




- add_follower(Vertex): Adds a follower to the current user. 

- get_followers(): Returns a list of all the followers connected to the Vertex.

- get_username(): Returns the (guaranteed unique) username of the user.


bfs(self, start: Vertex, end: Vertex, bloom_filter: BloomFilter)


[1] 六度分离:早在上个世纪60年代,美国著名社会心理学家米尔格伦(Stanley Milgram)就提出了“六级分隔”(Six Degrees of Separation)的理论,并设计了一个连锁信的实验来验证这个假设。他认为,任何两个陌生人都可以通过“朋友的朋友”建立联系,并且他们之间所间隔的人不会超过六个,无论是美国总统与威尼斯的船夫,或热带雨林中的土著与爱斯基摩人。也就是说,最多通过六个人你就能够认识任何一个陌生人。这就是著名的“小世界假设”。

从2001年秋天开始,美国哥伦比亚大学的社会学教授瓦茨(Duncan Watts)组建了一个研究小组,利用Email这一现代通信工具,开始进行“小世界假设”的实验(http://smallworld.columbia.edu)。在1年多时间里,总共有166个国家和地区的6万多名志愿者参与实验,实验结果证明,一封邮件平均被转发6次,即可回到接收者那里。


from typing import Callable, List

BloomFilter Class

This class represents the bloom filter to be used in the graph. 

Each BloomFilter consists of the following properties:
    - hash_functions: A list of hash functions used in the bloom filter. Each function hashes a string to a number in the range of [0, bits*elements).
    - bits: The number of bits per element in the bloom filter.
    - elements: The number of elements in the bloom filter (capacity).
    - filter: The bit array representing the bloom filter.

The class also supports the following functions:
    - add(str): Adds a new entry to the bloom filter.
    - get(str): Returns a boolean that probabilistically indicates whether the given string is in the bloom filter.

Your task is to complete the following functions which are marked by the TODO comment.
You are free to add properties and functions to the class as long as the given signatures remain identical.
Good Luck!

class BloomFilter:
    # These are the defined properties as described above
    hash_functions: List[Callable[[str], int]]
    bits: int
    elements: int
    filter: List[bool]

    def __init__(self, hash_functions: List[Callable[[str], int]], bits: int, elements: int) -> None:
        The constructor for the BloomFilter class.
        :param hash_functions: A list of hash functions used in the bloom filter. Each function hashes a string to a number in the range of [0, BITS).
        :param bits: The number of bits in the bloom filter.
        :param elements: The number of elements in the bloom filter (capacity).
        # TODO: Fill this in
        self.hash_functions = hash_functions
        self.bits = bits
        self.elements = elements
        self.bitMap = [0] * self.bits

    def add(self, item: str) -> None:
        Adds a new entry to the bloom filter.
        :param item: The string to be added to the bloom filter.
        # TODO: Fill this in
        for func in self.hash_functions:
            self.bitMap[func(item) % self.bits] = 1

    def get(self, item: str) -> bool:
        Given a string, returns a boolean that probabilistically indicates whether the given string is in the bloom filter.
        :param item: The string to be checked in the bloom filter.
        :return: A boolean that indicates whether the string has been seen before.
        # TODO: Fill this in
        for func in self.hash_functions:
            if self.bitMap[func(item) % self.bits] != 1:
                return False

        return True

Vertex Class

This class represents an individual user in the social network. 

Each Vertex consists of the following properties:
    - username: The username for the current User. Guaranteed to be unique.
    - followers: A list of followers connected to this Vertex (adjlist)

The class also supports the following functions:
    - add_follower(Vertex): Adds a follower to the current user. 
    - get_followers(): Returns a list of all the followers connected to the Vertex.
    - get_username(): Returns the username of the User.

**You do not need to edit this class**


class Vertex:
    # These are the defined properties as described above
    username: str
    followers: "List[Vertex]"

    def __init__(self, username: str) -> None:
        The constructor for the Vertex class.
        :param username: The username of the user.
        self.username = username
        self.followers = []

    def add_follower(self, vertex: "Vertex") -> None:
        Adds a follower to the given user with the given distance.
        :param vertex: The vertex to add an edge to.

        # vertex is None, self-loop or already in the adjlist
        if not vertex or vertex == self or vertex in self.followers:

        # Add to adjlist

    def get_followers(self) -> "List[Vertex]":
        Returns the list of followers for the user.
        :return: The list of followers for the user.

        return self.followers

    def get_username(self) -> str:
        Returns the username of the user.
        :return: The username of the user.

        return self.username

Graph Class

This class represents the social network as a graph. 

The class supports the following functions:
    - bfs(Vertex, Vertex, BloomFilter): Perform a BFS from the start vertex to the end using the bloom filter.

Your task is to complete the following functions which are marked by the TODO comment.
You are free to add properties and functions to the class as long as the given signatures remain identical.
Good Luck!
from collections import deque

class Graph:
    def bfs(self, start: Vertex, end: Vertex, bloom_filter: BloomFilter) -> int:
        Performs a BFS from the start vertex to the end using the bloom filter.
        Note you should use the bloom filter to avoid excessive memory usage with large graph inputs.
        The bloom filter is constructed from your filled in BloomFilter class.
        :param start: The start vertex.
        :param end: The end vertex.
        :param bloom_filter: The bloom filter used in the graph.
        :return: The degree of separation between the start and end vertices or -1 if they're not connected.
        # TODO: Fill this in
        queue = deque()
        visited = bloom_filter
        count = 0
        while queue:
            v = queue.popleft()
            for w in v.get_followers():
                if w.get_username() == end.get_username():
                    return count

                if not visited.get(w.get_username()):
            count += 1

        return -1

from unittest import TestCase

BITS = 4

This is a sample test suite for you to write your own test.
Note that the provided hash functions are NOT good hash function but
are used for demonstration purposes only. You should write your own
hash functions and test cases to test your implementation.

No tests are provided or will be provided for the bfs function.
You are free (and encouraged!) to use this as a base to write your own tests.

# These are BAD hash function and are used for demonstration only.
# It just takes the first letter of a string and returns its ASCII value in the range [0, BITS * ELEMENTS).
# This means that it will always return the same value for a given string
# or any string that starts with the same letter.
def bad_hash_function_1(name: str) -> int:
    return ord(name[0]) % (BITS * ELEMENTS)

def bad_hash_function_2(name: str) -> int:
    return (ord(name[0]) + 8) % (BITS * ELEMENTS)

class TestBloomFilterSample(TestCase):
    def setUp(self) -> None:
        self.bf = BloomFilter([bad_hash_function_1, bad_hash_function_2], bits=16, elements=1)

    def test_bloom_filter_sample(self):
        self.bf.add("a")  # This should set the 1st and 9th index to True
        self.assertEqual(self.bf.get("a"), True, "Bloom Filter returns incorrect result")

        self.bf.add("z")  # This should set the 10th and 2nd index to True
        self.assertEqual(self.bf.get("z"), True, "Bloom Filter returns incorrect result")

        # This should return True because the 2nd and 10th index are set to True even though the key 'b' has not been added
        # This is what makes a Bloom Filter a probabilistic data structure
        self.assertEqual(self.bf.get("b"), True, "Bloom Filter returns incorrect result")





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