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Since the emphasis of the book is on GUI programming, Part I provides a

fast-paced Python tutorial as well as some PyQt coverage. This material is

clearly marked (just like this paragraph, with “Qt” in the margin) to make

Qt it easy for experienced Python programmers to skip the Python they already

know. Parts II, III, and IV of the book are all PyQt-specific and assume that

readers can already program in Python, whether from previous experience or

from reading Part I.

Quite often in programming we reach decision points when there are several

possible approaches we could take. Reference books and the online documentation identify what classes, methods, and functions are available, and in some

cases provide examples, but such documents rarely provide a broader context.

This book gives the necessary context, highlighting the key decision points for

GUI programming and offering insights into the pros and cons so that you can

decide for yourself what the right policy is for your particular circumstances.

For example, when you create a dialog, should it be modal or modeless? (See

Chapter 5 for an explanation and policy recommendations on this issue.)

PyQt is used to write all kinds of GUI applications, from accounting applications, to visualization tools used by scientists and engineers. Figure 1, for

example, shows Eric4, a powerful integrated development environment that is

written in PyQt. It is possible to write PyQt applications that are just tens of

lines long, and medium-size projects of 1 000 to 10 000 lines are very common.

Some commercial companies have built 100 000-line PyQt applications, with

Introduction 3

programming teams varying in size from just one person to more than a dozen

people. Many in-house tools are written using PyQt, but because these are of -

ten used to gain competitive advantage, the companies involved generally do

not permit their use of PyQt to be made public. PyQt is also widely used in the

open source world, with games, utilities, visualization tools, and IDEs all written using it.

This book is specifically about PyQt4, the Python bindings for the Qt 4 C++

application development framework.★ PyQt4 is provided in the form of ten

Python modules which between them contain around 400 classes and about

6 000 methods and functions. All the example programs have been tested on

Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X, using Python 2.5, Qt 4.2, and PyQt 4.2, and

additionally on Windows and Linux using Qt 4.3 and PyQt 4.3. Backporting to

earlier versions is possible in some cases, but we recommend using the most

up-to-date versions of Python, Qt, and PyQt.

Python, PyQt, and Qt can be used free of charge for noncommercial purposes,

but the license used by Python is different from that used by PyQt and Qt.

Python is available with a very liberal license that allows it to be used to develop both commercial and noncommercial applications. Both PyQt and Qt are

dual-licensed: This essentially allows them to be used to develop noncommercial applications—which must in turn be licensed using an acceptable open

source license such as the GNU General Public License (GPL); or to be used to

develop commercial applications—in this case, a commercial PyQt license and

a commercial Qt license must be purchased.

The Structure of the Book

The book is divided into four parts. Part I is primarily a rapid conversion course

aimed at non-Python programmers who are familiar with an object-oriented

language, although it also has some (clearly marked) PyQt content. Because

the core Python language is mostly simple and is quite small, these chapters

can teach the basics of Python to a sufficient extent that real Python applications can be written.

If you think that you can pick up the Python syntax simply through reading

it, you might be tempted to skip Part I and dive straight into the GUI programming that begins in Part II. The early chapters in Part II include backreferences to the relevant pages in Part I to support readers who choose this

approach. However, even for readers familiar with Python, we recommend

reading about QString in Chapter 1. If you are unfamiliar with partial function

application (currying), it is important to read the subsection that covers this in

Chapter 2, since this technique is sometimes used in GUI programming.

★There are also Python bindings for the older Qt 3 library, but there is no reason to use that library

for new projects, especially since Qt 4 offers far more functionality and is easier to use.

4 Introduction

Part II begins by showing three tiny PyQt GUI applications to give an initial

impression of what PyQt programming is like. It also explains some of the

fundamental concepts involved in GUI programming, including PyQt’s highlevel signals and slots communication mechanism. Chapter 5 shows how to

create dialogs and how to create and lay out widgets (“controls” in Windowsspeak—the graphical elements that make up a user interface such as buttons,

listboxes, and such) in a dialog. Dialogs are central to GUI programming:Most

GUI applications have a single main window, and dozens or scores of dialogs,

so this topic is covered in depth.

After the dialogs chapter comes Chapter 6, which covers main windows,

including menus, toolbars, dock windows, and keyboard shortcuts, as well as

loading and saving application settings. Part II’s final chapters show how to

create dialogs using Qt Designer, Qt’s visual design tool, and how to save data

in binary, text, and XML formats.

Part III gives deeper coverage of some of the topics covered in Part II, and introduces many new topics. Chapter 9 shows how to lay out widgets in quite

sophisticated ways, and how to handle multiple documents. Chapter 10 covers

low-level event handlers, and how to use the clipboard as well as drag and drop,

text, HTML, and binary data. Chapter 11 shows how to modify and subclass

existing widgets, and how to create entirely new widgets from scratch, with

complete control over their appearance and behavior. This chapter also shows

how to do basic graphics. Chapter 12 shows how to use Qt 4.2’s new graphics

view architecture,which is particularly suited to handling large numbers of independent graphical objects. Qt’s HTML-capable rich text engine is covered in

Chapter 13. This chapter also covers printing both to paper and to PDF files.

Part III concludes with two chapters on model/view programming: Chapter 14

introduces the subject and shows how to use Qt’s built-in views and how to

create custom data models and custom delegates, and Chapter 15 shows how

to use the model/view architecture to perform database programming.

Part IV continues the model/view theme, with coverage of three different

advanced model/view topics in Chapter 16. The first section of Chapter 17

describes the techniques that can be used for providing online help, and the

second section explains how to internationalize an application, including how

to use Qt’s translation tools to create translation files. The Python standard

library provides its own classes for networking and for threading, but in the

last two chapters of Part IV we show how to do networking and threading using PyQt’s classes.

Appendix A explains where Python, PyQt, and Qt can be obtained, and how to

install them on Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux. PyQt is much easier to learn

if you install it and try out some of the exercises, and if you inspect some of

the example code. Appendix B presents screenshots and brief descriptions

of selected PyQt widgets; this is helpful for those new to GUI programming.

Appendix C presents diagrams of some of PyQt’s key class hierarchies; this

Introduction 5

is useful for getting to know what classes PyQt has to offer and how they

are related.

If you have never used Python before, you should begin by reading Chapters

1–6 in order. If you already know Python, at least read the string policy (in

bullet points on page 28), and skim the material in Chapter 2 (apart from the

first section, which you’ll know well). Make sure that you are comfortable with

lambda and partial function application, both of which are covered in Chapter 2.

It is probably also worth skimming Chapter 3 as well. Then read Chapters 4,

5, and 6 in order.

Once you have covered the first six chapters, you have covered the essentials

of Python and the fundamentals of PyQt.

Chapter 7 is useful if you want to know how to create dialogs using a visual

design tool rather than purely by hand coding, something that can save a lot

of time. For file handling, at least read the first three sections of Chapter 8. If

you plan to write and read text files, also read Chapter 8’s fourth section, and

similarly the fifth section if you are going to use XML files.

For Part III, at the least read Chapter 10’s first section, on event handling, and

all of Chapter 11. Chapter 12 and the first section of Chapter 13 assume that

you have read about PyQt’s event handling, and that you have read Chapter 11.

Chapters 9 and 14 can be read stand-alone in this part, but Chapter 15 assumes

that you have read Chapter 14.

In Part IV, Chapter 16 assumes that you have read Chapters 14 and 15, but the

other chapters can be read independently.

If you find errors in the text or in the examples, or have other comments,

please write to [email protected] quoting “PyQt book” in the subject line. The

book’s home page, where any corrections will be published, and from where the

examples and exercise solutions can be downloaded, is


If you want to participate in the PyQt community, it is worthwhile joining the

mailing list. Go to to

find a link to the archive, so that you can see what the mailing list is like, and

also for a form for joining. Python also has mailing lists and other community

activities. For these, go to





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