
package main

import (






//import (
//	"fmt"
//	"strconv"
//	"strings"
//func CreateList(num int, len int) []int{
//	var list []int
//	if (len <= 0 || num <0) {
//		return list
//	}
//	for i := 0; i < len; i++ {
//		if i == num {
//			list = append(list,1)
//		} else {
//			list = append(list,0)
//		}
//	}
//	return list
//func main() {
//	date := "2020-09-01 21:00:00"
//	year := strings.Split(date, "-")
//	fmt.Printf("year: %v\n", year)
//	time := strings.Split(year[2], " ")
//	fmt.Printf("time: %v\n", time[0])
//	hour := strings.Split(time[1], ":")
//	fmt.Printf("hour: %v\n", hour[0])
//	val,_ := strconv.Atoi(hour[0])
//	fmt.Printf("hour==: %v\n", val)
//	var featureList []int
//	var list []int
//	list = append(list, 100)
//	//list := []int{1, 2, 3}
//	featureList = append(featureList, 20)
//	featureList = append(featureList, 20)
//	featureList = append(featureList, 20)
//	featureList = append(featureList, 20)
//	//list = append(list, {0, 1, 2})
//	//list[0] = 1
//	//list[1] = 2
//	//list[2] = 3
//	var gist [7]int
//	gist[0] = 4
//	gist[1] = 5
//	gist[2] = 6
//	featureList = append(featureList, list...)
//	iist := CreateList(1, 10)
//	featureList = append(featureList, iist...)
//	//a := []int{1, 2, 3}
//	//b := []int{2, 3, 4, 5, 6}
//	//a = append(a, b...)
//	fmt.Println(featureList)
//	featureL := featureList[2:]
//	fmt.Println(featureL)

//package main

//func main() {
	//var testtype = map[int][][]int{
	//	1: {},
	//	2: {
	//		{1, 2, 3},
	//		{1,2, 3,4},
	//		{5},
	//	},
	//	3: {
	//		{6}, //车票
	//		{7},
	//		{8},
	//		{9,10}, //功能引导
	//	},

	//for _, priLine := range testtype[2] {
	//	fmt.Print(priLine)
	//	for _, p := range priLine {
	//		//fmt.Print(p)
	//		//return
	//	}
	//var passengerID int64
	//passengerID = 10102030
	//spid := strconv.FormatInt(passengerID, 10)
	//offset := int(time.Monday - time.Now().Weekday())
	//offset = -2
	//if offset > 0 {
	//	offset = -6
	//weekStartDate := time.Date(time.Now().Year(), time.Now().Month(), time.Now().Day(), 0, 0, 0, 0, time.Local).AddDate(0, 0, offset)
	//weekMonday := weekStartDate.Format("20060102")
	//key := "watson_commute_feq_" + spid + "_" + weekMonday
	//fmt.Print("=======", key)
package main

import (

type FromType int
type EventType int
type PushType int

func main() {
	//r := gin.Default()
	//r.GET("/ping", func(c *gin.Context) {
	//	c.JSON(200, gin.H{
	//		"message": "pong",
	//	})
	//fmt.Printf("come on")
	//r.Run() // listen and serve on
	const (
		FromTypeDefault           FromType = 1 //默认来源
		FromTypePush              FromType = 2 //从push侧来
		FromTypeMainPageBubble    FromType = 3 //从首页气泡进来
		FromTypeOrderDuringBubble FromType = 4 //从行程中气泡进来
		FromType65MainPageBubble  FromType = 5 //从6.5新版首页进来
		FromTypeWeatherIcon       FromType = 6 //从端内常驻天气进来
		FromTypeWaitForAnswer     FromType = 7 //等待应答

		EventTypeDefault         EventType = 0 //默认
		EventTypeExtremeWeather  EventType = 1 //极端天气
		EventTypeAbnormalWeather EventType = 2 //异常天气
		EventTypeAbnormalTriffic EventType = 3 //路况异常
		EventTypeAbnormalQueue   EventType = 4 //排队异常
		EventTypePeakWarning     EventType = 5 //高峰预警
		EventTypeTripRemind      EventType = 6 //出行预警
		EventTypeKuakua          EventType = 7 //夸夸机器人
		EventTypeTips            EventType = 8 //滴滴贴士/常用工具/沟通卡片,都是一个意思
		//EventTypeFestival         EventType = 9  //节日临时方案
		EventTypeTicket           EventType = 10 //车票
		EventTypeBackend          EventType = 11 //后台推送
		EventTypeCommuteRemind    EventType = 12 //通勤引导
		EventTypeEmoteCompany     EventType = 13 //互动情感关怀:当前定位在公司(设置了公司地址,或推测公司地址)
		EventTypeEmoteTransport   EventType = 14 //互动情感关怀:当前定位在非常驻城市、大型交通枢纽
		EventTypeGuideIndex       EventType = 15 //功能引导,3次/1天/用户
		EventTypeGuideNoCommute   EventType = 16 //功能引导:没有填写完整通勤地址并且没有预测地址,1次/7天/用户
		EventTypeTask             EventType = 17 //任务
		EventTypeCaiDanChe        EventType = 18 //彩蛋车
		EventTypeBusCode          EventType = 19 //乘车码
		EventTypeRechargeForOther EventType = 20 //代人充值
		EventTypeCoupon           EventType = 21 //功能引导:优惠卷导流
		EventTypeCoupon65Version  EventType = 22 //优惠卷导流,6.5版本新首页用,主要是文案不同
		EventTypeDefault65Version EventType = 23 //6.5版本兜底
		EventTypeBindCard         EventType = 24 //绑卡提醒
		EventTypeFuyao            EventType = 25 //扶摇
		EventTypeFuyao65Version   EventType = 26 //扶摇6.5
		EventTypeEmotionCare      EventType = 27 //情感关怀配置化
		EventTypeFestival         EventType = 28 //新节日方案
		EventTypeSuperMember      EventType = 29 //超级会员
		EventTypeWeatherIcon      EventType = 30 //端内常驻天气icon

		//EventTypeIndexPage EventType = 1 //首页气泡
		//EventTypeOrderPage EventType = 2 //订单页气泡

	var eventTypePriority = map[FromType][][]EventType{
		FromTypePush: {},
		FromTypeMainPageBubble: {
			{EventTypeAbnormalTriffic, EventTypeAbnormalQueue, EventTypeTripRemind, EventTypePeakWarning},
			{EventTypeCommuteRemind, EventTypeGuideIndex, EventTypeGuideNoCommute}, //功能引导
			{EventTypeEmoteCompany, EventTypeEmoteTransport, EventTypeEmotionCare},
		FromTypeOrderDuringBubble: {
			{EventTypeTicket}, //车票
			{EventTypeBusCode},     //乘车码
			{EventTypeSuperMember}, //付费会员
			{EventTypeCommuteRemind, EventTypeGuideNoCommute}, //功能引导
			{EventTypeKuakua, EventTypeTips},
		FromType65MainPageBubble: {
			{EventTypeDefault65Version}, //情感关怀
		FromTypeWaitForAnswer: {

	eventType, err := json.Marshal(eventTypePriority)
	if err == nil {
		str := string(eventType);


//package main
//import "fmt"
//const (
//	Light_Rain    = "LIGHT_RAIN"
//	Moderate_Rain = "MODERATE_RAIN"
//	Heavy_Rain    = "HEAVY_RAIN"
//	Storm_Rain    = "STORM_RAIN"
//	Light_Snow    = "LIGHT_SNOW"
//	Moderate_Snow = "MODERATE_SNOW"
//	Heavy_Snow    = "HEAVY_SNOW"
//	Storm_Snow    = "STORM_SNOW"
//func IsRain(weather string) bool {
//	switch weather {
//	case Light_Rain:
//		fallthrough
//	case Moderate_Rain:
//		fallthrough
//	case Heavy_Rain:
//		fallthrough
//	case Storm_Rain:
//		fallthrough
//	case Light_Snow:
//		fallthrough
//	case Moderate_Snow:
//		fallthrough
//	case Heavy_Snow:
//		fallthrough
//	case Storm_Snow:
//		return true
//	}
//	return false
//func GetAboWeatherName(weather string) string {
//	switch weather {
//	case Light_Rain:
//		return "小雨"
//	case Moderate_Rain:
//		return "中雨"
//	case Heavy_Rain:
//		return "大雨"
//	case Storm_Rain:
//		return "暴雨"
//	case Light_Snow:
//		return "小雪"
//	case Moderate_Snow:
//		return "中雪"
//	case Heavy_Snow:
//		return "大雪"
//	case Storm_Snow:
//		return "暴雪"
//	}
//	return ""
//func main() {
//	weather := "LIGHT_RAIN"
//	RealTime, level:= 0, 1
//	flg := true
//	if flg {
//		RealTime = 2
//	} else if level > 1 {
//		RealTime = 1
//	}
//	if IsRain(weather) {
//		fmt.Print("小雨")
//	}
//	if RealTime == 1 {
//		fmt.Print("woxiaole")
//	}
//	return

//package main
//import "fmt"
//func main() {
//	var age int = 23
//	if age <= 26 {
//		fmt.Println("true")
//	} else if age < 25 {
//		fmt.Println("too small")
//	}

//package main
//import (
//	"encoding/json"
//	"fmt"
//type AbnormalWeatherExt struct {
//	A           string `json:"a"`
//	WeatherType string `json:"weather_type"`
//type AbnormalWeatherExtn struct {
//	A           string `json:"a"`
//	//WeatherType string `json:"weather_type"`
//func main() {
//	tpe := AbnormalWeatherExtn{
//		A: "hello",
//	}
//	str, _ := json.Marshal(tpe)
//	tpe1 := &AbnormalWeatherExt{}
//	err := json.Unmarshal(str, tpe1)
//	if err != nil {
//		fmt.Printf("err = %v", err.Error())
//		return
//	}
//	fmt.Print("no err")
//	return

//package main
//import "fmt"
//type student struct {
//	Name string
//	Age  int
//func pase_student() {
//	m := make(map[string]*student)
//	stus := []student{
//		{
//			Name: "zhou",
//			Age:  24,
//		}, {
//			Name: "li",
//			Age:  23,
//		}, {
//			Name: "wang",
//			Age:  22,
//		},
//	}
//	for _, stu := range stus {
//		//stu := stu
//		stu.Name = "1"
//		m[stu.Name] = &stu
//	}
//	fmt.Printf("%v\n", stus)
//	//
//	//for _, stu := range m {
//	//	fmt.Println("name: ",stu,"age: ",stu)
//	//}
//func main() {
//	pase_student()

//package main
//import "fmt"
//func main() {
//	picklist := make([]int, 10, 10)
//	for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
//		picklist = append(picklist, i)
//	}
//	fmt.Print(picklist)

//package main
//import (
//	"fmt"
//	"reflect"
//	"sync"
//	//"fmt"
//	//"reflect"
//	"time"
//type ConcurrentMap struct {
//	m         sync.Map
//	keyType   reflect.Type
//	valueType reflect.Type
//func (cm *ConcurrentMap)test(key interface{}) {
//	if reflect.TypeOf(key) == cm.keyType {
//		fmt.Println("test")
//	}
//	fmt.Println("gan")
//func main() {
//	c := make(chan int)
//	go func() {
//		c <- 1 // send to channel
//	}()
//	//c <- 1
//	time.Sleep(10)
//	x := <-c // recv from channel
//	var h string
//	h = "1"
//	fmt.Println(x)
//	var a reflect.Type
//	type test1 interface {
//	}
//	//type test2 interface {
//	//
//	//}
//	var kk test1
//	//kk = 1
//	//var zz test2
//	var z *ConcurrentMap
//	var a reflect.Type
//	z = &ConcurrentMap{
//		keyType: a,
//	}
//	if reflect.TypeOf(kk) == z.
  • 0
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  • 非常没帮助
  • 没帮助
  • 一般
  • 有帮助
  • 非常有帮助




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