
【单选题】《茶花女--饮酒歌》这段音乐属于级进还是跳进的旋律? 《茶花女-饮酒歌》.mp4


【单选题】对外汉语教学中以系统讲授语言知识的一类课型,包括语音、词汇、语法、修辞、文字等内容的课程为( )


【多选题】频分多址( FDMA )技术适用于()和()信号

【填空题】TDMA 蜂窝系统由频率 / 时隙区分信道,是带宽受限系统,是硬容量系统;而 CDMA 容量由码道区分信道,是 系统,是软容量系统。

【单选题】电流 和 穿过回路 L,如图所示,则 H沿回路 L的环流 为





【判断题】3/4拍的正确解读是: 四分之三拍就是以四分音符为一拍,每小节有三拍


【填空题】Exercise Two:Rewrite the following paragraph, making it coherent by adding some transitional words and linking device. (5 Χ 8) Gold, a precious metal, is prized for important characteristics. ______1_______gold has a lustrous beauty that is resistant to corrosion. ______2_____it is suitable for jewelry, coins, ornamental purposes. Gold never needs to be polished, and will remain beautiful forever. ________3________a Macedonian coin remains as untarnished today as the day it was minted twenty- three centuries ago. _____4________important characteristic of gold is its usefulness to industry and science. ________5_________it has been used in hundreds of industrial applications. The most recent use of gold is in astronauts’ suits. Astronauts wear gold-plated shields for protection outside the spaceship. ________6________ gold is treasured______7_________for its beauty, ______8________ for its utility.

【填空题】对外汉语教学根据教学性质和教学总体特点划分为 、 、 、 。




【单选题】《拉德斯基进行曲》是一首几几拍的音乐? 1987年维也纳新年音乐会卡拉扬指挥拉德斯基进行曲.mp4


【其它】Exercise one: A paragraph can be developed in time order, space order, general-to-specific order, climactic order or specific-to-general order. Identify the logical order each of the following paragraphs uses. ( 20 Χ 3 ) 1. Carols looked at the scene from the summit of Mt. Everest. In the distant north he saw Tibet. A bit closer, he saw some of the lower peaks of the Himalayan range. On a ledge about one thousand feet below him, he saw the figures of some of the men who had helped him prepare for his final climb to the top. 2 . It was graduation day at the college, and faces beamed with pride. Teachers vigorously shook hands with their students, delighted that so many had successfully completed the program. Even prouder were relatives of the graduates. They had encouraged wives, husbands, sons, and daughters who, tired and discouraged, had threatened to leave college. But the proudest of all werethe graduates. Many had returned to school after years in the world of work.They had toiled at the jobs, gone to school at night, and cared for their families—this day made all the sacrifices worthwhile. 3. He drank noisily and chewed with his mouth open. He stuffed food into his mouth with his fingers and wiped his chin with the sleeve of his coat. He made loud, vulgar comments on the waitress, who had difficulty hiding her anger as other customers turned to stare. His idea of conversation was to regale his date with statistics about the World Series or facts about his expensive new car—especially its expense. An hour with Bruce in the city’s most costly restaurant made Jane wish she had dined at home alone on the tuna fish sandwich.



【单选题】16QAM 调制将()个比特调制为一个符号

【多选题】1. 和平与发展仍然是当今时代主题,( )成为不可阻挡的时代潮流。




【简答题】1.统计课程表中的课程数目(行数) 2.统计课程类型表中的课程类型数 3.统计学生表中的学生数 4.统计所有学生的最大年龄 5.统计所有学生的最小年龄 6.统计所有学生的平均年龄 7.统计所有学生的年龄总和 8.统计grade表中每个课程的平均成绩 9.统计grade表中每个课程的平均成绩,只显示90分以上的结果 10.统计grade表中每个课程的最大成绩 11.统计每个学期的平均成绩,只显示90分以上的结果 12.统计男生的平均年龄 13.统计女生的最大年龄 14.统计‘105230’这门课的平均成绩、最大成绩 15.统计2008-2009学年第一学期 的平均成绩、最大成绩、最小成绩






【多选题】《汉语水平等级标准》的特点中三个结合包括( )



【单选题】阅读下面的Java代码 int[] arr; int n = 5; n = n * 2 +1; arr = new int[n]; System.out.println(arr.length); 程序输出的结果是(选一项)


【多选题】总体设计的结构组成包括( )



【多选题】2. ( )深入发展,全球治理体系和国际秩序变革加速推进,各国相互联系和依存日益加深。












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