forname java_【福利】Class.forName详解

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自定义的classloader 不容易呀,,现在还有人研究这个,,我记得有一本书叫什么深入JAVa虚拟机的..挺深入的.



public class MyClassLoader extends ClassLoader {

private static String myClasspath = new String("");

private static Hashtable> loadClassHashTable = new Hashtable>();

private static Hashtable loadClassTime = new Hashtable();

public MyClassLoader() {


/** */


* create a classloader and specify a classpath.


* @param myClasspath

* the specified classpath name.


public MyClassLoader(String myClasspath) {

if (!myClasspath.endsWith("\\")) {

myClasspath = myClasspath + "\\";


MyClassLoader.myClasspath = myClasspath;


/** */


* set the classpath


* @param myClasspath

* the specified classpath name


public void SetmyClasspath(String myClasspath) {

if (!myClasspath.endsWith("\\")) {

myClasspath = myClasspath + "\\";


MyClassLoader.myClasspath = myClasspath;


/** */


* Loads the class with the specified binary name. This method searches for

* classes in the same manner as the loadClass(String, boolean) method.

* Invoking this method is equivalent to invoking {loadClass(name,false)}.


* @param className

* The binary name of the class.


* @return The resulting Class object.


* @throws ClassNotFoundException

* If the class was not found.



public Class loadClass(String className) throws ClassNotFoundException {

return loadClass(className, false);


/** */


* Loads the class with the specified binary name. The default

* implementation of this method searches for classes in the following

* order:


* Invoke {findLoadedClass(String)} to check if the class has already been

* loaded.


* Invoke {findSystemClass(String)} to load the system class.


* Invoke the {findClass(String)} method to find the class.


* If the class was found using the above steps, and the resolve flag is

* true, this method will then invoke the {resolveClass(Class)} method on

* the resulting Class object.


* @param name

* The binary name of the class.


* @param resolve

* If true then resolve the class.


* @return The resulting Class object.


* @throws ClassNotFoundException

* If the class could not be found.



protected Class loadClass(String name, boolean resolve)

throws ClassNotFoundException {

try {

Class foundClass = findLoadedClass(name);

// check if the class has already been loaded.

if (foundClass != null) {

System.out.println("Complete to load the class: " + name);

return foundClass;


// if the class is systemClass, load the system class by system

if (name.startsWith("java.")) {

foundClass = findSystemClass(name);

loadClassHashTable.put(name, foundClass);

System.out.println("System is loading the class: " + name);

return foundClass;


// invoke the findClass() method to load the class

try {

foundClass = findClass(name);

} catch (Exception fnfe) {


if (resolve && (foundClass != null)) {



return foundClass;

} catch (Exception e) {

throw new ClassNotFoundException(e.toString());



/** */


* Finds the class with the specified binary name.The default implementation

* throws a ClassNotFoundException.


* @param className

* The binary name of the class.


* @return The resulting Class object.


* @throws ClassNotFoundException

* If the class could not be found.



public Class findClass(String className) {

byte[] classData = null;

try {

classData = loadClassData(className);

} catch (IOException e) {



if (classData == null) {

return null;


System.out.println("MyClassLoader is loading : " + className + "");

Class c = defineClass(className, classData, 0, classData.length);

MyClassLoader.loadClassHashTable.put(className, c);

System.out.println("Complete to load the class :" + className);

return c;


/** */


* Loads the classData with the specified binary name. This method searches

* for classes in the specified classpath as

* searchFile(myClasspath,className) method.


* @param className

* The binary name of the class


* @return The resulting the classData of the class object by byte[]


* @throws IOException

* if have some failed or interrupted I/O operations.


private byte[] loadClassData(String className) throws IOException {

String filePath = searchFile(myClasspath, className + ".class");

if (!(filePath == null || filePath == "")) {

System.out.println("It have found the file : " + className

+ ". Begin to read the data and load the class。");

FileInputStream inFile = new FileInputStream(filePath);

byte[] classData = new byte[inFile.available()];;


loadClassTime.put(className, new File(filePath).lastModified());

return classData;

} else {

filePath = searchFile(myClasspath, className + ".java");

if (!(filePath == null || filePath == "")) {

System.out.println("It have found the file : " + filePath

+ ". Begin to translate");

Runtime.getRuntime().exec("javac " + filePath);

try {


} catch (InterruptedException e) {



System.out.println("Translate it over : " + filePath);

return loadClassData(className);

} else {


.println("Haven't found the file, and fail to read the classData!");

return null;




/** */


* Loads the class with the specified binary name.The default implementation

* throws a ClassNotFoundException.


* @param classData

* The data of the class.

* @param className

* The binary name of the class.


* @return The resulting Class object.


* @throws ClassNotFoundException

* If the class could not be found.


public Class loadClass(byte[] classData, String className)

throws ClassNotFoundException {

System.out.println("MyClassLoader is loading : " + className + "");

Class c = defineClass(className, classData, 0, classData.length);

loadClassHashTable.put(className, c);

System.out.println("Complete to load the class :" + className);

return c;


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