python max() arg is empty_Python numpy.nanargmax() 使用实例

The following are code examples for showing how to use . They are extracted from open source Python projects. You can vote up the examples you like or vote down the exmaples you don’t like. You can al...

The following are code examples for showing how to use . They are extracted from open source Python projects. You can vote up the examples you like or vote down the exmaples you don’t like. You can also save this page to your account.

Example 1

def guess(representation, sims, xi, a, a_, b):

sa = sims[xi[a]]

sa_ = sims[xi[a_]]

sb = sims[xi[b]]

add_sim = -sa+sa_+sb

if a in representation.wi:

add_sim[representation.wi[a]] = 0

if a_ in representation.wi:

add_sim[representation.wi[a_]] = 0

if b in representation.wi:

add_sim[representation.wi[b]] = 0

b_add = representation.iw[np.nanargmax(add_sim)]

mul_sim = sa_*sb*np.reciprocal(sa+0.01)

if a in representation.wi:

mul_sim[representation.wi[a]] = 0

if a_ in representation.wi:

mul_sim[representation.wi[a_]] = 0

if b in representation.wi:

mul_sim[representation.wi[b]] = 0

b_mul = representation.iw[np.nanargmax(mul_sim)]

return b_add, b_mul

Example 2

def guess(representation, sims, xi, a, a_, b):

sa = sims[xi[a]]

sa_ = sims[xi[a_]]

sb = sims[xi[b]]

add_sim = -sa+sa_+sb

if a in representation.wi:

add_sim[representation.wi[a]] = 0

if a_ in representation.wi:

add_sim[representation.wi[a_]] = 0

if b in representation.wi:

add_sim[representation.wi[b]] = 0

b_add = representation.iw[np.nanargmax(add_sim)]

mul_sim = sa_*sb*np.reciprocal(sa+0.01)

if a in representation.wi:

mul_sim[representation.wi[a]] = 0

if a_ in representation.wi:

mul_sim[representation.wi[a_]] = 0

if b in representation.wi:

mul_sim[representation.wi[b]] = 0

b_mul = representation.iw[np.nanargmax(mul_sim)]

return b_add, b_mul

Example 3

def test_nanargmax(self):

tgt = np.argmax(self.mat)

for mat in self.integer_arrays():

assert_equal(np.nanargmax(mat), tgt)

Example 4

def test_nanargmax(self):

tgt = np.argmax(self.mat)

for mat in self.integer_arrays():

assert_equal(np.nanargmax(mat), tgt)

Example 5

def generalized_esd(x, r, alpha=0.05, method='mean'):

"""Generalized ESD test for outliers



x (numpy.ndarray): the data

r (int): max number of outliers

alpha (float): the signifiance level

method (str): 'median' or 'mean'


list[int]: list of the index of outliers


x = np.asarray(x, dtype=np.float64)

fn = __get_pd_median if method == 'median' else __get_pd_mean

NaN = float('nan')

outliers = []

N = len(x)

for i in range(1, r + 1):

if np.any(~np.isnan(x)):

m, e = fn(x)

if e != 0.:

y = np.abs(x - m)

j = np.nanargmax(y)

R = y[j]

lam = __get_lambda_critical(N, i, alpha)

if R > lam * e:


x[j] = NaN







return outliers

Example 6

def _select_best_score(scores, args):

return np.nanargmax(np.array(scores))

Example 7

def _select_best_measure_index(curr_measures, args):

idx = None


if args.measure == 'aicc':

# The best score for AICc is the minimum.

idx = np.nanargmin(curr_measures)

elif args.measure in ['hmm-distance', 'wasserstein', 'mahalanobis']:

# The best score for the l-d measure is the maximum.

idx = np.nanargmax(curr_measures)


idx = random.choice(range(len(curr_measures)))

assert idx is not None

return idx

Example 8

def test_nanargmax(self):

tgt = np.argmax(self.mat)

for mat in self.integer_arrays():

assert_equal(np.nanargmax(mat), tgt)

Example 9

def choose_arm(x, experts, explore):

n_arms = len(experts)

# make predictions

preds = [expert.predict(x) for expert in experts]

# get best arm

arm_max = np.nanargmax(preds)

# create arm selection probabilities

P = [(1-explore)*(arm==arm_max) + explore/n_arms for arm in range(n_arms)]

# select an arm

chosen_arm = np.random.choice(np.arange(n_arms), p=P)

pred = preds[chosen_arm]

return chosen_arm, pred

Example 10

def predict_ana( model, a, a2, b, realb2 ):

questWordIndices = [ model.word2id[x] for x in (a,a2,b) ]

# b2 is effectively iterating through the vocab. The row is all the cosine values

b2a2 = model.sim_row(a2)

b2a = model.sim_row(a)

b2b = model.sim_row(b)

addsims = b2a2 - b2a + b2b

addsims[questWordIndices] = -10000

iadd = np.nanargmax(addsims)

b2add = model.vocab[iadd]

# For debugging purposes

ia = model.word2id[a]

ia2 = model.word2id[a2]

ib = model.word2id[b]

ib2 = model.word2id[realb2]

realaddsim = addsims[ib2]

mulsims = ( b2a2 + 1 ) * ( b2b + 1 ) / ( b2a + 1.001 )

mulsims[questWordIndices] = -10000

imul = np.nanargmax(mulsims)

b2mul = model.vocab[imul]

return b2add, b2mul

Example 11

def test_nanargmax(self):

tgt = np.argmax(self.mat)

for mat in self.integer_arrays():

assert_equal(np.nanargmax(mat), tgt)

Example 12

def test_nanargmax(self):

tgt = np.argmax(self.mat)

for mat in self.integer_arrays():

assert_equal(np.nanargmax(mat), tgt)

Example 13

def decode_location(likelihood, pos_centers, time_centers):

"""Finds the decoded location based on the centers of the position bins.



likelihood : np.array

With shape(n_timebins, n_positionbins)

pos_centers : np.array

time_centers : np.array



decoded : nept.Position

Estimate of decoded position.


prob_rows = np.sum(np.isnan(likelihood), axis=1) < likelihood.shape[1]

max_decoded_idx = np.nanargmax(likelihood[prob_rows], axis=1)

prob_decoded = pos_centers[max_decoded_idx]

decoded_pos = np.empty((likelihood.shape[0], pos_centers.shape[1])) * np.nan

decoded_pos[prob_rows] = prob_decoded

decoded_pos = np.squeeze(decoded_pos)

return nept.Position(decoded_pos, time_centers)

Example 14

def maxabs(trace, starttime=None, endtime=None):

"""Returns the maximum of the absolute values of `trace`, and its occurrence time.

In other words, returns the point `(time, value)` where `value = max(abs(`

and time (`UTCDateTime`) is the time occurrence of `value`

:param trace: the input obspy.core.Trace

:param starttime: (`obspy.UTCDateTime`) the start time (None or missing defaults to the trace

end): the maximum of the trace `abs` will be searched *from* this time. This argument,

if provided, does not affect the

returned `time` which will be always relative to the trace passed as argument

:param endtime: an obspy UTCDateTime object (or any value

`UTCDateTime` accepts, e.g. integer / `datetime` object) denoting

the end time (None or missing defaults to the trace end): the maximum of the trace `abs`

will be searched *until* this time

:return: the tuple (time, value) where `value = max(abs(`, and time is

the value occurrence (`UTCDateTime`)

:return: the tuple `(time_of_max_abs, max_abs)`


original_stime = None if starttime is None else trace.stats.starttime

if starttime is not None or endtime is not None:

# from the docs: "this returns a New Trace object

# Does not copy data but just passes a reference to it"

trace = trace.slice(starttime, endtime)

if trace.stats.npts < 1:

return np.nan

idx = np.nanargmax(np.abs(

val =[idx]

tdelta = 0 if original_stime is None else trace.stats.starttime - original_stime

time = timeof(trace, idx) + tdelta

return (time, val)

Example 15

def optimize_threshold_with_roc(roc, thresholds, criterion='dist'):

if roc.shape[1] > roc.shape[0]:

roc = roc.T

assert(roc.shape[0] == thresholds.shape[0])

if criterion == 'margin':

scores = roc[:,1]-roc[:,0]


scores = -cdist(np.array([[0,1]]), roc)

ti = np.nanargmax(scores)

return thresholds[ti], ti

Example 16

def optimize_threshold_with_prc(prc, thresholds, criterion='min'):

prc[np.isnan(prc)] = 0

if prc.shape[1] > prc.shape[0]:

prc = prc.T

assert(prc.shape[0] == threshold

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