
【单选题】One of the best ______ of the 20th century is the mobile phone. (5.0分)


【单选题】Choose the correct answer to replace the underlined words. Our answer will be threatened by one natural disaster after another if we don't act now. (5.0分)

【单选题】We must find a different kind of energy to use instead of fossil fuel. (5.0分)



【单选题】My parents were very helpful and agreed when I told them I wanted to become an electrician. (5.0分)


【单选题】We are very slowly improving the state of the environment by reducing the level of CO2 we produce. (5.0分)


【阅读理解】Environmental effects of paper You need trees to make paper. When you cut down trees you are affecting the climate. Papermaking is the third largest user of fossil fuels in the developing world. It also leads to air pollution, and the waste water produced during papermaking can kill or affect water life. Although recycling paper can help reduce this problem a little, most paper still ends up in landfills. So what is the answer? Can we do with less paper? We can reduce our need for paper by using computers. We can replace paper files with electronic documents and we can send emails instead of letters and faxes. Another way to reduce paper is to use online forms, applications and surveys. This method uses existing documents in electronic format without printing them. One major difficulty in computer communication is that the people who want to communicate with each other must have the same software and hardware. Another factor in having a paperless office is that all the documents have to be put onto computers. However, there is cheap skilled labour available in places like India to perform the task of entering all the data into the computer. Choose the correct endings. (50.0分)

【单选题】You have the _________ and we have the machines so we make a good team. (5.0分)

【单选题】20.()是 Photoshop的专用文件格式,也是唯一可以存取所有 Photoshop特有的文件信息以及所有颜色模式的格式。



【单选题】A car that only uses sun energy and not fossil energy like petrol is very environmentally friendly. (5.0分)

【单选题】成熟红细胞中糖酵解的主要功能是( )




【阅读理解】Where does your garbage end up? All the garbage that you don't reuse or find a way to recycle goes into landfill sites or it gets burned. Neither of these disposal methods is ideal. The Unites States has about 1,650 landfills. These big holes in the earth are often just outside cities and towns, where the garbage sits and slowly break down over the course of several centuries. In the past, sites were simply covered with earth but modern landfill sites, however, are better: they have walls to stop the surrounding earth from becoming toxic and polluting nearby water sources. But the world is slowly running out of suitable sites for landfills. A much smaller proportion of your garbage is burned. This used to pollute the air, sending environmentally damaging gases into the atmosphere. Today, this process is much cleaner and less damaging to the environment. In fact, the energy released by burning the garbage can be used to produce heat and electricity. Choose the correct answers. (50.0分)

【判断题】锁 存器是对 脉冲电平 敏感的存储电路,触发器是对脉冲边沿敏感的存储电路。

【单选题】Some plastics do not break down and that is bad for the environment. (5.0分)

【单选题】We cannot only depend on the government to solve our environmental problem. We all have to do our bit. (5.0分)

【单选题】含有高能磷酸键的糖代谢中间产物是( )

【阅读理解】Old car tyres Car tyres are a big problem for the environment because they are non-degradable. If you just store them under the ground, they can give off toxins and chemicals into the earth around them. The good news is that rubber tyres can be reused in many different ways: ● You can use them for the sides of boats to stop them from crashing into the harbour walls; ● You can use them for children's play equipment; ● You can make old tyres into computer mouse mats, pencil cases, and notebook covers; ● You can reuse them as carpet mats and tiles .Several carpet manufacturers use recycled tyres as a major part of their carpets. To reduce your tyre waste, look after your tyres: ● Buy good quality tyres that have a long life; ● Don't drive on tyres that are too hard or too soft; ● Change the position of your tyres from the front of the car to the back of the car every 6,000 miles. When it's time to replace your tyres, either take your vehicle to a vehicle service shop that recycles tyres(they may charge a small fee for the recycling part of the service)or, if you replace the tyres yourself, find out where you can take your old tyres for recycling. In some areas, tyre shops will take them back for a small fee. Choose the correct endings. (50.0分)

【单选题】My neighbour just loves to talk with me for hours when she sees me in the garden. (5.0分)


【单选题】Some people think that the wrapping is just as important as the content of a parcel. (5.0分)

【单选题】Our _________ has increased over the last years. (5.0分)

【单选题】I got a job as the ________ manager in a small firm. (5.0分)

【单选题】The number of _________ in our city has increased yearly. (5.0分)


【单选题】Keeping your TV ready for use wastes a lot of electricity. (5.0分)



【阅读理解】Polluting the planet Burning fossil fuel is perhaps the greatest cause of pollution. But it is also the main way to make energy. The cheapest way to make electricity is with power plants. They burn fossil fuels such as coal, which is transported to the plant using fuel also made from fossils. Burning fossil fuels causes much of the CO2 problem that contributes to climate change. A lot of the garbage that goes into landfill sites or is burned has to be treated first so that it doesn't send toxic chemicals into the land and the air. True, new landfills are carefully built so that these toxins don't escape into the ground. In developing countries, garbage is often dumped in any spare piece of land or in landfill sites or burned without any protection for either nearby residents or the environment. This means that the ground, water, and the air can be badly polluted. Choose the correct answers. (50.0分)

【判断题】7.在 Windows7中,删除移动硬盘中的文件后,不能从“回收站”中恢复


【单选题】为构成 1024 × 4 的 RAM, 需要多少片 256 × 1 的 RAM ?

【单选题】23.目前,普通家庭接入 Internet的常见方法为()接入

【单选题】The amount of garbage in our water has become alarming. (5.0分)

【判断题】双稳态电路 存在两个稳定状态,即 “ 0 状态”和“ 1 状态”,具有储存或记忆 1 位二进制数据的功能。


【单选题】The company had a ________ of $120,000 in but this dropped te$90,000 in2017. (5.0分)

【单选题】The ______ news is that China is holding the biggest trade fair in the world. (5.0分)

【判断题】6. SELECT语句必须指定查询的字段列表


【单选题】If the ________ does not come in time, we will lose the order. (5.0分)



【判断题】企业持有交易性金融资产期间对于被投资单位宣告发放的现金股利,投资企业应确认投资收益。( )





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