Computer Simulation of Three-dimensional Model of Teeth and Brackets Movement
Gu Baili
顾百利, (1973-),男,硕士,虚拟现实
1、Harbin University of Science and Technology
Abstract:Purpose of this paper is to describe a fast and easy grid model cutting methods, and use this method in an STL format based on three-dimensional dental model cutting technique using the model grid operation. Users can simply draw a line in three-dimensional model of teeth to be cut and separated from the dental model. The program then generates a vertical plane to cut the results. The next treatment plan for the development of interactive technology allows users to move the teeth from the tooth model to the desired location. It can be done semi-automatic or manual treatment plan according to arch form curve along the alignment of each tooth. Digital model has been set up and planning, the algorithm will then be placed in each tooth can be displayed on a virtual tray. Then the teeth and brackets for orthodontic treatment according to the simulation step change from the original location of the final result to the virtual location.