带通采样 matlab,QPSK的带通信号解调时如何采样

clear all;

close all;


Fc = 2.5e6;         % Carrier frequency (Hz)

Rsym = 1e6;         % Symbol rate (symbols/second)

nSamps = 8;         % Number of samples per symbol

frameLength = 2048; % Number of symbols in a frame

M = 16;             % Modulation order (16-QAM)

EbNo = 15;          % Ratio of baseband bit energy

% to noise power spectral density (dB)

% Calculate sampling frequency in Hz

Fs = Rsym * nSamps;

% Calculate passband SNR in dB. The noise variance of the baseband signal

% is double that of the corresponding bandpass signal [1]. Increase the SNR

% value by 10*log10(2) dB to account for this difference and have

% equivalent baseband and passband performance.

SNR = EbNo + 10*log10(log2(M)/nSamps) + 10*log10(2);

% Create a scatter plot scope for received symbols.

scatScope = commscope.ScatterPlot('SamplingFrequency', Rsym, ...

'SamplesPerSymbol', 1); close(scatScope)

% Create a 16-QAM modulator.

hMod = modem.qammod('M',M);

% Set the expected constellation of the scatter plot scope.

scatScope.Constellation = hMod.Constellation;

scatScope.PlotSettings.Constellation = 'on';

scatScope.PlotSettings.ConstellationStyle = '*r';

% Generate random data symbols.

b = randi([0 hMod.M-1], frameLength, 1);

% Modulate the random data.

txSym = modulate(hMod, b);

% Specify a square root raised cosine filter with a filter length of eight

% symbols and a rolloff factor of 0.2.

nSym = 8;       % Length of the filter in symbols

beta = 0.2;     % Rolloff factor

filterSpec = fdesign.pulseshaping(nSamps, 'Square root raised cosine', ...

'Nsym,Beta', nSym, beta);

% Design the transmitter filter.

hXmtFlt = design(filterSpec);

% Apply pulse shaping by upsampling and filtering.  Alternatively, you can

% use an efficient multirate filter. See help for fdesign.interpolator for

% more information.

x = filter(hXmtFlt, upsample(txSym, nSamps));

% Plot spectrum estimate of pulse shaped signal.

hFig = figure;


% Generate carrier. The sqrt(2) factor ensures that the power of the

% frequency upconverted signal is equal to the power of its baseband

% counterpart.

t = (0:1/Fs:(frameLength/Rsym)-1/Fs).';

carrier = sqrt(2)*exp(1i*2*pi*Fc*t);

% Frequency upconvert to passband.

xUp = real(x.*carrier);

% Plot spectrum estimate.


% Create the passband interference by raising an adjacent channel tone to

% the third power.

Fint = Fc/3+50e3;

interference = 0.7*cos(2*pi*Fint*t+pi/8).^3;

% Calculate the total signal power for the given pulse shape. Account for

% the average power of the baseband 16-QAM upsampled signal. For a

% constellation that contains points with +/- 1 and +/- 3 amplitude levels,

% the average power of a 16-QAM signal is 10 W. The upsampling operation

% reduces this power by a factor of nSamps leading to a net power of

% 10*log10(10/nSamps), or 0.97 dBW for nSamps = 8.

avgPwrBaseBand16QAM = 10*log10(sum(abs(hMod.Constellation).^2)/(M*nSamps));

sigPower = 10*log10(sum(hXmtFlt.Numerator.^2)) + avgPwrBaseBand16QAM;

% Add white Gaussian noise based on the computed signal power.

yUp = awgn(xUp, SNR, sigPower);

% Add the adjacent channel interference to the signal.

yUpACI = yUp + interference;

% Estimate spectrum of the noisy signal and compare it to the spectrum of

% the original upconverted signal.

figure(hFig);hold on;


hLines = get(gca,'Children');

set(hLines(1),'Color',[1 0 0]);

legend('Signal at channel input',...

'Signal at channel output','Location','southwest')

% Downconvert to baseband (Assumes perfect synchronization).

yACI = yUpACI.*conj(carrier);

% Estimate spectrum of the downconverted signal with adjacent channel

% interference.

figure(hFig); hold off;


% Make a copy of the transmitter filter and use it as matched filter.

hRcvFlt = copy(hXmtFlt);

% Filter the frequency downconverted signal.

rcvSymACI = filter(hRcvFlt, yACI);

% Estimate spectrum of the filtered signal and compare it to the spectrum

% of the signal at the filter input.


hold on;



set(hLines(1),'Color',[1 0 0]);

legend('Signal at filter input',...

'Signal at filter output','Location','southwest')

% Amplify the signal to compensate for the power loss caused by pulse

% shaping and matched filtering. This places the received signal symbols

% around the expected 16-QAM constellation points.

rcvSymACI = nSym*rcvSymACI;

% Downsample the filtered signal.  Discard the first nSym symbols due to

% filter delay.

e2eDelay = nSamps*nSym;

rcvSymDownACI = rcvSymACI(e2eDelay+1:nSamps:end);

% Obtain the scatter plot of the received signal with adjacent channel

% interference.

update(scatScope, rcvSymDownACI)

% Create demodulator.

hDemod = modem.qamdemod(hMod);

% Demodulate received symbols and count the number of symbol errors.

xHatACI = demodulate(hDemod, rcvSymDownACI);

numErr = sum(xHatACI~=b(1:end-nSym))

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