

2、在反射对象中设置 accessible 标志允许具有足够的特权


 * The AccessibleObject class is the base class for Field, Method and
 * Constructor objects.  It provides the ability to flag a reflected
 * object as suppressing default Java language access control checks
 * when it is used.  The access checks--for public, default (package)
 * access, protected, and private members--are performed when Fields,
 * Methods or Constructors are used to set or get fields, to invoke
 * methods, or to create and initialize new instances of classes,
 * respectively.
 * <p>Setting the {@code accessible} flag in a reflected object
 * permits sophisticated applications with sufficient privilege, such
 * as Java Object Serialization or other persistence mechanisms, to
 * manipulate objects in a manner that would normally be prohibited.
 * <p>By default, a reflected object is <em>not</em> accessible.
public class AccessibleObject implements AnnotatedElement {

     * The Permission object that is used to check whether a client
     * has sufficient privilege to defeat Java language access
     * control checks.
    static final private ACCESS_PERMISSION =
        new ReflectPermission("suppressAccessChecks");

     * Convenience method to set the {@code accessible} flag for an
     * array of objects with a single security check (for efficiency).
    public static void setAccessible(AccessibleObject[] array, boolean flag)
        throws SecurityException {
        SecurityManager sm = System.getSecurityManager();//获取系统安全的接口
        if (sm != null) sm.checkPermission(ACCESS_PERMISSION);
        for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
            setAccessible0(array[i], flag);

    public void setAccessible(boolean flag) throws SecurityException {
        SecurityManager sm = System.getSecurityManager();
        if (sm != null) sm.checkPermission(ACCESS_PERMISSION);
        setAccessible0(this, flag);

    /* Check that you aren't exposing java.lang.Class.<init> or sensitive
       fields in java.lang.Class. */
    private static void setAccessible0(AccessibleObject obj, boolean flag)
        throws SecurityException
        if (obj instanceof Constructor && flag == true) {
            Constructor<?> c = (Constructor<?>)obj;
            if (c.getDeclaringClass() == Class.class) {
                throw new SecurityException("Cannot make a java.lang.Class" +
                                            " constructor accessible");
        obj.override = flag;

    public boolean isAccessible() {
        return override;

     * Constructor: only used by the Java Virtual Machine.
    protected AccessibleObject() {}

    // Indicates whether language-level access checks are overridden
    // by this object. Initializes to "false". This field is used by
    // Field, Method, and Constructor.

    // NOTE: for security purposes, this field must not be visible
    // outside this package.

    boolean override;

    // Reflection factory used by subclasses for creating field,
    // method, and constructor accessors. Note that this is called
    // very early in the bootstrapping process.

    static final ReflectionFactory reflectionFactory =
            new sun.reflect.ReflectionFactory.GetReflectionFactoryAction());

     * @throws NullPointerException {@inheritDoc}
     * @since 1.5
    public <T extends Annotation> T getAnnotation(Class<T> annotationClass) {
        throw new AssertionError("All subclasses should override this method");

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @throws NullPointerException {@inheritDoc}
     * @since 1.5
    public boolean isAnnotationPresent(Class<? extends Annotation> annotationClass) {
        return AnnotatedElement.super.isAnnotationPresent(annotationClass);

     * @throws NullPointerException {@inheritDoc}
     * @since 1.8
    public <T extends Annotation> T[] getAnnotationsByType(Class<T> annotationClass) {
        throw new AssertionError("All subclasses should override this method");

     * @since 1.5
    public Annotation[] getAnnotations() {
        return getDeclaredAnnotations();

     * @throws NullPointerException {@inheritDoc}
     * @since 1.8
    public <T extends Annotation> T getDeclaredAnnotation(Class<T> annotationClass) {
        // Only annotations on classes are inherited, for all other
        // objects getDeclaredAnnotation is the same as
        // getAnnotation.
        return getAnnotation(annotationClass);

     * @throws NullPointerException {@inheritDoc}
     * @since 1.8
    public <T extends Annotation> T[] getDeclaredAnnotationsByType(Class<T> annotationClass) {
        // Only annotations on classes are inherited, for all other
        // objects getDeclaredAnnotationsByType is the same as
        // getAnnotationsByType.
        return getAnnotationsByType(annotationClass);

     * @since 1.5
    public Annotation[] getDeclaredAnnotations()  {
        throw new AssertionError("All subclasses should override this method");

    // Shared access checking logic.

    // For non-public members or members in package-private classes,
    // it is necessary to perform somewhat expensive security checks.
    // If the security check succeeds for a given class, it will
    // always succeed (it is not affected by the granting or revoking
    // of permissions); we speed up the check in the common case by
    // remembering the last Class for which the check succeeded.
    // The simple security check for Constructor is to see if
    // the caller has already been seen, verified, and cached.
    // (See also Class.newInstance(), which uses a similar method.)
    // A more complicated security check cache is needed for Method and Field
    // The cache can be either null (empty cache), a 2-array of {caller,target},
    // or a caller (with target implicitly equal to this.clazz).
    // In the 2-array case, the target is always different from the clazz.
    volatile Object securityCheckCache;

    void checkAccess(Class<?> caller, Class<?> clazz, Object obj, int modifiers)
        throws IllegalAccessException
        if (caller == clazz) {  // quick check
            return;             // ACCESS IS OK
        Object cache = securityCheckCache;  // read volatile
        Class<?> targetClass = clazz;
        if (obj != null
            && Modifier.isProtected(modifiers)
            && ((targetClass = obj.getClass()) != clazz)) {
            // Must match a 2-list of { caller, targetClass }.
            if (cache instanceof Class[]) {
                Class<?>[] cache2 = (Class<?>[]) cache;
                if (cache2[1] == targetClass &&
                    cache2[0] == caller) {
                    return;     // ACCESS IS OK
                // (Test cache[1] first since range check for [1]
                // subsumes range check for [0].)
        } else if (cache == caller) {
            // Non-protected case (or obj.class == this.clazz).
            return;             // ACCESS IS OK

        // If no return, fall through to the slow path.
        slowCheckMemberAccess(caller, clazz, obj, modifiers, targetClass);

    // Keep all this slow stuff out of line:
    void slowCheckMemberAccess(Class<?> caller, Class<?> clazz, Object obj, int modifiers,
                               Class<?> targetClass)
        throws IllegalAccessException
        Reflection.ensureMemberAccess(caller, clazz, obj, modifiers);

        // Success: Update the cache.
        Object cache = ((targetClass == clazz)
                        ? caller
                        : new Class<?>[] { caller, targetClass });

        // Note:  The two cache elements are not volatile,
        // but they are effectively final.  The Java memory model
        // guarantees that the initializing stores for the cache
        // elements will occur before the volatile write.
        securityCheckCache = cache;         // write volatile
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在您使用 JDK 8 编译程序,然后在 JDK 17 上运行时出现的错误信息是: ``` accessible:module java.base does not "opens java.lang" to unnamed module @93c2679 at java.base/java.Lang.reflect.Accessibleobject.checkCanSetAccessible( at java.base/java.lang.reflect.Accessibleobject.checkCanSetAccessible( at java.base/java.Lang.reflect.Method.checkCanSetAccessible( at java.base/java.lang.reflect.Method.setAccessible( at com.sun.xml.bind.v2.runtime.reflect.opt.Injector$ at com.sun.xml.bind.v2.runtime.reflect.opt.Injector$ at java.base/ at com.sun.xml.bind.v2.runtime.reflect.opt.Injector.<clinit>( ``` 这个错误表明在您的程序,存在一个访问权限问题。具体来说,它指出 java.base 模块没有将 java.lang 模块开放给未命名模块,导致访问权限被拒绝。 这个问题可能是由于 JDK 17 引入了模块化系统,而 JDK 8 不支持模块化系统导致的。要解决这个问题,您可以尝试以下几个步骤: 1. 尝试将代码升级为使用模块化系统。在 JDK 9 及更高版本,引入了模块化系统,您可以通过创建模块描述文件(来声明模块依赖和开放的包。请确保您的代码和依赖项都兼容模块化系统,并正确声明了访问权限。 2. 如果您无法将代码升级为使用模块化系统,您可以尝试在 JDK 17 上使用 `--illegal-access=permit` 参数来放宽对非法访问的检查。请注意,这个参数只是一个临时解决方案,并不推荐在生产环境使用。 3. 如果您的代码依赖于特定的库或框架,可能需要升级这些库或框架以与 JDK 17 兼容。请查阅相关文档或联系库/框架的开发者以获取更多支持。 需要注意的是,尽管您的程序在 Windows 上运行没有问题,但在 Linux 上出现了错误。这可能是由于平台差异导致的,因此建议您在运行时检查和解决与平台相关的问题。 如果以上步骤都没有解决问题,建议提供更多的上下文信息,例如您的代码片段、使用的库和依赖项,以及在 Linux 上运行程序时的详细步骤,以便更好地理解和解决问题。


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