风格是学习的谷歌的,一眼就看得出来,由于IE不兼容input color,而且兼容input color的弹出框实在不敢恭维,所以才开始自己着手做。我想总有人问,为啥不用现成的控件!为了站的更高!好了,上代码。
* 调色盘
* create by j.y.du
var du = this.du || {};
du.yue = this.du.yue || {};
du.yue.PaletteTop = function()
// VO
var _PaletteTop = this;
var _PaletteUtil = du.yue.PaletteUtil;
var _PaletteDom = new du.yue.PaletteDom();
var _PaletteEvent = new du.yue.PaletteEvent();
// dataVo
var _start = false,_mode = 0,_className = "my-palette";// mode:0-div模式 1-canvas模式
var _currentVo = {};// target:当前点击的input,rgb:当前颜色,hsv,hex
var _typeLabel = "HEX";
var _PaletteCtx,_MidShowCtx,_HueCtx,_TransparentCtx,_BottomChangeCtx,_BottomDefinePlusCtx;
// dom
var _OutDiv,_PaletteOutDiv,_PaletteCircleDiv,_PaletteInnDiv,_PaletteCanvas;
var _MidOutDiv,_MidShowCanvas;
var _MidBarOutDiv,_MidBarHueOutDiv,_MidBarHueCircleDiv,_MidBarHueEventDiv,_HueCanvas;
var _MidBarTransOutDiv,_MidBarTransCircleDiv,_MidBarTransEventDiv,_TransparentCanvas;
var _BottomOutDiv,_BottomLabelDiv,_BottomLabelSpan,_BottomChangeDiv,_BottomChangeCanvas,_BottomInputDiv,_BottomHexInput,_BottomRInput,_BottomGInput,_BottomBInput,_BottomAInput;
var _BottomQuickOutDiv,_BottomQuickModelOutDiv,_BottomDefineOutDiv,_BottomDefinePlusCanvas;
// 三个球的移动对象
var _PaletteVo = {},_HueVo = {},_TransparentVo = {};
* 初始化方法
* 对外方法
Object.defineProperties(this, {
debugData : { writable : false, value : function(dataName) { return eval(dataName); } },
start : { writable : false, value : function(className) { _start = true; className && (_className = className); eval("_startMode_" + _mode).call(); } },
finish : { writable : false, value : function() { _start = false; } }
* 内部方法
// 初始化
function _init()
// 给doc绑定鼠标按下事件
document.addEventListener("mousedown", function(){ _PaletteEvent.docMouseDownEvent.apply(this, [_start, _className, _OutDiv, _setColor]); });
// 执行事件绑定方法
function _fire()
_currentVo.target.setAttribute("readonly", "readonly");
_currentVo.target.style["background-color"] = _currentVo.target.value;
_currentVo.target.style["text-indent"] = "-999px";
_PaletteUtil.event.fire(_currentVo.target, "change");
// 启动0模式
function _startMode_0()
// 组装弹框
// 初始化canvas
// 绑定事件
// 组装弹框
function _packageDialogDiv_0()
_OutDiv = _PaletteDom.getOutDiv();
// 顶部
_PaletteOutDiv = _PaletteDom.getPaletteOutDiv();
// 色盘选择圆圈
_PaletteCircleDiv = _PaletteDom.getPaletteCircleDiv();
// 色盘内框
_PaletteInnDiv = _PaletteDom.getPaletteInnDiv();
// 色盘
_PaletteCanvas = _PaletteDom.getPaletteCanvas();
// 中部
_MidOutDiv = _PaletteDom.getMidOutDiv();
// 色卡
_MidShowCanvas = _PaletteDom.getMidShowCanvas();
// hue外框
_MidBarOutDiv = _PaletteDom.getMidBarOutDiv();
// 彩虹外框
_MidBarHueOutDiv = _PaletteDom.getMidBarHueOutDiv();
// 彩虹圆圈
_MidBarHueCircleDiv = _PaletteDom.getMidBarCircleDiv();
// 彩虹条外框包围
_MidBarHueEventDiv = _PaletteDom.getMidBarHueDiv();
// 彩虹条
_HueCanvas = _PaletteDom.getMidBarHueCanvas();
// 透明度外框
_MidBarTransOutDiv = _PaletteDom.getMidBarHueOutDiv();
// 透明度圆圈
_MidBarTransCircleDiv = _PaletteDom.getMidBarCircleDiv();
// 透明条外框包围
_MidBarTransEventDiv = _PaletteDom.getMidBarHueDiv();
// 透明度条
_TransparentCanvas = _PaletteDom.getMidBarHueCanvas();
// 底部
_BottomOutDiv = _PaletteDom.getBottomOutDiv();
// 输入信息外框
_BottomInputDiv = _PaletteDom.getBottomInputDiv();
// hex框
_BottomHexInput = _PaletteDom.getBottomHexInput();
// RGB框
_BottomRInput = _PaletteDom.getBottomRGBInput();
_BottomGInput = _PaletteDom.getBottomRGBInput();
_BottomBInput = _PaletteDom.getBottomRGBInput();
_BottomAInput = _PaletteDom.getBottomRGBInput();
// 单控
_BottomAInput.setAttribute("maxlength", "4");
// 切换标签
_BottomChangeDiv = _PaletteDom.getBottomChangeDiv();
// 切换canvas
_BottomChangeCanvas = _PaletteDom.getBottomChangeCanvas();
// 文字显示和切换框
_BottomLabelDiv = _PaletteDom.getBottomLabelDiv();
// 具体文字显示
_BottomLabelSpan = _PaletteDom.getBottomLabelSpan();
// 快速颜色选择包裹
_BottomQuickOutDiv = _PaletteDom.getBottomQuickOutDiv();
// 模板色块包裹
_BottomQuickModelOutDiv = _PaletteDom.getBottomQuickModelOutDiv();
// 模板色块
// 自定义色块包裹
_BottomDefineOutDiv = _PaletteDom.getBottomDefineOutDiv();
// 加号
_BottomDefinePlusCanvas = _PaletteDom.getBottomDefinePlusCanvas();
function _createModelDivs()
var colors = ["#F44336", "#E91E63", "#9C27B0", "#673AB7", "#3F51B5", "#2196F3", "#00BCD4","#009688","#4CAF50",
"#8BC34A", "#CDDC39","#FFEB3B", "#FFC107", "#FF9800", "#FF5722", "#795548", "#9E9E9E","#607D8B"];
for(var a = 0;a<colors.length;a++)
var modelDiv = _PaletteDom.getBottomQuickModelDiv(colors[a]);
// 绑定色块单击事件
modelDiv.addEventListener("click", function(){ _PaletteEvent.modelDivClickEvent.apply(this, [_changeByModel]); });
// 初始化canvas
function _initCanvas_0()
throw "Your Browser don't support Canvas! so la-ji!";
_PaletteCtx = _PaletteCanvas.getContext("2d");
_MidShowCtx = _MidShowCanvas.getContext("2d");
_HueCtx = _HueCanvas.getContext("2d");
_TransparentCtx = _TransparentCanvas.getContext("2d");
_BottomChangeCtx = _BottomChangeCanvas.getContext("2d");
_BottomDefinePlusCtx = _BottomDefinePlusCanvas.getContext("2d");
// 绑定事件
function _bindEvent_0()
_PaletteVo = {
eventDom : _PaletteOutDiv,
callBack : _selectByPalette
_HueVo = {
eventDom : _MidBarHueOutDiv,
callBack : _selectByHue
_TransparentVo = {
eventDom : _MidBarTransOutDiv,
callBack : _selectByTrans
// 最外框阻止冒泡
_OutDiv.addEventListener("mousedown", function(){ _PaletteEvent.outDivMouseDownEvent.apply(this, [_PaletteVo, _HueVo, _TransparentVo]); });
// 阻止右键默认事件 需要直接绑定
_OutDiv.oncontextmenu = function(){ return _PaletteEvent.outDivContextMenuEvent.apply(this); };
// 色盘区域 单击,移动事件
_PaletteOutDiv.addEventListener("mousedown", function(){ _PaletteEvent.paletteOutDivMouseDownEvent.apply(this, [_selectByPalette]); });
_MidBarHueOutDiv.addEventListener("mousedown", function(){ _PaletteEvent.midBarHueOutDivMouseDownEvent.apply(this, [_selectByHue]); });
_MidBarTransOutDiv.addEventListener("mousedown", function(){ _PaletteEvent.midBarTransOutDivMouseDownEvent.apply(this, [_selectByTrans]); });
document.addEventListener("mousemove", function(){ _PaletteEvent.docMouseMoveEvent.apply(this, [_PaletteVo, _HueVo, _TransparentVo]); });
document.addEventListener("mouseup", function(){ _PaletteEvent.docMouseUpEvent.apply(this); });
// >> 切换事件
_BottomChangeCanvas.addEventListener("click", function(){ _PaletteEvent.bottomChangeCanvasClickEvent.apply(this, [_changeBottomType]); });
_BottomChangeCanvas.addEventListener("mouseenter", function(){ _PaletteEvent.bottomChangeCanvasMouseEnterEvent.apply(this, [_drawChangeHasBack]); });
_BottomChangeCanvas.addEventListener("mouseleave", function(){ _PaletteEvent.bottomChangeCanvasMouseLeaveEvent.apply(this, [_drawChangeNoBack]); });
// HEX oninput事件
_BottomHexInput.addEventListener("input", function(){ _PaletteEvent.bottomInputEvent.apply(this, [_bottomInput]); });
_BottomRInput.addEventListener("input", function(){ _PaletteEvent.bottomInputEvent.apply(this, [_bottomInput]); });
_BottomGInput.addEventListener("input", function(){ _PaletteEvent.bottomInputEvent.apply(this, [_bottomInput]); });
_BottomBInput.addEventListener("input", function(){ _PaletteEvent.bottomInputEvent.apply(this, [_bottomInput]); });
_BottomAInput.addEventListener("input", function(){ _PaletteEvent.bottomInputEvent.apply(this, [_bottomInput]); });
// 加号单击,添加自定义颜色
_BottomDefinePlusCanvas.addEventListener("click", function(){ _PaletteEvent.bottomDefinePlusCanvasClickEvent.apply(this, [_addUserDefinedColor]); });
// 设置颜色
function _setColor()
_currentVo["target"] = this;
// 设置颜色详细
function _setColorDetail(value)
// 获取当前颜色RGB,hex,hsv和活动dom
function _getCurrentVo(value)
var rgb = [];
if(value && value.toUpperCase().substring(0,1) == "#")
rgb = _PaletteUtil.color.HexToRGB(value);
}else if(value && value.toUpperCase().substring(0,3) == "RGB")
var _rgbArray = _PaletteUtil.color.RGBToArray(value);
var hex = _PaletteUtil.color.RGBToHex(_rgbArray);
rgb = _PaletteUtil.color.HexToRGB("#"+hex);
rgb = [255, 255, 255, 1];
var hex = _PaletteUtil.color.RGBToHex(rgb);
var hsv = _PaletteUtil.color.RGBToHSV(rgb.slice(0,3));
_currentVo["RGB"] = rgb;
_currentVo["HEX"] = hex;
_currentVo["HSV"] = hsv;
var left = hsv[1] / 100 * _PaletteCanvas.width;
var top = (100 - hsv[2]) / 100 * _PaletteCanvas.height;
_currentVo["POS"] = [left, top];
// 绘制彩虹条
function _drawHue()
var hueGradient = _HueCtx.createLinearGradient(0, 0, _HueCanvas.width, 0);
hueGradient.addColorStop(0, "RGB(255, 0, 0)");
hueGradient.addColorStop(0.17, "RGB(255, 255, 0)");
hueGradient.addColorStop(0.34, "RGB(0, 255, 0)");
hueGradient.addColorStop(0.51, "RGB(0, 255, 255)");
hueGradient.addColorStop(0.68, "RGB(0, 0, 255)");
hueGradient.addColorStop(0.85, "RGB(255, 0, 255)");
hueGradient.addColorStop(1, "RGB(255, 0, 0)");
_HueCtx.fillStyle = hueGradient;
_HueCtx.rect(0, 0, _HueCanvas.width, _HueCanvas.height);
// 绘制切换按钮
function _drawChangeTriangle()
_BottomChangeCtx.fillStyle = "#000";
_BottomChangeCtx.moveTo(9, 4);
_BottomChangeCtx.lineTo(12, 9);
_BottomChangeCtx.lineTo(6, 9);
_BottomChangeCtx.moveTo(6, 12);
_BottomChangeCtx.lineTo(12, 12);
_BottomChangeCtx.lineTo(9, 17);
// 绘制切换按钮
function _drawChangeNoBack()
_BottomChangeCtx.clearRect(0, 0, _BottomChangeCanvas.width, _BottomChangeCanvas.height);
// 绘制切换按钮
function _drawChangeHasBack()
_BottomChangeCtx.clearRect(0, 0, _BottomChangeCanvas.width, _BottomChangeCanvas.height);
_BottomChangeCtx.fillStyle = "#ddd";
_BottomChangeCtx.rect(0, 0, _BottomChangeCanvas.width, _BottomChangeCanvas.height);
// 自定义加号
function _drawDefinePlus()
_BottomDefinePlusCtx.lineWidth = 2;
_BottomDefinePlusCtx.strokeStyle = "gray";
_BottomDefinePlusCtx.moveTo(_BottomDefinePlusCanvas.width / 2, 0);
_BottomDefinePlusCtx.lineTo(_BottomDefinePlusCanvas.width / 2, _BottomDefinePlusCanvas.height);
_BottomDefinePlusCtx.moveTo(0, _BottomDefinePlusCanvas.height / 2);
_BottomDefinePlusCtx.lineTo(_BottomDefinePlusCanvas.width, _BottomDefinePlusCanvas.height / 2);
// 设置色盘
function _setPalette()
_PaletteCtx.clearRect(0, 0, _PaletteCanvas.width, _PaletteCanvas.height);
var hsv = _currentVo["HSV"];
var h = Math.round(hsv[0]);
var height = 1.1;
_PaletteCtx.lineWidth = height * 3;
for(var x = 0;x<=100;x++)
var leftRgb = _PaletteUtil.color.HSVToRGB([h, 1, 100 - x]);
var rightRgb = _PaletteUtil.color.HSVToRGB([h, 100, 100 - x]);
var lineGradient = _PaletteCtx.createLinearGradient(0, x * height, _PaletteCanvas.width, x * height);
lineGradient.addColorStop(0, "#" + _PaletteUtil.color.RGBToHex(leftRgb));
lineGradient.addColorStop(1, "#" + _PaletteUtil.color.RGBToHex(rightRgb));
_PaletteCtx.strokeStyle = lineGradient;
_PaletteCtx.moveTo(0, x * height);
_PaletteCtx.lineTo(_PaletteCanvas.width, x * height);
// 设置透明度条
function _setTransparent()
_TransparentCtx.clearRect(0, 0, _TransparentCanvas.width, _TransparentCanvas.height);
var cellWidth = _TransparentCanvas.height / 2;
var size = Math.ceil(_TransparentCanvas.width / cellWidth);
for(var a = 0;a<2;a++)
for(var b = 0;b<size;b++)
var ab = a + b;
_TransparentCtx.fillStyle = (ab % 2 == 0 ? "#fff" : "#ddd");
_TransparentCtx.rect(b * cellWidth, a * cellWidth, cellWidth, cellWidth);
var rgb = _currentVo["RGB"];
var transGradient = _TransparentCtx.createLinearGradient(0, 0, _TransparentCanvas.width, 0);
// IE 不识别透明度 会报 SyntaxError,捕获不处理
transGradient.addColorStop(0, "RGB("+rgb[0]+","+rgb[1]+","+rgb[2]+", 0)");
transGradient.addColorStop(1, "RGB("+rgb[0]+","+rgb[1]+","+rgb[2]+", 1)");
_TransparentCtx.fillStyle = transGradient;
_TransparentCtx.rect(0, 0, _TransparentCanvas.width, _TransparentCanvas.height);
// 设置色盘选择器位置
function _setPalettePosition()
_PaletteCircleDiv.style["left"] = (Number(_currentVo["POS"][0]) - 6) + "px";
_PaletteCircleDiv.style["top"] = (Number(_currentVo["POS"][1]) - 6) + "px";
// 设置显示区域颜色
function _setMidShowColor()
var cellWidth = 5;
var sizeX = _MidShowCanvas.width / cellWidth;
var sizeY = _MidShowCanvas.height / cellWidth;
_MidShowCtx.clearRect(0, 0, _MidShowCanvas.width, _MidShowCanvas.height);
for(var a = 0;a<sizeX;a++)
for(var b = 0;b<sizeY;b++)
var ab = a + b;
_MidShowCtx.fillStyle = (ab % 2 == 0 ? "#fff" : "#ddd");
_MidShowCtx.rect(b * cellWidth, a * cellWidth, cellWidth, cellWidth);
_MidShowCtx.fillStyle = "#" + _currentVo["HEX"];
_MidShowCtx.rect(0, 0, _MidShowCanvas.width, _MidShowCanvas.height);
// 设置彩虹条的位置
function _setMidHuePosition()
var hsv = _currentVo["HSV"];
var left = hsv[0] / 360 * _HueCanvas.width;
// 获取彩虹条的doms
_MidBarHueCircleDiv.style["left"] = (left - 7) + "px";
// 设置透明度条的位置
function _setMidTransPosition()
var a = _currentVo["RGB"][3];
a == undefined && (a = 1);
var left = Math.round(a * _TransparentCanvas.width);
// 获取透明度dom ,
_MidBarTransCircleDiv.style["left"] = (left - 7) + "px";
// 设置底部信息
function _setBottomInfo()
_BottomInputDiv.innerHTML = "";
_BottomLabelSpan.innerHTML = _typeLabel;
if(_typeLabel == "HEX")
_BottomHexInput.value = "#" + _currentVo["HEX"];
_BottomRInput.value = _currentVo["RGB"][0];
_BottomGInput.value = _currentVo["RGB"][1];
_BottomBInput.value = _currentVo["RGB"][2];
_BottomAInput.value = _currentVo["RGB"][3];
_BottomInputDiv.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" - "));
_BottomInputDiv.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" - "));
_BottomInputDiv.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" - "));
// 色盘选择
function _selectByPalette(left, top)
// 取色 H不变,S V变化,不通过getImageData,不准确
var s = left / _PaletteCanvas.width * 100;
var v = 100 - top / _PaletteCanvas.height * 100;
_currentVo.HSV[1] = s;
_currentVo.HSV[2] = v;
var rgb = _PaletteUtil.color.HSVToRGB(_currentVo.HSV);
// 设置活动dom
_currentVo.RGB[0] = rgb[0];
_currentVo.RGB[1] = rgb[1];
_currentVo.RGB[2] = rgb[2];
// 设置圆圈位置
_currentVo["POS"] = [left, top];
// 设置底部信息
_currentVo.HEX = _PaletteUtil.color.RGBToHex(_currentVo.RGB);
// 设置色卡颜色
// 设置透明度条颜色
// 设置原始input值
_currentVo.target.value = "#" + _currentVo.HEX;
// 执行方法
// 彩虹条选择
function _selectByHue(left)
var h = left / _HueCanvas.width * 360;
_currentVo.HSV[0] = h;
// 保留透明度
var a = _currentVo.RGB[3];
// 生成新的RGB,HEX
_currentVo.RGB = _PaletteUtil.color.HSVToRGB(_currentVo.HSV);
_currentVo.HEX = _PaletteUtil.color.RGBToHex(_currentVo.RGB);
// 色盘 透明度重置
// 彩虹条位置调整
// 设置色卡颜色和底部信息
// 设置原始input值
_currentVo.target.value = "#" + _currentVo.HEX;
// 执行方法
// 透明度选择
function _selectByTrans(left)
var a = left / _TransparentCanvas.width;
_currentVo.RGB[3] = Number(a).toFixed(2);
_currentVo.HEX = _PaletteUtil.color.RGBToHex(_currentVo.RGB);
// 设置透明度条
// 设置色卡颜色和底部信息
// 设置原始input值
_currentVo.target.value = "#" + _currentVo.HEX;
// 执行方法
// HEX输入
function _bottomInput()
var value = "";
if(_typeLabel == "HEX")
value = _BottomHexInput.value;
value = "rgb("+_BottomRInput.value+","+_BottomGInput.value+","+_BottomBInput.value+","+_BottomAInput.value+")";
// 设置原始input值
_currentVo.target.value = "#" + _currentVo.HEX;
// 执行方法
// 切换显示类型
function _changeBottomType()
_typeLabel = (_typeLabel == "HEX") ? "RGBA" : "HEX";
// 色块单击改变
function _changeByModel(color)
// 设置原始input值
_currentVo.target.value = "#" + _currentVo.HEX;
// 执行方法
// 添加自定义色块 一共9个child,不算加号,最多8个自定义颜色
function _addUserDefinedColor()
var childCount = _BottomDefineOutDiv.childElementCount;
if(childCount == 9)
var modelDiv = _PaletteDom.getBottomQuickModelDiv("#" + _currentVo.HEX);
_BottomDefineOutDiv.insertBefore(modelDiv, _BottomDefinePlusCanvas);
// 绑定色块单击事件
modelDiv.addEventListener("click", function(){ _PaletteEvent.modelDivClickEvent.apply(this, [_changeByModel]); });
// 绑定右键删除事件
modelDiv.addEventListener("contextmenu", function(){ _PaletteEvent.modelDivContextMenuEvent.apply(this); });
* 事件类
du.yue.PaletteEvent = function()
var _PaletteUtil = du.yue.PaletteUtil;
var _paletteDragVo = {};// 色盘drag对象
var _hueDragVo = {};// 彩虹条drag对象
var _transDragVo = {};// 透明条drag对象
// 对外暴露接口
Object.defineProperties(this, {
docMouseDownEvent : { writable : false, value : _docMouseDownEvent },
outDivMouseDownEvent : { writable : false, value : _outDivMouseDownEvent },
outDivContextMenuEvent : { writable : false, value : _outDivContextMenuEvent },
paletteOutDivMouseDownEvent : { writable : false, value : _paletteOutDivMouseDownEvent },
midBarHueOutDivMouseDownEvent : { writable : false, value : _midBarHueOutDivMouseDownEvent },
midBarTransOutDivMouseDownEvent : { writable : false, value : _midBarTransOutDivMouseDownEvent },
docMouseUpEvent : { writable : false, value : _docMouseUpEvent },
docMouseMoveEvent : { writable : false, value : _docMouseMoveEvent },
bottomInputEvent : { writable : false, value : _bottomInputEvent },
bottomChangeCanvasClickEvent : { writable : false, value : _bottomChangeCanvasClickEvent },
bottomChangeCanvasMouseEnterEvent : { writable : false, value : _bottomChangeCanvasMouseEnterEvent },
bottomChangeCanvasMouseLeaveEvent : { writable : false, value : _bottomChangeCanvasMouseLeaveEvent },
modelDivClickEvent : { writable : false, value : _modelDivClickEvent },
modelDivContextMenuEvent : { writable : false, value : _modelDivContextMenuEvent },
bottomDefinePlusCanvasClickEvent : { writable : false, value : _bottomDefinePlusCanvasClickEvent }
// 加号单击
function _bottomDefinePlusCanvasClickEvent()
// 色块单击
function _modelDivClickEvent()
var color = this.style["background-color"];
arguments[0].call(null, color);
// 自定义色块右键
function _modelDivContextMenuEvent()
// 切换显示类型
function _bottomChangeCanvasClickEvent()
var e = _PaletteUtil.event.getEvent(event);
// 禁止默认事件
function _bottomChangeCanvasMouseEnterEvent()
function _bottomChangeCanvasMouseLeaveEvent()
// hex改变事件
function _bottomInputEvent()
// 色盘鼠标按下
function _paletteOutDivMouseDownEvent()
var e = _PaletteUtil.event.getEvent(event);
// 禁止默认事件
var clientX = e.clientX;
var clientY = e.clientY;
var thisLeft = this.getBoundingClientRect().left;
var thisTop = this.getBoundingClientRect().top;
var left = clientX - thisLeft;
var top = clientY - thisTop;
arguments[0].call(null, left, top);
// 开启drag
_paletteDragVo.flag = true;
// 彩虹条鼠标按下
function _midBarHueOutDivMouseDownEvent()
var e = _PaletteUtil.event.getEvent(event);
// 禁止默认事件
var clientX = e.clientX;
var bbox = this.getBoundingClientRect();
var x = clientX < bbox.left ? 0 : clientX > bbox.right ? bbox.width : (clientX - bbox.left);
arguments[0].call(null, x);
// 开启drag
_hueDragVo.flag = true;
// 透明度条鼠标按下
function _midBarTransOutDivMouseDownEvent()
var e = _PaletteUtil.event.getEvent(event);
// 禁止默认事件
var clientX = e.clientX;
var bbox = this.getBoundingClientRect();
var x = clientX < bbox.left ? 0 : clientX > bbox.right ? bbox.width : (clientX - bbox.left);
arguments[0].call(null, x);
// 开启drag
_transDragVo.flag = true;
// doc鼠标按下事件 [_start, _className, _OutDiv, _setColor]
function _docMouseDownEvent()
var _start = arguments[0];
var _OutDiv = arguments[2];
var e = _PaletteUtil.event.getEvent(event);
var target = _PaletteUtil.event.getTarget(e);
// 判断input type='text'
var tagName = target.tagName;
var type = target.type;
if(!tagName || tagName.toLowerCase() != "input" || !type || type.toLowerCase() != "text")
// 隐藏弹框
document.body.contains(_OutDiv) && document.body.removeChild(_OutDiv);
// 判断class
var classList = target.className.split(" ");
var _className = arguments[1];
var index = classList.indexOf(_className);
if(index < 0)
// 隐藏弹框
document.body.contains(_OutDiv) && document.body.removeChild(_OutDiv);
// 确定弹框位置
var top = target.offsetTop + target.offsetHeight;
_OutDiv.style["top"] = top + "px";
var winWidth = document.body.scrollWidth;
var targetLeft = target.offsetLeft;
var targetWidth = target.offsetWidth;
var outDivWidth = parseInt(_OutDiv.style["width"].replace("px", ""));
if((targetLeft + outDivWidth) <= winWidth)
_OutDiv.style["left"] = targetLeft + "px";
_OutDiv.style["left"] = (winWidth - outDivWidth - 10) + "px";
// doc鼠标移动事件
function _docMouseMoveEvent()
var e = _PaletteUtil.event.getEvent(event);
_paletteDragVo.flag && _paletteMouseMoveEvent.call(this, e, arguments[0]);
_hueDragVo.flag && _hueMouseMoveEvent.call(this, e, arguments[1]);
_transDragVo.flag && _transMouseMoveEvent.call(this, e, arguments[2]);
// 色盘鼠标移动事件
function _paletteMouseMoveEvent(e, _PaletteVo)
// 禁止默认事件
var eventDom = _PaletteVo.eventDom;
var bbox = eventDom.getBoundingClientRect();
var clientX = e.clientX;
var clientY = e.clientY;
var x = clientX < bbox.left ? 0 : clientX > bbox.right ? bbox.width : (clientX - bbox.left);
var y = clientY < bbox.top ? 0 : clientY > bbox.bottom ? bbox.height : (clientY - bbox.top);
_PaletteVo.callBack.call(null, x, y);
// 彩虹条鼠标移动事件
function _hueMouseMoveEvent(e, _HueVo)
// 禁止默认事件
var eventDom = _HueVo.eventDom;
var bbox = eventDom.getBoundingClientRect();
var clientX = e.clientX;
var x = clientX < bbox.left ? 0 : clientX > bbox.right ? bbox.width : (clientX - bbox.left);
_HueVo.callBack.call(null, x);
// 透明度条鼠标移动事件
function _transMouseMoveEvent(e, _TransparentVo)
// 禁止默认事件
var eventDom = _TransparentVo.eventDom;
var bbox = eventDom.getBoundingClientRect();
var clientX = e.clientX;
var x = clientX < bbox.left ? 0 : clientX > bbox.right ? bbox.width : (clientX - bbox.left);
_TransparentVo.callBack.call(null, x);
// doc鼠标弹起
function _docMouseUpEvent()
// 停止drag
_paletteDragVo.flag && (_paletteDragVo.flag = false);
_hueDragVo.flag && (_hueDragVo.flag = false);
_transDragVo.flag && (_transDragVo.flag = false);
// 最外框阻止冒泡
function _outDivMouseDownEvent()
var e = _PaletteUtil.event.getEvent(event);
// 最外框阻止右键默认事件
function _outDivContextMenuEvent()
return false;
* dom类
du.yue.PaletteDom = function()
var _PaletteUtil = du.yue.PaletteUtil;
Object.defineProperties(this, {
getOutDiv : { writable : false, value : _getOutDiv },
getPaletteOutDiv : { writable : false, value : _getPaletteOutDiv },
getPaletteInnDiv : { writable : false, value : _getPaletteInnDiv },
getPaletteCanvas : { writable : false, value : _getPaletteCanvas },
getPaletteCircleDiv : { writable : false, value : _getPaletteCircleDiv },
getMidOutDiv : { writable : false, value : _getMidOutDiv },
getMidShowCanvas : { writable : false, value : _getMidShowCanvas },
getMidBarOutDiv : { writable : false, value : _getMidBarOutDiv },
getMidBarHueOutDiv : { writable : false, value : _getMidBarHueOutDiv },
getMidBarCircleDiv : { writable : false, value : _getMidBarCircleDiv },
getMidBarHueDiv : { writable : false, value : _getMidBarHueDiv },
getMidBarHueCanvas : { writable : false, value : _getMidBarHueCanvas },
getBottomOutDiv : { writable : false, value : _getBottomOutDiv },
getBottomLabelDiv : { writable : false, value : _getBottomLabelDiv },
getBottomInputDiv : { writable : false, value : _getBottomInputDiv },
getBottomHexInput : { writable : false, value : _getBottomHexInput },
getBottomRGBInput : { writable : false, value : _getBottomRGBInput },
getBottomLabelSpan : { writable : false, value : _getBottomLabelSpan },
getBottomChangeDiv : { writable : false, value : _getBottomChangeDiv },
getBottomChangeCanvas : { writable : false, value : _getBottomChangeCanvas },
getBottomQuickOutDiv : { writable : false, value : _getBottomQuickOutDiv },
getBottomQuickModelOutDiv : { writable : false, value : _getBottomQuickModelOutDiv },
getBottomQuickModelDiv : { writable : false, value : _getBottomQuickModelDiv },
getBottomDefineOutDiv : { writable : false, value : _getBottomDefineOutDiv },
getBottomDefinePlusCanvas : { writable : false, value : _getBottomDefinePlusCanvas },
function _$c(tagName)
return document.createElement(tagName);
// 创建最外框DIV --
function _getOutDiv()
var div = _$c("div");
div.style["position"] = "absolute";
div.style["width"] = "220px";
div.style["height"] = "282px";
// div.style["border"] = "1px solid #d0d0d0";
div.style["overflow"] = "hidden";
div.style["background-color"] = "#fff";
div.style["position"] = "absolute";
div.style["z-index"] = "999999";
div.style["box-shadow"] = "1px 1px 5px #aaa";
return div;
// 创建色盘包裹DIV
function _getPaletteOutDiv()
var div = _$c("div");
div.style["position"] = "relative";
div.style["width"] = "220px";
div.style["height"] = "111px";
div.style["overflow"] = "hidden";
return div;
// 创建选择圆圈
function _getPaletteCircleDiv()
var div = _$c("div");
div.style["position"] = "absolute";
div.style["z-index"] = "1";
div.style["width"] = "10px";
div.style["height"] = "10px";
div.style["border"] = "1px solid #ffffff";
div.style["border-radius"] = "50px";
return div;
// 色盘内包裹
function _getPaletteInnDiv()
var div = _$c("div");
div.style["width"] = "220px";
div.style["height"] = "111px";
return div;
// 创建色盘
function _getPaletteCanvas()
var canvas = _$c("canvas");
canvas.innerHTML = "Your browser is not support canvas";
canvas.width = 220;
canvas.height = 111;
return canvas;
// 创建中间区域外框
function _getMidOutDiv()
var div = _$c("div");
div.style["width"] = "220px";
div.style["height"] = "50px";
return div;
// 创建显示色卡
function _getMidShowCanvas()
var canvas = _$c("canvas");
canvas.width = 35;
canvas.height = 35;
canvas.style["float"] = "left";
canvas.style["margin"] = "5px 8px 0px 8px";
canvas.style["border-radius"] = "50px";
canvas.style["border"] = "1px solid #d0d0d0";
return canvas;
// 创建条形包裹
function _getMidBarOutDiv()
var div = _$c("div");
div.style["float"] = "left";
div.style["width"] = "150px";
div.style["height"] = "50px";
return div;
// 创建彩虹条外框
function _getMidBarHueOutDiv()
var div = _$c("div");
div.style["position"] = "relative";
div.style["width"] = "150px";
div.style["height"] = "10px";
div.style["margin"] = "8px 0px 0px 4px";
// div.style["border"] = "1px solid #dadada";
return div;
// 创建彩虹条和透明度选择圆圈
function _getMidBarCircleDiv()
var div = _$c("div");
div.style["position"] = "absolute";
div.style["top"] = "-2px";
div.style["z-index"] = "1";
div.style["width"] = "12px";
div.style["height"] = "12px";
div.style["border"] = "1px solid #a9a9a9";
div.style["border-radius"] = "50px";
div.style["background-color"] = "#fff";
return div;
// 创建彩虹条包裹
function _getMidBarHueDiv()
var div = _$c("div");
div.style["position"] = "relative";
div.style["width"] = "150px";
div.style["height"] = "10px";
return div;
// 创建彩虹条和透明度canvas
function _getMidBarHueCanvas()
var canvas = _$c("canvas");
canvas.innerHTML = "Your browser is not support canvas";
canvas.style["position"] = "absolute";
canvas.width = 150;
canvas.height = 10;
return canvas;
// 创建显示栏
function _getBottomOutDiv()
var div = _$c("div");
div.style["width"] = "220px";
div.style["height"] = "50px";
return div;
// 创建输入包裹框
function _getBottomInputDiv()
var div = _$c("div");
div.style["float"] = "left";
div.style["width"] = "195px";
div.style["height"] = "30px";
div.style["text-align"] = "center";
return div;
// 创建输入框
function _getBottomHexInput()
var ipt = _$c("input");
ipt.type = "text";
ipt.style["text-align"] = "center";
ipt.style["color"] = "#464646";
ipt.style["background-color"] = "#fff";
ipt.style["width"] = "180px";
ipt.style["height"] = "20px";
ipt.style["line-height"] = "20px";
ipt.style["font-size"] = "12px";
ipt.style["font-family"] = "Consolas";
ipt.style["border"] = "1px solid #d0d0d0";
ipt.setAttribute("maxlength", "9");
return ipt;
// 创建输入框
function _getBottomRGBInput()
var ipt = _$c("input");
ipt.type = "text";
ipt.style["text-align"] = "center";
ipt.style["color"] = "#464646";
ipt.style["background-color"] = "#fff";
ipt.style["width"] = "30px";
ipt.style["height"] = "20px";
ipt.style["line-height"] = "20px";
ipt.style["font-size"] = "12px";
ipt.style["font-family"] = "Consolas";
ipt.style["border"] = "1px solid #d0d0d0";
ipt.setAttribute("maxlength", "3");
return ipt;
// 创建显示类型
function _getBottomLabelDiv()
var div = _$c("div");
div.style["float"] = "left";
div.style["width"] = "195px";
div.style["height"] = "20px";
div.style["text-align"] = "center";
div.style["font-size"] = "12px";
div.style["color"] = "#9d9d9d";
return div;
// 创建显示类型文字
function _getBottomLabelSpan()
var span = _$c("span");
return span;
// 创建切换标签
function _getBottomChangeDiv()
var div = _$c("div");
div.style["float"] = "right";
div.style["width"] = "23px";
div.style["height"] = "40px";
return div;
// 创建切换canvas
function _getBottomChangeCanvas()
var canvas = _$c("canvas");
canvas.innerHTML = "Your browser is not support canvas";
canvas.width = 18;
canvas.height = 22;
canvas.style["margin-top"] = "13px";
canvas.style["margin-left"] = "-2px";
return canvas;
// 快速色块选择区
function _getBottomQuickOutDiv()
var div = _$c("div");
div.style["width"] = "220px";
div.style["height"] = "68px";
div.style["border-top"] = "1px solid #ddd";
return div;
// 样例色块包裹
function _getBottomQuickModelOutDiv()
var div = _$c("div");
div.style["width"] = "220px";
div.style["height"] = "46px";
div.style["margin-left"] = "5px";
return div;
// 样例色块
function _getBottomQuickModelDiv(rgb)
var div = _$c("div");
div.style["float"] = "left";
div.style["width"] = "11px";
div.style["height"] = "11px";
div.style["margin"] = "5px 5px 5px 5px";
div.style["border-radius"] = "3px";
div.style["border"] = "1px solid #ddd";
div.style["overflow"] = "hidden";
div.style["background-color"] = rgb;
return div;
// 自定义色块包裹
function _getBottomDefineOutDiv()
var div = _$c("div");
div.style["width"] = "220px";
div.style["height"] = "23px";
div.style["margin-left"] = "5px";
return div;
// 自定义色块 + 号
function _getBottomDefinePlusCanvas()
var canvas = _$c("canvas");
canvas.innerHTML = "Your browser is not support canvas";
canvas.width = 11;
canvas.height = 11;
canvas.style["float"] = "left";
canvas.style["margin"] = "6px 6px 6px 6px";
canvas.style["border-radius"] = "3px";
return canvas;
* 工具类
du.yue.PaletteUtil = {
// 事件工具
event : {
getEvent : function(event)
return event ? event : window.event;
getTarget : function(event)
return event.target || event.srcElement;
preventDefault : function(event)
event.returnValue = false;
stopPropagation : function(event)
event.cancelBubble = true;
fire : function(target, eventName)
var evt = document.createEventObject();
target.fireEvent("on" + eventName, evt);
var evt = document.createEvent("HTMLEvents");
evt.initEvent(eventName, true, true);
// 颜色转换
color : {
HSVToRGB : function(hsv)
var h = hsv[0];
var s = hsv[1];
var v = hsv[2];
if(h == undefined || isNaN(h) || h < 0 || h > 360)
throw "H must be a number, greater than 0 and less than 360";
if(s == undefined || isNaN(s) || s < 0 || s > 100)
throw "S must be a number, greater than 0 and less than 100";
if(v == undefined || isNaN(v) || v < 0 || v > 100)
throw "V must be a number, greater than 0 and less than 100";
s = s / 100;
v = v / 100;
var c = v * s;
var x = c * (1 - Math.abs( (h / 60) % 2 - 1 ));
var m = v - c;
var _rgb = [];
if(h >= 0 && h < 60)
_rgb = [c, x, 0];
}else if(h >= 60 && h < 120)
_rgb = [x, c, 0];
}else if(h >= 120 && h < 180)
_rgb = [0, c, x];
}else if(h >= 180 && h < 240)
_rgb = [0, x, c];
}else if(h >= 240 && h < 300)
_rgb = [x, 0, c];
_rgb = [c, 0, x];
return [Math.round((_rgb[0] + m) * 255), Math.round((_rgb[1] + m) * 255), Math.round((_rgb[2] + m) * 255)];
RGBToHSV : function(rgb)
var r = rgb[0];
var g = rgb[1];
var b = rgb[2];
// 错误判断
(r == undefined || isNaN(r) || r > 255) && (r = 255);
(r < 0) && (r = 0);
(g == undefined || isNaN(g) || g > 255) && (g = 255);
(g < 0) && (g = 0);
(b == undefined || isNaN(b) || b > 255) && (b = 255);
(b < 0) && (b = 0);
// 计算
var _r = r / 255;
var _g = g / 255;
var _b = b / 255;
var cMax = Math.max(_r, _g, _b);
var cMin = Math.min(_r, _g, _b);
var x = cMax - cMin;
var hsv = [];
// H
if(x == 0)
hsv[0] = 0;
}else if(cMax == _r && _g >= _b)
hsv[0] = (x == 0 ? 0 : (60 * (_g - _b) / x));
}else if(cMax == _r && _g < _b)
hsv[0] = (x == 0 ? 0 : (60 * (_g - _b) / x) + 360);
}else if(cMax == _g)
hsv[0] = (x == 0 ? 0 : (60 * (((_b - _r) / x) + 2)));
}else if(cMax == _b)
hsv[0] = (x == 0 ? 0 : (60 * (((_r - _g) / x) + 4)));
// S
if(cMax == 0)
hsv[1] = 0;
hsv[1] = (cMax == 0 ? 0 : (x / cMax * 100));
// V
hsv[2] = (cMax * 100);
return hsv;
HexToRGB : function(hex)
var _hex = [];
hex = hex && hex.trim();
if(hex.substring(0,1) == "#"){
hex = hex.substr(1,hex.length).replace(/\s*/g,"");
return [255, 255, 255, 1];
switch (hex.length) {
case 0:
return [255, 255, 255, 1];
case 1:
_hex = [hex+hex, hex+hex, hex+hex, "FF"];
case 2:
_hex = [hex, hex, hex, "FF"];
case 3:
var arr = hex.split('');
_hex = [arr[0]+arr[0], arr[1]+arr[1], arr[2]+arr[2], "FF"];
case 4:
var arr = hex.split('');
_hex = [arr[0]+arr[0], arr[1]+arr[1], arr[2]+arr[2], arr[3]+arr[3]];
case 4:
var arr = hex.split('');
_hex = [arr[0]+arr[0], arr[1]+arr[1], arr[2]+arr[2], arr[3]+arr[3]];
case 5:
var arr = hex.split('');
_hex = [arr[0]+arr[0], arr[1]+arr[1], arr[2]+arr[2], arr[3]+arr[4]];
case 6:
var arr = hex.split('');
_hex = [arr[0]+arr[1], arr[2]+arr[3], arr[4]+arr[5], "FF"];
case 7:
var arr = hex.split('');
_hex = [arr[0]+arr[1], arr[2]+arr[3], arr[4]+arr[5], arr[6]+arr[6]];
var arr = hex.split('');
_hex = [arr[0]+arr[1], arr[2]+arr[3], arr[4]+arr[5], arr[6]+arr[7]];
var r = parseInt("0x" + _hex[0]);
r = isNaN(r) ? 255 : r;
var g = parseInt("0x" + _hex[1]);
g = isNaN(g) ? 255 : g;
var b = parseInt("0x" + _hex[2]);
b = isNaN(b) ? 255 : b;
var a = parseInt("0x" + _hex[3]);
a = isNaN(a) ? 1 : Number(Number(a / 255).toFixed(2));
return [r, g, b, a];
RGBToHex : function(rgb)
var _rgb = (rgb instanceof Array) ? rgb : this.RGBToArray(rgb);
var _hex = [];
for(var x = 0;x<3;x++)
var y = _rgb[x];
_hex[x] = "FF";
var _y = Number(y).toString(16);
_hex[x] = _y.length == 1 ? "0" + _y : _y;
// 透明度单独处理
var a = Math.floor(Number(_rgb[3]) * 255);
if(a != 255)
a = a.toString(16).toUpperCase();
_hex[3] = a.length == 1 ? "0" + a : a;
return _hex.join("").toUpperCase();
RGBToArray : function(rgb)
var _rgb = [];
rgb = rgb && rgb.trim().toUpperCase();
if(rgb.substring(0,4) == "RGBA")
_rgb = rgb.replace("RGBA(","").replace(")","").replace(/\s*/g,"").split(",");
}else if(rgb.substring(0,3) == "RGB")
_rgb = rgb.replace("RGB(","").replace(")","").replace(/\s*/g,"").split(",");
_rgb = [255, 255, 255, 1];
return _rgb;
var PaletteTopVo = new du.yue.PaletteTop();
1.input type=text
2.class包含 用户自定义的className或者未自定义的“my-palette”
<input type="text" class="palette" id="chromeDom" οnchange="domChromeDivBack(this)" />
<input type="text" class="palette" id="chromeAdd"/>
document.getElementById("chromeAdd").addEventListener("change", addChromeDivBack);
function addChromeDivBack()
document.getElementById("chrome").style["background-color"] = event.target.value;
<input type="text" class="palette" id="chromeEqual"/>
document.getElementById("chromeEqual").onchange = equalChromeDivBack;
function equalChromeDivBack()
document.getElementById("chrome").style["background-color"] = event.target.value;
题外话:获取目标元素请记得IE和其他的区别: event.srcElement与event.target,无差别的略过