import java.nio.CharBuffer; import java.util.Formatter; import java.util.Formattable; import java.util.Locale; import static java.util.FormattableFlags.*; ... public class StockName implements Formattable { private String symbol, companyName, frenchCompanyName; public StockName(String symbol, String companyName, String frenchCompanyName) { ... } ... public void formatTo(Formatter fmt, int f, int width, int precision) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); // decide form of name String name = companyName; if (fmt.locale().equals(Locale.FRANCE)) name = frenchCompanyName; boolean alternate = (f & ALTERNATE) == ALTERNATE; boolean usesymbol = alternate || (precision != -1 && precision < 10); String out = (usesymbol ? symbol : name); // apply precision if (precision == -1 || out.length() < precision) { // write it all sb.append(out); } else { sb.append(out.substring(0, precision - 1)).append('*'); } // apply width and justification int len = sb.length(); if (len < width) for (int i = 0; i < width - len; i++) if ((f & LEFT_JUSTIFY) == LEFT_JUSTIFY) sb.append(' '); else sb.insert(0, ' '); fmt.format(sb.toString()); } public String toString() { return String.format("%s - %s", symbol, companyName); } }
Formatter fmt = new Formatter(); StockName sn = new StockName("HUGE", "Huge Fruit, Inc.", "Fruit Titanesque, Inc."); fmt.format("%s", sn); // -> "Huge Fruit, Inc." fmt.format("%s", sn.toString()); // -> "HUGE - Huge Fruit, Inc." fmt.format("%#s", sn); // -> "HUGE" fmt.format("%-10.8s", sn); // -> "HUGE " fmt.format("%.12s", sn); // -> "Huge Fruit,*" fmt.format(Locale.FRANCE, "%25s", sn); // -> " Fruit Titanesque, Inc."
对于多线程访问,Formattables不一定安全。 线程安全是可选的,可以由扩展和实现此接口的类强制执行。
除非另有说明,否则将null参数传递给此接口中的任何方法都将导致抛出NullPointerException 。