I have a list like
['hello', '...', 'h3.a', 'ds4,']
this should turn into
['hello', 'h3a', 'ds4']
and i want to remove only the punctuation leaving the letters and numbers intact.
Punctuation is anything in the string.punctuation constant.
I know that this is gunna be simple but im kinda noobie at python so...
Assuming that your initial list is stored in a variable x, you can use this:
>>> x = [''.join(c for c in s if c not in string.punctuation) for s in x]
>>> print(x)
['hello', '', 'h3a', 'ds4']
To remove the empty strings:
>>> x = [s for s in x if s]
>>> print(x)
['hello', 'h3a', 'ds4']