NuGet 安装 iTextSharp 和 System.Text.Encoding.CodePages
public FileResult ExportSignARPAPdf(string customerProductCode)
Document doc = new Document(PageSize.A4, 72, 72, 60, 0);
string str1 = System.Environment.CurrentDirectory;
string filePath = (str1 + "/File/" + customerProductCode + ".pdf");//路径
PdfWriter.GetInstance(doc, new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Create));
#region 创建字体
BaseFont baseFT = BaseFont.CreateFont("C:\\Windows\\Fonts\\simhei.ttf", BaseFont.IDENTITY_H, BaseFont.NOT_EMBEDDED);//获取系统的字体
Font font = new Font(baseFT, 10); //写入一个段落, Paragraph
Font title = new Font(baseFT, 16);
Font bold = new Font(baseFT, 10, 1); //字体加粗
Font italics = new Font(baseFT, 10, 2); //字体斜体
Font underline = new Font(baseFT, 10, 4); //下划线
Font boldAndItalics = new Font(Font.FontFamily.TIMES_ROMAN, 11f, Font.BOLD | Font.ITALIC, BaseColor.BLACK);
#region 文本数据
string heardText = "Restricted Project Information Acknowledgement";
string text = "You, the undersigned, are involved in the development of a highly confidential Apple project code-named [" + customerProductCode + "]. The following guidelines are intended to protect the secrecy of the project. Please acknowledge that you have read and agree to follow the guidelines by signing below.";
List clauseList = new List(true, 20);
clauseList.Add(new ListItem("Only refer to Apple by the code-name provided by your employer.\r\r", font));
clauseList.Add(new ListItem("Only refer to the project by the code - name provided by your employer.\r\r", font));
clauseList.Add(new ListItem("Do not disclose any confidential information related to the project or any confidential prototypes, drawings, images, or other materials to anyone other than those that have a need to know in connection with the project and who have been approved by Apple.To determine whether someone has been approved, please contact your project manager.\r\r", font));
clauseList.Add(new ListItem("Comply with the Apple Security Requirements and any confidentiality agreements related to the project.Ask your project manager if you do not know what these requirements are.\r\r", font));
clauseList.Add(new ListItem("Your obligation to maintain the confidentiality of the project continues even after your work on the project or your service to your employer has ended.\r\r", font));
clauseList.Add(new ListItem("Unauthorized use or disclosure of confidential information or prototypes related to the project is a violation of the confidentiality agreement between Apple and your employer and may be a violation of the law.\r\r", font));
string agreedText = "Acknowledged and agreed:";
string signature = "Signature: ___________________________________\r\r";
string name = " Name: ___________________________________\r\r";
string titleDown = " Title: ___________________________________\r\r";
string companyUs = " Company: Shenzhen INCUBE Automation Co., Ltd.\r\r";
string companyCh = "深圳市智立方自动化设备有限公司 ";
string date = "\r Date: ___________________________________\r\r";
#region 给文本添加字体
Paragraph heardTexts = new Paragraph(heardText, title);
Paragraph texts = new Paragraph(text, font);
Paragraph agreed = new Paragraph(agreedText, boldAndItalics);
Paragraph signatures = new Paragraph(signature, font);
Paragraph names = new Paragraph(name, font);
Paragraph titleDowns = new Paragraph(titleDown, font);
Paragraph companyUss = new Paragraph(companyUs, font);
Paragraph companyChs = new Paragraph(companyCh, underline);
Paragraph dates = new Paragraph(date, font);
#region 缩进
heardTexts.IndentationLeft = 20;
heardTexts.IndentationRight = 20;
texts.IndentationLeft = 20;
texts.IndentationRight = 20;
clauseList.IndentationLeft = 40;
clauseList.IndentationRight = 40;
agreed.IndentationLeft = 20;
agreed.IndentationRight = 20;
signatures.IndentationLeft = 70;
names.IndentationLeft = 70;
titleDowns.IndentationLeft = 70;
companyUss.IndentationLeft = 70;
companyChs.IndentationLeft = 130;
dates.IndentationLeft = 70;
#region 文本添加到PDF
doc.Add(new Paragraph("\r"));//换行
doc.Add(new Paragraph("\r"));//换行
doc.Add(new Paragraph("\r"));//换行
return File(System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(filePath), "application/octet-stream", customerProductCode + ".pdf");