polybase配置 sql_在 Windows 上配置 PolyBase 横向扩展组

在 Windows 上配置 PolyBase 横向扩展组Configure PolyBase scale-out groups on Windows



适用于:Applies to: SQL ServerSQL Server(所有支持的版本)SQL ServerSQL Server (all supported versions) - 仅限 Windows Azure SQL 托管实例Azure SQL Managed InstanceAzure SQL 托管实例Azure SQL Managed Instance适用于:Applies to: SQL ServerSQL Server(所有支持的版本)SQL ServerSQL Server (all supported versions) - Windows only Azure SQL 托管实例Azure SQL Managed InstanceAzure SQL 托管实例Azure SQL Managed Instance

本文介绍如何在 Windows 上设置 PolyBase 横向扩展组。This article describes how to set up a PolyBase scale-out group on Windows. 此功能将创建 SQL Server 实例的群集来处理来自外部数据源的大型数据集(如 Hadoop 或 Azure Blob 存储),从而通过一种扩展的方式提高查询性能。This creates a cluster of SQL Server instances to process large data sets from external data sources, such as Hadoop or Azure Blob Storage, in a scale-out fashion for better query performance.


同一个域中有多台计算机More than one machine in the same domain

使用域用户帐户来运行 PolyBase 服务A domain user account to run PolyBase services

过程概述Process overview

以下步骤汇总了用于创建 PolyBase 横向扩展组的过程。The following steps summarize the process for creating a PolyBase scale-out group. 下一节提供了各步骤更详细的演练过程。The next section provides a more detailed walk-through of each step.

在 N 台计算机上安装相同版本的具有 PolyBase 的 SQL Server。Install the same version of SQL Server with PolyBase on N machines.

选择一个 SQL Server 实例作为头节点。Select one SQL Server instance as the head node.

使用 sp_polybase_join_group将剩余的 SQL Server 实例添加为计算节点。Add remaining SQL Server instances as compute nodes using sp_polybase_join_group.

示例演练Example walk-through

它将演示使用以下内容配置 PolyBase 组的步骤:This walks through the steps of configuring a PolyBase Group using:

域 PQTH4A 中的两台计算机,计算机名称为:Two machines in the domain PQTH4A The machine names are:



域帐户:PQTH4A\PolyBaseUserDomain account: PQTH4A\PolyBaseUse r

在所有机器上安装具有 PolyBase 的 SQL ServerInstall SQL Server with PolyBase on all machines

运行 setup.exe。Run setup.exe.

在“功能选择”页上,选择“针对外部数据的 PolyBase 查询服务” 。On the Feature Selection page, select PolyBase Query Service for External Data.

在“服务器配置”页上,对 SQL Server PolyBase 引擎和 SQL Server PolyBase 数据移动服务使用域帐户 PQTH4A\PolybaseUser 。On the Server Configuration page, use the domain account PQTH4A\PolyBaseUser for SQL Server PolyBase Engine and SQL Server PolyBase Data Movement Service.

在“PolyBase 配置”页中,选择“将 SQL Server 实例用作 PolyBase 横向扩展组的一部分” 选项。On the PolyBase Configuration page, select the option Use the SQL Server instance as part of a PolyBase scale-out group. 这将打开防火墙以允许 PolyBase 服务的传入连接。This opens the firewall to allow incoming connections to the PolyBase services. 如果头节点是命名实例,则必须手动将 SQL Server 端口添加到头节点上的 Windows 防火墙,同时在头节点上启动 SQL Browser。If the head node is a named instance, you must manually add the SQL Server port to the Windows firewall on the head node and also start the SQL Browser on the head node.

安装完成后,运行“services.msc” 。After setup is complete, run services.msc. 验证 SQL Server、PolyBase 引擎和 PolyBase 数据移动服务是否在运行。Verify that SQL Server, PolyBase Engine and PolyBase Data Movement Service are running.

选择一个 SQL Server 作为头节点Select one SQL Server as head node

安装完成后,两台计算机都可充当 PolyBase 组头节点。After setup is complete, both machines can function as PolyBase Group head nodes. 在此示例中,我们将选择 PQTH4A-CMP01 上的“MSSQLSERVER”作为头节点。In this example, we will choose "MSSQLSERVER" on PQTH4A-CMP01 as the head node.

将其他 SQL Server 实例添加为计算节点Add other SQL Server instances as compute nodes

连接到 PQTH4A-CMP02 上的 SQL Server。Connect to SQL Server on PQTH4A-CMP02.

-- Enter head node details:

-- head node machine name, head node dms control channel port, head node sql server name

EXEC sp_polybase_join_group 'PQTH4A-CMP01', 16450, 'MSSQLSERVER';

在计算节点 (PQTH4A-CMP02) 上运行 services.msc。Run services.msc on the compute node (PQTH4A-CMP02).

关闭 PolyBase 引擎并重启 PolyBase 数据移动服务。Shutdown the PolyBase engine and restart the PolyBase data movement service.


当 Polybase Engine 服务重启或在头节点中停止时,只要关闭数据移动服务 (DMS) 与 Polybase Engine 服务 (DW) 之间的信道,DMS 服务就会停止。When the Polybase Engine service gets restarted or stopped in the head node, the Data Movement Service (DMS) services gets stopped as soon as the communication channel is closed between DMS and Polybase Engine Service (DW). 如果 DW 引擎重启两次以上,则 DMS 会进入 90 分钟的静默期,并且必须等待 90 分钟才能进行下一次自动启动尝试。If the DW engine gets restarted more than 2 times, the DMS goes to a quiet period for 90 minutes and it must wait 90 minutes for the next auto start attempt. 在这种情况下,应在所有节点上手动启动此服务。In such situation, you should start this service manually on all nodes.

可选:删除计算节点Optional: Remove a compute node

连接到计算节点 SQL Server (PQTH4A-CMP02)。Connect to the compute node SQL Server (PQTH4A-CMP02).

运行存储过程 sp_polybase_leave_group。Run the stored procedure sp_polybase_leave_group.

EXEC sp_polybase_leave_group;

在正在删除的计算节点 (PQTH4A-CMP02) 上运行 services.msc。Run services.msc on the compute node that is being removed (PQTH4A-CMP02).

启动 PolyBase 引擎。Start PolyBase Engine. 重启 PolyBase 数据移动服务。Restart PolyBase data movement service.

验证是否已通过运行 DMV sys.dm_exec_compute_nodes on PQTH4A-CMP01 删除该节点。Verify that the node has been removed by running the DMV sys.dm_exec_compute_nodes on PQTH4A-CMP01. 现在,PQTH4A-CMP02 将充当独立头节点Now, PQTH4A-CMP02 will function as a standalone head node

后续步骤Next steps

有关 PolyBase 的详细信息,请参阅 PolyBase 概述。For more information about PolyBase, see the PolyBase overview.





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