作为18c的新特性,其实在oracle 12.2 引入了Scalable Sequences作为一个隐藏特性,为了改善在高并发系统中,特别是使用seq作为index,大量插入记录导致index的争用,oracle自己实现了以前我们需要人工去自定义seq的方式(instance+sid+seq的类似算法方式),该功能将在oracle 18c中正式推出,我这里带领大家先体会下
When SCALE is specified, a numeric offset is affixed to the beginning of the sequence. This offset if of the form iii||sss||, where,
iii denotes a three digit instance offset given by (instance_id % 100) + 100,
sss denotes a three digits session offset given by (session_id % 1000), and
|| is the concatenation operator
When EXTEND is specified with the SCALE keyword, the generated sequence values are all of length (x+y), where x is the length of the scalable offset (default 6), and y is the maximum number of digits in the sequence maxvalue/minvalue. Thus, for an ascending sequence with maxvalue 100 and SCALABLE EXTEND specified, the