Selenium+PhantomJS 报错原因+解决方案+优化方案


UserWarning: Selenium support for PhantomJS has been deprecated, please use headless versions of Chrome or Firefox instead
  warnings.warn('Selenium support for PhantomJS has been deprecated, please use headless '





通过pip show selenium显示,默认安装版本为3.8.1。 
将其卸载pip uninstall selenium,重新安装并指定版本号 pip install selenium==2.48.0。 


使用Selenium+Chrome 或者 Selenium+Firefox 这里聊聊Selenium+Chrome的使用以及参数配置的情况


from selenium import webdriver

# 启动浏览器
driver = webdriver.Chrome()
# 模拟请求


from selenium import webdriver
from import Options

# 实例化一个启动参数对象
chrome_options = Options()
# 无界面运行(无窗口)
# 启动浏览器
driver = webdriver.Chrome(chrome_options=chrome_options)
# 请求百度首页
  • 1
  • 3
    觉得还不错? 一键收藏
  • 0
v2.45.0 ======= * Supports native events for Firefox versions 31 (current ESR), and 24 (immediately previous ESR). Native event support has been discontinued for versions of Firefox later than 33. * Removed automatic installation of SafariDriver extention for .NET. From this point forward, users are expected to manually install the SafariDriver extension into their Safari installation in order to drive the browser. This is due to Apple's changes in architecture for Safari extensions. * Added initial implementation of .NET bindings OperaDriver. The .NET bindings will now support the Chromium-based Opera driver without requiring the use of the Java remote WebDriver server. This driver will work with Opera 26 and above, and requires the download of the Opera driver executable. Code cleanup and refactoring will take place under a separate commit. Note that there is still no support in the .NET bindings for the Presto-based Opera without using the remote server, nor is there likely to be. * Added option to not delete anonymous Firefox profile in .NET. This change adds an option to the .NET FirefoxProfile class so that the driver will not delete the anonymous profile created by the driver. Since the driver cannot and should not use an existing profile in situ because of the multiple instance automation case, this change means that modifications applied to the anonymous profile can be retained and used in future anonymous profiles. The implication is that the user can now make modifications to a profile, and retain those profile modifications (e.g., cookies) into other future profiles, simulating persistent changes over multiple browser launches. Fixes issue #7374. * Introduced type safe option in InternetExplorerOptions to set the capability to disable check of mime type of the doucment when setting cookies. When setting cookies, there is a check in the IE driver to validate that the page in the browser is, in fact, an HTML page. Despite the fact that omitting this check can cause unrecoverable crashes in the driver, there is demand for a mechanism to disable this check for older, legacy versions of Internet Explorer. Fixes issue #1227. v2.44.0 ======= * Supports native events for Firefox versions 33 (current), 32 (immediately previous release), 31 (current ESR), and 24 (immediately previous ESR). * Rolled back improper spec compliance for finding elements. * Fixed WebDriverBackedSelenium compatibility with IE5. Fixes issue #7938. v2.43.1 ======= * Point-release to correct version resources in .NET bindings assemblies. No functional changes. v2.43.0 ======= * Supports native events for Firefox versions 32 (current), 31 (immediately previous release and current ESR), and 24 (immediately previous ESR). * Integrated the Microsoft Internet Explorer driver implementation into the .NET bindings. By setting the Implementation property of the .NET bindings' InternetExplorerDriverService class, the user can now force the driver to use the Microsoft implementation. Note that the default is to use the existing open-source implementation based on the Automation Atoms. Over time as the Microsoft implementation matures, this will be switched to use the Microsoft implementation, first by default, then exclusively. To use the Microsoft implementation, the user must have the August 2014 updates to Internet Explorer installed through Windows Update, and must install the IE Web Driver Tool for Internet Explorer 11 download from Microsoft ( * Added safe check for window.localStorage in .NET WebDriverBackedSelenium implementation. Patch provided by Timofey Vasenin. * Implemented pluggable element locator factories for .NET PageFactory. This change allows the user to specify a custom IElementLocatorFactory for locating elements when used with the PageFactory. This gives much more control over the algorithm used to locate elements, and allows the incorporation of things like retries or handling of specific exceptions. * Issue #7367: Set Json.NET to ignore dates when parsing response values. * Issue #7419: Added support for SwitchTo().ParentFrame() in .NET bindings. This brings the .NET bindings into parity with other languages. * Belatedly removed long-obsolete .NET tests for AndroidDriver.




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