GraphSAGE: Inductive Representation Learning on Large Graphs


1. 图卷积神经网络最常用的几个模型(GCN、GAT、GraphSAGE)

2、归纳式学习(inductive learning)

3、不同于之前的学习node embedding,提出学习aggregators等函数的方式













三、Related Work















六、Theoretical Analysis && Conclusion

        总结提出的GraphSAGE模型具有归纳式的能力,邻居汇聚时考虑不同的aggregator方式,讨论了几种未来方向和subgraph embedding 邻居采样方式等


1、归纳式学习(inductive learning)










3、Batch 训练方式 sample 邻居性能高效




    另一个是cora.content 表示每个节点的特征以及label



35	1033
35	103482
35	103515
35	1050679
35	1103960
35	1103985
35	1109199
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35	1113438
35	1113831
35	1114331
35	1117476
35	1119505
35	1119708
35	1120431
35	1123756
35	1125386
35	1127430
35	1127913


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""" 加载数据并对数据进行处理 """

def load_cora():
    import numpy as np
    num_nodes = 2708
    num_feats = 1433
    feat_data = np.zeros((num_nodes, num_feats))
    labels = np.empty((num_nodes, 1), dtype=np.int64)
    node_map = {}
    label_map = {}

    with open('../cora/cora.content') as fp:
        for i,line in enumerate(fp):
            info = line.strip().split()
            tmp = []
            for ss in info[1:-1]:
            feat_data[i,:] = tmp

            node_map[info[0]] = i
            if not info[-1] in label_map:
                label_map[info[-1]] = len(label_map)

            labels[i] = label_map[info[-1]]
    from collections import defaultdict

    adj_lists = defaultdict(set)

    with open('../cora/cora.cites') as fp:
        for i,line in enumerate(fp):
            info = line.strip().split()
            uid = node_map[info[0]]
            target_uid = node_map[info[1]]


    return feat_data,labels,adj_lists

""" 构建aggregate 函数"""

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from torch.autograd import Variable
import random

class MeanAggregator(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self,features,cuda=False,gcn=False):
        self.features = features
        self.cuda = cuda
        self.gcn = gcn
    def forward(self,nodes,to_neighs,num_sample=10):
        _set = set
        if not num_sample is None:
            _sample = random.sample
            samp_neighs = [_set(_sample(to_neigh, num_sample)) if len(to_neigh) >= num_sample else to_neigh for to_neigh in to_neighs]
            sample_neighs = to_neighs
        if self.gcn:
            sample_neighs = [samp_neigh + set([nodes[i]]) for i,samp_neigh in enumerate(samp_neighs)]
        unique_nodes_list = list(set.union(*samp_neighs))
        unique_nodes = {n:i for i,n in enumerate(unique_nodes_list)}
        mask = Variable(torch.zeros(len(samp_neighs),len(unique_nodes)))
        column_indices = [unique_nodes[n] for samp_neigh in samp_neighs for n in samp_neigh]
        row_indices = [i for i in range(len(samp_neighs)) for j in range(len(samp_neighs[i]))]
        mask[row_indices,column_indices] = 1
        if self.cuda:
            mask = mask.cuda()
        num_neigh = mask.sum(1,keepdim=True)
        mask = mask.div(num_neigh)
        if self.cuda:
            embed_matrix = self.features(torch.LongTensor(unique_nodes_list).cuda())
            embed_matrix = self.features(torch.LongTensor(unique_nodes_list))
        to_feats =
        return to_feats

""" 自身节点和邻居节点进行聚合 """

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from torch.nn import init
import torch.nn.functional as F

class Encoder(nn.Module):
    Encodes a node's using 'convolutional' GraphSage approach
    def __init__(self, features, feature_dim, 
            embed_dim, adj_lists, aggregator,
            base_model=None, gcn=False, cuda=False, 
        super(Encoder, self).__init__()

        self.features = features
        # 变换前的hidden_size/维度
        self.feat_dim = feature_dim
        self.adj_lists = adj_lists
        # 即邻居聚合后的mebedding
        self.aggregator = aggregator
        self.num_sample = num_sample
        if base_model != None:
            self.base_model = base_model

        self.gcn = gcn
        # 变换后的hidden_size/维度
        self.embed_dim = embed_dim
        self.cuda = cuda
        self.aggregator.cuda = cuda
        # 矩阵W维度 = 变换后维度 * 变换前维度
        # 其中gcn表示是否拼接,如果拼接的话由于是"自身向量||邻居聚合向量", 所以维度为2倍
        self.weight = nn.Parameter(
                torch.FloatTensor(embed_dim, self.feat_dim if self.gcn else 2 * self.feat_dim))

    def forward(self, nodes):
        Generates embeddings for a batch of nodes.

        nodes     -- list of nodes
        neigh_feats = self.aggregator.forward(nodes, [self.adj_lists[int(node)] for node in nodes], 
        if not self.gcn:
            if self.cuda:
                self_feats = self.features(torch.LongTensor(nodes).cuda())
                self_feats = self.features(torch.LongTensor(nodes))
            # 将自身和聚合邻居的向量拼接, algorithm 1 line 5的拼接部分
            combined =[self_feats, neigh_feats], dim=1)
            # 只用聚合邻居的向量来表示,不用自身信息, algorithm 1 line 5的拼接部分
            combined = neigh_feats
        # 送入到神经网络,algorithm 1 line 5乘以矩阵W
        combined = F.relu(
        # 经过一层GNN layer后的点的embedding,维度为embed_dim * nodes
        return combined

""" 定义整体结构 """

class SupervisedGraphSage(nn.Module):

    def __init__(self, num_classes, enc):
        super(SupervisedGraphSage, self).__init__()
        # 这里面赋值为enc2(经过两层GNN)
        self.enc = enc
        self.xent = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()
        # 全连接参数矩阵,映射到labels num_classes维度做分类
        self.weight = nn.Parameter(torch.FloatTensor(num_classes, enc.embed_dim))

    def forward(self, nodes):
        # embeds实际是我们两层GNN后的输出nodes embedding
        embeds = self.enc(nodes)
        # 最后将nodes * hidden size 映射到 nodes * num_classes(= 7)之后做softmax计算cross entropy
        scores =
        return scores.t()

    def loss(self, nodes, labels):
        # 钱箱传播
        scores = self.forward(nodes)
        # 定义的cross entropy
        return self.xent(scores, labels.squeeze())

""" 训练模型 """

def run_cora():
    # 随机数设置seed(种子)
    # cora数据集点数
    num_nodes = 2708
    # 加载cora数据集, 分别是
    # feat_data: 特征
    # labels: 标签
    # adj_lists: 邻接表,dict (key: node, value: neighbors set)
    feat_data, labels, adj_lists = load_cora()
    # 设置输入的input features矩阵X的维度 = 点的数量 * 特征维度
    features = nn.Embedding(2708, 1433)
    # 为矩阵X赋值,参数不更新
    features.weight = nn.Parameter(torch.FloatTensor(feat_data), requires_grad=False)
    # features.cuda()

    # 一共两层GNN layer
    # 第一层GNN
    # 以mean的方式聚合邻居, algorithm 1 line 4
    agg1 = MeanAggregator(features, cuda=True)
    # 将自身和聚合邻居的向量拼接后送入到神经网络(可选是否只用聚合邻居的信息来表示), algorithm 1 line 5
    enc1 = Encoder(features, 1433, 128, adj_lists, agg1, gcn=True, cuda=False)

    # 第二层GNN
    # 将第一层的GNN输出作为输入传进去
    # 这里面.t()表示转置,是因为Encoder class的输出维度为embed_dim * nodes
    agg2 = MeanAggregator(lambda nodes : enc1(nodes).t(), cuda=False)
    # enc1.embed_dim = 128, 变换后的维度还是128
    enc2 = Encoder(lambda nodes : enc1(nodes).t(), enc1.embed_dim, 128, adj_lists, agg2,
            base_model=enc1, gcn=True, cuda=False)

    # 采样的邻居点的数量
    enc1.num_samples = 5
    enc2.num_samples = 5

    # 7分类问题
    # enc2是经过两层GNN layer时候得到的 node embedding/features
    graphsage = SupervisedGraphSage(7, enc2)
    # graphsage.cuda()

    # 目的是打乱节点顺序
    rand_indices = np.random.permutation(num_nodes)

    # 划分测试集、验证集、训练集
    test = rand_indices[:1000]
    val = rand_indices[1000:1500]
    train = list(rand_indices[1500:])

    # 用SGD的优化,设置学习率
    optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(filter(lambda p : p.requires_grad, graphsage.parameters()), lr=0.7)
    # 记录每个batch训练时间
    times = []
    # 共训练100个batch
    for batch in range(100):
        # 取256个nodes作为一个batch
        batch_nodes = train[:256]
        # 打乱训练集的顺序,使下次迭代batch随机
        # 记录开始时间
        start_time = time.time()
        # 这个是SupervisedGraphSage里面定义的cross entropy loss
        loss = graphsage.loss(batch_nodes, 
        # 反向传播和更新参数
        # 记录结束时间
        end_time = time.time()
        # print (batch,[0])
        print (batch,

    # 做validation
    val_output = graphsage.forward(val)
    # 计算micro F1 score
    print ("Validation F1:", f1_score(labels[val],, average="micro"))
    # 计算每个batch的平均训练时间
    print ("Average batch time:", np.mean(times))

""" 模型运行结果 """


0 tensor(1.9649)
1 tensor(1.9406)
2 tensor(1.9115)
3 tensor(1.8925)
4 tensor(1.8731)
5 tensor(1.8354)
6 tensor(1.8018)
7 tensor(1.7535)
8 tensor(1.6938)
9 tensor(1.6029)
10 tensor(1.6312)
11 tensor(1.5248)
12 tensor(1.4800)
13 tensor(1.4503)
14 tensor(1.4162)
15 tensor(1.3210)
16 tensor(1.2243)
17 tensor(1.2255)
18 tensor(1.0978)
19 tensor(1.1330)
20 tensor(0.9534)
21 tensor(0.9112)
22 tensor(0.9170)
23 tensor(0.7924)
24 tensor(0.8008)
25 tensor(0.7142)
26 tensor(0.7839)
27 tensor(0.8878)
28 tensor(1.2177)
29 tensor(0.9943)
30 tensor(0.8073)
31 tensor(0.6588)
32 tensor(0.6254)
33 tensor(0.5622)
34 tensor(0.5158)
35 tensor(0.4763)
36 tensor(0.5298)
37 tensor(0.5419)
38 tensor(0.5098)
39 tensor(0.4122)
40 tensor(0.4262)
41 tensor(0.4451)
42 tensor(0.4126)
43 tensor(0.4409)
44 tensor(0.3913)
45 tensor(0.4496)
46 tensor(0.4365)
47 tensor(0.4601)
48 tensor(0.4714)
49 tensor(0.4090)
50 tensor(0.4145)
51 tensor(0.3428)
52 tensor(0.3454)
53 tensor(0.3531)
54 tensor(0.3131)
55 tensor(0.2719)
56 tensor(0.3519)
57 tensor(0.3286)
58 tensor(0.3125)
59 tensor(0.2529)
60 tensor(0.3033)
61 tensor(0.2332)
62 tensor(0.3049)
63 tensor(0.3026)
64 tensor(0.3770)
65 tensor(0.3811)
66 tensor(0.3223)
67 tensor(0.2450)
68 tensor(0.2620)
69 tensor(0.2846)
70 tensor(0.2482)
71 tensor(0.3044)
72 tensor(0.4133)
73 tensor(0.3156)
74 tensor(0.4421)
75 tensor(0.2596)
76 tensor(0.2585)
77 tensor(0.2639)
78 tensor(0.2035)
79 tensor(0.2328)
80 tensor(0.1748)
81 tensor(0.1730)
82 tensor(0.1978)
83 tensor(0.1614)
84 tensor(0.1890)
85 tensor(0.1227)
86 tensor(0.1568)
87 tensor(0.1527)
88 tensor(0.2365)
89 tensor(0.2297)
90 tensor(0.1787)
91 tensor(0.1920)
92 tensor(0.1864)
93 tensor(0.1254)
94 tensor(0.1678)
95 tensor(0.1336)
96 tensor(0.1562)
97 tensor(0.2531)
98 tensor(0.2392)
99 tensor(0.2089)
Validation F1: 0.864
Average batch time: 0.047979302406311035


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