

#1.1查询01课程比02课程成绩高的学生信息及课程分数 01 02都存在

select student.*,

max(case when sc.cid='01' then score end) as C1,

max(case when sc.cid='02' then score  end)as C2

from student left join sc

on student.sid=sc.sid

group by sid

having c1 is not null

and c2 is not null

and c1>c2;

select * from student right join(

select t1.sid, C1,C2 from

(select sid,score as C1 from sc where sc.cid='01') as t1,

(select sid,score as C2 from sc where sc.cid='02') as t2

where t1.sid=t2.sid and t1.c1>t2.c2


on student.sid=r.sid;

#1.2查询01课程比02课程成绩高的学生信息及课程分数 01存在 02可能不存在

select student.*,

max(case when cid='01' then score end) as C1,

max(case when cid='02' then score end) as C2

from student left join sc

on student.sid=sc.sid

group by sid

having c1 is not null

and c1>c2

or c2 is null;


select student.*,

max(case when cid='01' then score end) as C1,

max(case when cid='02' then score end) as C2

from student left join sc

on student.sid=sc.sid

group by sid

having c1 is null

and c2 is not null;


select Sname,SId,(select avg(score)

from sc

where sc.SId=student.SId

group by SId

having AVG(score)>=60)as avg_score

from student;


select Sname,Sage,Ssex

from student

where SId IN(select SId from sc where score IS NOT NULL);

#4 查询所有学生的学生编号、学生姓名、选课总数、所有课程的总成绩

select student.SId,student.Sname,count(*) as num_course,sum(score) as total_score

from student left join sc

on sc.SId=student.SId

group by SId;

#4.1 查询所有学生的学生编号、学生姓名、选课总数、所有课程的总成绩(有成绩)

select student.SId,student.Sname,count(*) as num_course,sum(score) as total_score

from student inner join sc

on sc.SId=student.SId

group by SId;


select count(*) as num_li

from teacher

where Tname like '李%';


select *

from student

where SId in(

select SId from sc where CId in(select CId

from course

where TId=(select TId

from teacher

where Tname='张三'))); #子查询

select student.SId,Sname,Sage,Ssex

from student,sc,course,teacher

where student.SId=sc.SId

and sc.CId=course.CId

and teacher.TId=course.TId

and teacher.Tname='张三'; #多表联结


select student.*,count(sc.SId) as num_course

from student left join sc

on student.SId=sc.SId

group by student.SId

having num_course


select *

from student

where SId in (

select distinct SId from sc

where CId in (select CId from sc where SId='01'));#课程总数


select SId,Count(SId) as num_course

from sc

where CId in('01','02','03')

group by SId

having num_course=3;

select *

from student

where SId in(select SId

from sc

where CId in(select CId from sc where SId='01')

group by SId

having Count(SId)=(select count(CId)from sc where SId='01'));


select CId,teacher.TId,Tname

from course inner join teacher

on course.Tid=teacher.tid

where Tname='张三'; #教授的课程编号

select student.*

from student

where SId not in (select distinct student.SId

from student left join sc

on student.sid=sc.sid

where cid  in (select CId

from course inner join teacher

on course.Tid=teacher.tid

where Tname='张三')); #学过张三老师任一门课的同学)

select student.*

from student

where SId not in (select distinct student.SId

from student,sc,course,teacher

where student.sid=sc.sid

and course.cid=sc.cid

and course.Tid=teacher.tid

and  Tname='张三');#学过张三老师任一门课的同学


select student.SId,Sname,avg(score) as avg_score

from sc inner join student

on sc.SId=student.SId

group by sc.SId

having sc.SId in (select sid

from sc

where score<60

group by SId

having count(CId)>=2);    #2门及以上课程不及格同学的ID


select student.*

from student,sc

where student.sid=sc.sid

and cid='01'

and score<60

order by score desc;


select * from sc

left join (select sid,avg(score) as avg_score from sc

group by sid)r

on r.sid=sc.sid

order by avg_score desc;


/*create view course_score as

select course.CId,course.Cname,sc.score

from course left join sc

on course.cid=sc.cid;*/

select cid,cname,max(score) as max_score,

min(score) as min_score,

avg(score) as avg_score,

sum(case when score>=60 then 1 else 0 end)/count(*) as 及格率,

sum(case when 80>score&score>=70 then 1 else 0 end)/count(*) as 中等率,

sum(case when 90>score&score>=80 then 1 else 0 end)/count(*) as 优良率,

sum(case when score>=90 then 1 else 0 end)/count(*) as 优秀率,

count(*) as num

from course_score

group by cid

order by num desc,cid asc;


select A.CID,A.sid,A.score,count(B.score)+1 as rank

from sc as A

left join sc as B

on B.score>A.score and B.cid=A.cid

group by A.cid,A.sid

order by A.cid,rank asc;

#15.1 按各科成绩进行排序,并显示排名,成绩重复时合并名次

select a.*,count(distinct b.score)+1 as rank

from sc as a

left join sc as b

on b.score>a.score and b.cid=a.cid

group by a.cid,a.sid

order by a.cid,rank;


select a.sid,,count( as rank

from (select sid,sum(score) as total

from sc

group by sid )a

left join (select sid,sum(score) as total

from sc

group by sid )b


group by a.sid;


select a.sid,,count(distinct as rank

from (select sid,sum(score) as total

from sc

group by sid )a

left join (select sid,sum(score) as total

from sc

group by sid )b


group by a.sid;


select sc.cid,cname,

sum(case when score<=100 and score>=85 then 1 else 0 end)/count(*) as s1,

sum(case when score<85 and score>=70 then 1 else 0 end)/count(*) as s2,

sum(case when score<70 and score>=60 then 1 else 0 end)/count(*) as s3,

sum(case when score<60 then 1 else 0 end)/count(*) as s4

from sc,course

where sc.cid=course.cid

group by sc.cid;


select a.*,count(b.sid)+1 as rank

from sc as a

left join sc as b

on a.cid=b.cid and b.score>a.score

group by a.cid,a.sid

having rank<=3

order by a.cid,a.score desc;


select cid,count(sid)

from sc

group by cid;


select student.sid,student.Sname

from student inner join sc

on sc.sid=student.sid

group by sc.sid

having count(cid)=2;


select Ssex,count(*) as num

from student

group by Ssex;


select *

from student

where Sname like '%风%';


select *

from student

where year(sage)=1990;


select cid,avg(score) as avg_score

from sc

group by cid

order by avg_score desc,cid asc;


select student.sid,student.sname,avg(score) as avg_score

from student,sc

where student.sid=sc.sid

group by student.sid

having avg_score>=85;


select student.sname,sc.score

from student,sc,course

where student.sid=sc.sid

and course.cid=sc.cid

and course.Cname='数学'

and sc.score<60;


select student.sid,student.sname,cid,score

from student left join sc

on student.sid=sc.sid;


select student.sname,course.cname,sc.score

from student,sc,course

where student.sid=sc.sid

and course.cid=sc.cid

and student.sid not in (select sid from sc group by sid having max(score)<=70);


select distinct course.cname,sc.cid

from course,sc

where course.cid=sc.cid

having sc.cid not in (select sid from sc group by cid having min(score)>=60);


select student.sid,sname

from student,sc

where sc.sid=student.sid

and sc.score>80

and sc.cid='01';


select cid,count(sid) as num

from sc

group by cid;


select student.*,score

from sc,student,course,teacher

where sc.sid=student.sid

and course.cid=sc.cid

and course.tid=teacher.tid

and tname='张三'

order by score desc

limit 0,1; #降序排列取第一名


select student.*,score

from sc,student,course,teacher

where sc.sid=student.sid

and course.cid=sc.cid

and course.tid=teacher.tid

and tname='李四'

and sc.score=(select max(score)from sc,student,course,teacher

where sc.sid=student.sid

and course.cid=sc.cid

and course.tid=teacher.tid

and tname='李四') #找出最高分;


select *

from sc as a

left join sc as b

on a.sid=b.sid and b.cid<>a.cid

where a.score=b.score

group by a.cid;


select a.*,count(b.sid)+1 as rank

from sc as a

left join sc as b

on b.score>a.score and a.cid=b.cid #左连结b表

group by a.cid,a.sid

having rank<=2

order by cid;


select cid,count(sid) as num

from sc

group by cid

having num>5;


select sid

from sc

group by sid

having count(sid)>=2;


select student.*

from student,sc

where student.sid=sc.sid

and sc.cid in (select cid from course)

group by sc.sid

having count(sc.cid)=(select count(distinct cid) from course);


select sname,year(now())-year(sage) as Age

from student;


select sid,case when month(now())

( month(now())=month(sage) and day(now())

then year(now())-year(sage)-1  else  year(now())-year(sage) end as Age

from student;


select date_format(now(),'%w'); #查询今天星期几

set @mon=(select subdate(curdate(),date_format(curdate(),'%w')-1)); #本周一的日期

set @sun=(select adddate(curdate(),7-date_format(now(),'%w'))); #本周日的日期

select sid

from student



and date_format(sage,'%m-%d')>=date_format(@mon,'%m-%d');


set @Nextmon=(select adddate(curdate(),7-date_format(curdate(),'%w')+1)); #下周一的日期

set @Nextsun=(select adddate(curdate(),7-date_format(now(),'%w')+7)); #下周日的日期

select sid

from student



and date_format(sage,'%m-%d')>=date_format(@Nextmon,'%m-%d');


select sid

from student

where month(sage)=month(now());


select sid

from student

where month(sage)=month(now())+1;





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