react 数据筛分绑定_处理实际生活污水短程硝化好氧颗粒污泥的快速培养_高景峰...


环 境 科 学 学 报 Acta Scientiae C ircu mstanti a e

V o.l 27,N o .10O ct .,2007

基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(No .50508001);北京市教育委员会科技发展计划面上项目(N o .K M 200510005020);北京市科技新星计划A 类(No .2006A10)

Supported by the Nati onalNat u ralS ci ence Foundati on ofCh i n a (No .50508001),S ci en tific Researc h C o mm on Progra m ofB eiji ngM un i ci pa lCo mm ission of Educati on (No .K M 200510005020)and B eiji ng N ova Progra mm e (No .2006A10)

作者简介:高景峰(1974)),男,副教授(博士);*通讯作者(责任作者),E-m ai:l gao .ji ngfeng @b j u t .edu .cn

Biography :GAO J i ngfeng(1974)),m al e ,associate p rof essor(Ph.D .);*Corresponding author ,E-m ai:l gao .ji ngf eng @b j ut


Gao J F ,Zhou J Q ,Peng Y Z .2007.Rap i d cu lti vati on of aerobic granular s l udge f or s hortcut n itrificati on of do m es tic w ast ew ater[J].Act a Scienti ae C i rcum stanti ae ,27(10):1604-1611





收稿日期:2006-10-11 修回日期:2007-04-09 录用日期:2007-07-20

摘要:以普通序批反应器(Sequ enci ng Batch Reactor ,SBR)和气提式序批反应器(Sequ enci ng Batch A i rlift React or ,SBAR )处理低COD /TN 的实际生活污水,考察了不同沉淀时间以及反应器类型对快速培养短程硝化好氧颗粒污泥(A erobic G ranu l ar S l udge ,AGS )的影响.试验结果表明,沉淀时间为15m i n 时,SBR 和SBAR 系统中均为全程硝化,当将沉淀时间分别改为5m i n 、8m i n 后的第17d 和第16d 时,两个反应器中均形成AGS ,

并且AGS 与絮状污泥共存;此时两系统均由全程硝化转化为短程硝化,出水NO -2/(NO -2+NO -3)平均值分别长期维持在98

.7%和85.6%左右.本试验中以沉淀时间作为选择压,快速启动了具有短程硝化功能的序批式AGS 反应器.由于AGS 固有结构对氧传质的限制,使亚硝酸氮氧化受阻即抑制了亚硝酸氮氧化细菌的活性,从而产生了亚硝酸氮积累现象.DO 是造成本研究中出现短程硝化的主要原因,而pH 值、游离氨、温度、污泥龄等因素都不是导致短程硝化的关键因素.污泥颗粒化后,两个系统中N H +4-N 降解速率分别提高了2.6倍和2.4倍.关键词:短程硝化;好氧颗粒污泥;实际生活污水;快速启动;沉淀时间

文章编号:0253-2468(2007)10-1604-08 中图分类号:X703.1 文献标识码:A

R api d cultivation of aerobic granular sludge for shortcut nitrification of do m estic

w aste water

GAO Ji n gfeng *

,Z HOU Jianq i a ng ,PENG Y ongzhen

C ollege ofEn vi ronm ental and E nergy Engi n eeri ng ,B eiji ng Un ivers it y of Techn ol ogy ,Beiji ng 100022R ecei ved 11Oct ober 2006; received i n revi sed f or m 9April2007; accepted 20July 2007

A bs tract :In order t o i nvesti gate t h e effects of settli ng ti m e and reactor type on aerob i c granu lati on of n itrif y i ng bacteri a ,

l o w COD /TN rati o do m estic

w aste w ater w as treated i n a sequen ci ng batc h reactor (SBR )and a sequenci ng b atch airlift react or (SBAR ).W hen the settli ng ti m ew as 15m i n i n both t he SBR and SBAR ,t h e type of n itrification w as co m plete n itrificati on .W hen t he settli ng ti m e w as decreased fro m 15m i n to 5m i n i n t he SBR ,aerob ic granu l ar sl udge appeared and coexisted w it h the floc -li k e sl udge after 17days .Th e s a m e pheno m ena occu rred after 16days i n t h e SBAR w hen the settli ng

ti m e w as decreased to 8m i n .A t the sa m e ti m e ,the co m plet e n itri fi cati on changed t o short -cu tn itrification and the average effl u entNO -2/(NO -2+NO -3)

w as 98.7%i n the SBR and 85.6%i n t h e SBAR.The s hort -cut n itrif yi ng organ i s m s w ere rap i d l y cu lti vated i n bot h SBR and SBAR by u si ng settli ng ti m e as s electi on press u re .Due t o the li m itati ons of diss o l ved oxygen d iff u si on i n t he aerob ic granu lar sludge and t he d i ff eren t affi n iti es for oxygen bet w een n itri te oxi d izi ng bact eri a and a mm on i a oxi d izi ng b acteria ,n itrite accumu lati on occurred i n bot h SBR and SBAR .O f t he factors test ed ,(.i e .p H,free a mm on i a concen trati on,te m perat u re and s l udge retenti on ti m e)d i ssol ved oxygen w as t h e ma i n stress wh ich pro m oted short -cut n i trifi cati on.Th e rate of a mm on i a ox i dation by the aerob i c granu l ar s l udge w as 3.6and 3.4ti m es as f ast as t h at of t he activated sl udge i n the SBR and SBAR,res pecti vel y .K eywords :s hort -cu t n itri fi cati on;aerob i c granu lar s l udge ;dom esti c w aste w ater ;rapid culti vati on;s ettli ng ti m e

1 引言(Introducti o n)

到目前为止,几乎所有的研究者均是在SBR 中

培养得到AGS 的.AGS 具有良好的沉淀性能、高容积负荷等优点.影响AGS 形成的主要因素有沉淀时

间(Beun et al .,1999)、水力剪切力(Tay et al .,

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