jdbc:mysql:replication_Mysql master/slave replication

First, DBCP is creating a single JDBC connection through the MySQL driver. This connection will point to the master until set to read-only at which point it will switch over to the slave.

Second, Spring is getting a connection from the pool and writing to the debug log that it has acquired a connection. Because the connection has not yet been set to read-only mode, it will route queries to the master.

Third, Spring is changing the connection over to read-only mode at which point queries will be routed to the slave.

Next, your application (or iBatis or w/e) is given the connection to perform some work with the database.

After you return control to Spring, the transaction on the connection will be committed. Because the connection is in read-only mode, you can see the transaction debug message showing that queries will be routed to the slave server.

Finally, the connection is reset before being returned to the pool. The read-only mode is cleared and the last log message once again reflects that the connection will route queries to the master server.

The issue with that is that the MySQL replication driver will attempt to reconnect to the master each time the connection is returned to the pool. This happens when read-only mode is cleared. The simplest workaround I can see for this situation is to use a separate data source (and transaction manager) for the master and the slaves. You can them specify (along with read-only if you desire) the name of the datasource/transactionmanager in the annotation,

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Master configuration Find the my.cnf file Configure under [mysqld] [mysqld] server-id=1 log-bin=master-bin   Restart the service and log in to mysql Create a user to obtain the log file. mysql> CREATE USER 'sree'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'sree' Grant relevant permissions (copy permissions) *.* represents all tables in all libraries mysql> grant replication slave on *.* to 'sree'@'%'   Refresh permissions mysql> flush privileges mysql> show master status; | File | Position | master-bin.000004 | 120                      Slave configuration ==================== Modify the configuration file: Configure under [mysqld] [mysqld] server-id=2 #As long as it is different from the above.   Then log in to mysql mysql>  CHANGE MASTER TO     MASTER_LOG_FILE='master-bin.000004 ', #above file        MASTER_LOG_POS = 120 ; #The above position        MASTER_HOST='', #The ip address of the main library         MASTER_USER = 'sree',         MASTER_PASSWORD = 'sree',  Then start slave ============ mysql> show slave status\G; see: ===  Slave_IO_Running: Yes  Slave_SQL_Running: Yes It means that it was successful.     Errors in the whole process: Slave_IO_Running: Connecting 1. Mine is the wrong host ip. 2. There are still some firewalls on the Internet that are not turned off I use centos7 to turn off the firewall: systemctl stop firewalld 3. There is also a mistake in the above-mentioned secret.   Fatal error: The slave I/O thread stops because master and slave have equal MySQL server UUIDs This error generally occur when we clone the master to slaver. Delete auto.cnf of mysql, and then restart the service.


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