Video Capture by Markus Gritsch
from VideoCapture import Device
from numpy import *
from PIL import Image
cam = Device(devnum=0,showVideoWindow=0) #devnum=0 means you are using the device set in 0 position probably your webcam
blackimg= cam.getImage() #this return a PIL image but I don't know why the first is always black to check if you want
image=cam.getImage() #this is a real image PIL image
imgarray = asarray(image) #convert the image into a matrix
#imgarrayfloat = imgarray.astype('float') # in many cases of processing you have to convert to a float matrix because can occur overflow (e.g. for average images summing pixels values of 255 and 3 of two images and divide by 2 gives you 1/2 for imgarray and 258/2 for imgarrayfloat
#recovertedimage=processedimage.astype ("uint8")#if you us