

1. 背景

About this Dataset,In this challenge, you are given a list of users along with their demographics, web session records, and some summary statistics. You are asked to predict which country a new user’s first booking destination will be. All the users in this dataset are from the USA.

There are 12 possible outcomes of the destination country: ‘US’, ‘FR’, ‘CA’, ‘GB’, ‘ES’, ‘IT’, ‘PT’, ‘NL’,’DE’, ‘AU’, ‘NDF’ (no destination found), and ‘other’. Please note that ‘NDF’ is different from ‘other’ because ‘other’ means there was a booking, but is to a country not included in the list, while ‘NDF’ means there wasn’t a booking.

2. 数据描述

train_users_2.csv - the training set of users (训练数据)
* id: user id (用户id)
* date_account_created(帐号注册时间): the date of account creation
* timestamp_first_active(首次活跃时间): timestamp of the first activity, note that it can be earlier than date_account_created or date_first_booking because a user can search before signing up
* date_first_booking(首次订房时间): date of first booking
* gender(性别)
* age(年龄)
* signup_method(注册方式)
* signup_flow(注册页面): the page a user came to signup up from
* language(语言): international language preference
* affiliate_channel(付费市场渠道): what kind of paid marketing
* affiliate_provider(付费市场渠道名称): where the marketing is e.g. google, craigslist, other
* first_affiliate_tracked(注册前第一个接触的市场渠道): whats the first marketing the user interacted with before the signing up
* signup_app(注册app)
* first_device_type(设备类型)
* first_browser(浏览器类型)
* country_destination(订房国家-需要预测的量): this is the target variable you are to predict
test_users.csv - the test set of users (测试数据)
sessions.csv - web sessions log for users(网页浏览数据)
* user_id(用户id): to be joined with the column ‘id’ in users table
* action(用户行为)
* action_type(用户行为类型)
* action_detail(用户行为具体)
* device_type(设备类型)
* secs_elapsed(停留时长)

3. 探索性分析与特征工程

3.1 train_user_2和test_user文件

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
import seaborn as sns
import pickle
import datetime
import os
train = pd.read_csv("../input/train_users_2.csv")
test = pd.read_csv("../input/test_users.csv")
id date_account_created timestamp_first_active date_first_booking gender age signup_method signup_flow language affiliate_channel affiliate_provider first_affiliate_tracked signup_app first_device_type first_browser country_destination
0 gxn3p5htnn 2010-06-28 20090319043255 NaN -unknown- NaN facebook 0 en direct direct untracked Web Mac Desktop Chrome NDF
1 820tgsjxq7 2011-05-25 20090523174809 NaN MALE 38.0 facebook 0 en seo google untracked Web Mac Desktop Chrome NDF
2 4ft3gnwmtx 2010-09-28 20090609231247 2010-08-02 FEMALE 56.0 basic 3 en direct direct untracked Web Windows Desktop IE US
3 bjjt8pjhuk 2011-12-05 20091031060129 2012-09-08 FEMALE 42.0 facebook 0 en direct direct untracked Web Mac Desktop Firefox other
4 87mebub9p4 2010-09-14 20091208061105 2010-02-18 -unknown- 41.0 basic 0 en direct direct untracked Web Mac Desktop Chrome US
print("Column names for training dataset : ")
for column in train.columns:
    print("-", column)
    Column names for training dataset : 
    - id
    - date_account_created
    - timestamp_first_active
    - date_first_booking
    - gender
    - age
    - signup_method
    - signup_flow
    - language
    - affiliate_channel
    - affiliate_provider
    - first_affiliate_tracked
    - signup_app
    - first_device_type
    - first_browser
    - country_destination
    <class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
    RangeIndex: 213451 entries, 0 to 213450
    Data columns (total 16 columns):
    id                         213451 non-null object
    date_account_created       213451 non-null object
    timestamp_first_active     213451 non-null int64
    date_first_booking         88908 non-null object
    gender                     213451 non-null object
    age                        125461 non-null float64
    signup_method              213451 non-null object
    signup_flow                213451 non-null int64
    language                   213451 non-null object
    affiliate_channel          213451 non-null object
    affiliate_provider         213451 non-null object
    first_affiliate_tracked    207386 non-null object
    signup_app                 213451 non-null object
    first_device_type          213451 non-null object
    first_browser              213451 non-null object
    country_destination        213451 non-null object
    dtypes: float64(1), int64(2), object(13)
    memory usage: 26.1+ MB

1. train文件包含213451行数据,16个特征
2. 各特征的数据类型和空值情况
3. age空值较多,特征提取时考虑将空值单独作为一个类别
4. date_first_booking空值较多,在特征提取时可以考虑删除


dac_train = pd.to_datetime(train.date_account_created).value_counts()
dac_test = pd.to_datetime(test.date_account_created).
美国著名共享民宿网站 Airbnb 开放的民宿信息和住客评价数据,包括民宿的位置、房间、配置、价格、住客的评分和自然语言评论等。目前Airbnb开放数据的城市如下表所示。 城市名称 省份和地区 所在国家 Amsterdam North Holland The Netherlands Antwerp Flemish Region Belgium Asheville North Carolina United States Athens Attica Greece Austin Texas United States Barcelona Catalonia Spain Berlin Berlin Germany Boston Massachusetts United States Brussels Brussels Belgium Chicago Illinois United States Copenhagen Hovedstaden Denmark Denver Colorado United States Dublin Leinster Ireland Edinburgh Scotland United Kingdom Geneva Geneva Switzerland Hong Kong Hong Kong China London England United Kingdom Los Angeles California United States Madrid Comunidad de Madrid Spain Mallorca Islas Baleares Spain Manchester England United Kingdom Melbourne Victoria Australia Montreal Quebec Canada Nashville Tennessee United States New Orleans Louisiana United States New York City New York United States Northern Rivers New South Wales Australia Oakland California United States Paris France France Portland Oregon United States Quebec City Quebec Canada San Diego California United States San Francisco California United States Santa Cruz County California United States Seattle Washington United States Sydney New South Wales Australia Toronto Ontario Canada Trentino Trentino-Alto Adige_Südtirol Italy Vancouver British Columbia Canada Venice Veneto Italy Victoria British Columbia Canada Vienna Vienna Austria Washington D.C.District of Columbia United States
评论 1




当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


