
1、She needed rest!

2、Mover: You can rest assured!

3、"Oh, give it a rest!"

4、The rest were divorced, partners or widowed.

5、I needed to rest - but where?

6、Almost no one took any rest.

7、You'd better rest as much as possible.

8、After that, the rest is just gravy.

9、We can rest our bullpen and, you know, rest our minds.

10、The rest of us might as well be driving drunk.

11、He will never rest until he knows the truth.

12、This single item will suffice to typify all the rest.

13、And thus, the saying goes, "If you rest, you rust."

14、But these scholarly results rest uneasily with donors' habits.

15、Then had her envious heart rest, at least such rest as a heart full of envy and malice ever can have.

16、All of Nature must at some point rest and fall fallow.

17、Overlapping or crossing, as the wings of some insects when at rest.

18、I usually eat porridge and mantou (steamed buns) and save the rest of my money.

19、We fit what we can in the iteration and defer the rest.

20、It seems that he could rest for a while to enjoy the ecstasy of victory.

21、You are a prelate,--revenues, palace, horses, servants, good table, all the sensualities of life;you have this like the rest, and like the rest, you enjoy it; it is well;but this says either too much or too little;

22、We take a rest, in the rest of the time, can easily review the foregoing socialist form of how the state by "public private" change into "half public to private ownership" half the course and reason.

23、If the death toll suddenly rises into the thousands, can the rest of the world stand idly by?

24、The 23-year-old prince will now have a month of rest and relaxation before resuming his army life.

25、Not only would she lose face, she'd be condemned to being a rickshaw-puller's wife the rest of her life.

26、She contemplated stopping for a rest but decided that if she sat down she might never get up again.

27、However this doesn't drown the rest of the page, because the colour is consistent and simple in shape.

28、Information that we encode to share with other humans no longer needs to be inaccessible to the rest of our software.

29、Love is willing to compromise, would you do a lot of things, like wind and rain will spend the rest of my life.

30、"If we are to remain big exporters as the rest of the world advances, we must specialize in the sunrise industries, not the sunset ones," he said.

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