x86 real mode/protected mode interrupts

  • 深入理解 x86/x64 的中断体系(IVT VS IDT)

  Interrupt is a mechanism that allow hardware or software to suspend normal execution on microprocessor in order to switch to interrupt service routine for hardware / software. Interrupt can also described as asynchronous electrical signal that sent to a microprocessor in order to stop current execution and switch to the execution signaled (depends on priority). Whether an interrupt is prioritized or not depends on the interrupt flag register which controlled by priority / programmable interrupt controller (PIC).

  There are 5 type of interrupts:

  • hardware interrupt, this is external interrupt caused by hardware; for example when pressing keyboard.
  • Non-maskable interrupt (NMI), the interrupt that can not be ignored by microprocessor.
  • Software interrupt, this is maskable interrupt that comes from a software; this interrupt comes when an assembly routine execute int instruction
  • Internal interrupt, this interrupt is a result of processor state violation, for example : divide by zero error
  • Reset, this interrupt will reset cpu state

2.Real mode interrupts(Interrupt Vector Table (IVT))

  Interrupt vector table on 8086 is a vector that consists of 256 total interrupts placed at first 1 kb of memory from 0000h to 03ffh, where each vector consists of segment and offset as a lookup or jump table to memory address of bios interrupt service routine (f000h to ffffh) or dos interrupt service routine address, the call to interrupt service routine is similar to far procedure call.

  The size for each interrupt vector is 4 bytes (2 word in 16 bit), where 2 bytes (1 word) for segment and 2 bytes for offset of interrupt service routine address.So it takes 1024 bytes (1 kb) memory for interrupt vector table. On 8086 with dos operating system, interrupt vector table at 00h-1fh (int num 0-31) consists of lookup / jump table address to hardware or bios interrupt handler routine, meanwhile 20h-ffh (int num 32-255) consist of jump table address to dos interrupt handler routine.

  For example int 13h that located on ivt at 0000:004c contains address of Bios ROM Interrupt Service Routine, what it records is segment F000h, and offset 1140h, each bytes of that address will be placed little endian. The lower the interrupt number on interrupt vector table means the more priority needed for an interrupt.

3.protected mode interrupts(IDT)

  In protected mode, interrupts are handled in a similar way as real mode. The Interrupt Descriptor Table (IDT) does what the IVT does in real mode. IDT consists of an array of 8-byte segment descriptors called gates. The Interrupt Descriptor Table Register (IDTR) holds the base address and the limit of IDT. The IDT must exist in physical memory and should never swap out to virtual memory. This is because if an interrupt were to occur while the IDT were swapped out, the processor would generate an exception, requiring the IDT to get the handler for handling this exception, and so on until the system crashed. The gates in the IDT can consist of three types: interrupt gates, trap gates, and task gates. We won’t dwell on the details of the trap and task gates. For further information, refer to Intel processor documentation.

  Interrupt gates interest us. The important fields of interrupt gates include the code segment selector and the offset of the code for execution for this interrupt, as well as the privilege level of the interrupt descriptor. The interrupt processing closely resembles that in real mode. When the interrupt occurs, the processor indexes the interrupt number in IDT, pushes EFLAGS, CS, and EIP onto the stack, and calls the handler specified in the IDT. When the handler finishes executing, it should execute the IRET instruction to return control. Depending upon the type of interrupt, an error code may be pushed on the stack. The handler must clear this error code from the stack. The DPL field in the interrupt gate controls the software interrupts. The current privilege level must be at least as privileged as DPL to call these software interrupts. If not, then a General Protection Fault is triggered. This protection feature permits the operating system to reserve certain software interrupts for its own use. Hardware interrupts and exceptions process without regard to the current privilege level.


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