bin, mask);


int convertNetmaskToCIDR(int mask[], int *slash) {

// create binary mask first, then convert to slash form

char bin[4][9];

int i, j;

char lastChar;

convertDecToBin(mask, bin);

// add to slash while 1's are found

lastChar = '1';

*slash = 0;

for (i=0; i<4; i++)

for (j=0; j<8; j++) {

if (bin[i][j] == '1') {

// once a zero is found - no more 1's should appear

if (lastChar == '0') {

printf("Cannot convert netmask to CIDR notation\n");

return 0;




lastChar = bin[i][j];


return 1;


int main()


int choice;

char bin[4][8];

char bin2[4][9];

int ipaddr[4];

int mask[4];

int slash;

// temp string, used when reading - used to skip any remaining input after reading

// a menu option in the main menu.  The main menu scanf reads an integer.  If a temp

// string wasn't used, the next scanf trying to read a string would read an empty string

char temp[80];



printf("\nSelect from one of the choices:\n\n");

printf("1) Convert from 32 bit binary ip form to dotted decimal ip form\n");

printf("2) Convert from dotted decimal ip form to 32 bit binary ip form\n");

printf("3) Convert a dotted decimal ip form to its class and display the network and host portions separately\n");

printf("4) Convert from IP/CIDR slash notation to dotted decimal ip form\n");

printf("5) Convert from IP/subnet dotted ip form to CIDR slash form\n");

printf("6) Quit the program\n");

printf("\nEnter your choice: ");


scanf("%d", &choice);

scanf("%[^\n]", temp);

scanf("%c", temp);

switch (choice)


case (1) : // Convert from 32 bit binary ip form to dotted decimal ip form

if (!readBinary(bin))


convertBinToDec(bin, ipaddr);

// print the resulting IP

printf("The address converted to decimal is: %d.%d.%d.%d\n", ipaddr[0], ipaddr[1], ipaddr[2], ipaddr[3]);


case (2) : // Convert from dotted decimal ip form to 32 bit binary ip form

if (!readIPAddress(ipaddr))


convertDecToBin(ipaddr, bin2);

// print the results

printf("The address converted to binary is: %8s %8s %8s %8s\n", bin2[0], bin2[1], bin2[2], bin2[3]);


case (3) : // Convert a dotted decimal ip form to its class

if (!readIPAddress(ipaddr))


if (ipaddr[0] < 128) {

printf("This address belongs to class A\n");

showNetworkHost(ipaddr, 0);


else if (ipaddr[0] < 192) {

printf("This address belongs to class B\n");

showNetworkHost(ipaddr, 1);


else if (ipaddr[0] < 224) {

printf("This address belongs to class C\n");

showNetworkHost(ipaddr, 2);


else if (ipaddr[0] < 240)

printf("This address belongs to class D\n");


printf("This address belongs to class E\n");


case (4) : // Convert from IP CIDR slash notation of to dotted decimal ip form

if (!readIPSlashAddress(ipaddr, &slash))


convertCIDRToNetmask(slash, mask);

printf("IP/Netmask in dotted decimal IP form: %d.%d.%d.%d/%d.%d.%d.%d\n",

ipaddr[0], ipaddr[1], ipaddr[2], ipaddr[3], mask[0], mask[1], mask[2], mask[3]);


case (5) : // Convert from IP/subnet form to CIDR slash form

if (!readIPMaskAddress(ipaddr, mask))


if (!convertNetmaskToCIDR(mask, &slash))


printf("IP/Netmask-length in CIDR notation: %d.%d.%d.%d/%d",

ipaddr[0], ipaddr[1], ipaddr[2], ipaddr[3], slash);


case (6) : system("clear"); //clear program

exit(0); // close program

default  : printf("I don't know the option %d.\n", choice);

printf("Try again.\n");



} while(1);


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