
--create database studentDB 
use studentDB 
create login zhou1 with password = 'mypassword123'
create user zhou1 for login zhou1
--create schema sch1 authorization zhou1
--drop schema sch1
create table uers
vusername varchar(18) not null,
vpasswrod varchar(20) not null
create table student
Sno char(10) NOT NULL Constraint PK_Stu_No Primary Key,
Sname char(20) NOT NULL,
Ssex char(2) NOT NULL Constraint CK_Stu_Sex check(Ssex in ('男','女')),
Smajor char(20) NOT NULL,
Sdept char(20) NOT NULL,
Sage tinyint  Constraint CK_Stu_Age Check(Sage between 1 and 80),
Tel char(15) NOT NULL,
EMAIL varchar(30) NOT NULL
alter table student drop constraint CK_Stu_Age
alter table student drop column Sage
alter table student add dBirth datetime
alter table student alter column Smajor varchar(20)
drop table student
--select * from student
select Sno,Sname,Ssex,Smajor from student
select Sno as 学号,Sname as 姓名,Ssex as 性别,Smajor as 专业,Sage as 年龄 from student
select top 3 *from student
select *from student where sage=12
select *from student where Ssex='男' and Sage<21 
select *from student where Ssex='男' or Sage>60
select Sno,Sname,Ssex,Sage from student where Sage between 45 and 65
select Sno,Sname,Ssex,Sage from student where Sage not between 45 and 65
select * from student where Sage in(44,65,12)
--distintc 不重复信息
select distinct Sage from student
select * from student where Sage like '1%'
select * from student where Sname like '%2%'
select * from student where Sname like '__2%'
select *from student where Sage is NULL
select *from student where sage is not null
select *from student order by Sage asc
select *from student order by Sage desc
select *from student order by Sage asc,Tel desc
select 3*5,sqrt(2)
select *,Tel*10 as Tel2 from student
select count(*) from student where Sage=12
select count(Tel) from student
select max(Sage),min(Sage),avg(Sage) from student
select sum(Sage) from student
select Sage,count(Sage) as 个数 from student group by Sage
select Sage,Ssex,count(Ssex) from student group by Sage,Ssex order by count(Ssex) asc
select Ssex,count(Ssex) from student group by Ssex having count(Ssex)>3


drop table sc
create table sc
Sno char(10) primary key,
Sname char(30),
Ssex char(2)
select student.Sno,student.Sname,sc.Sno,sc.Sname from sc,student
where sc.Sno=student.Sno
on sc.Sno=student.Sno
select student.Sno,student.Sname,sc.Sno,sc.Sname from sc join student
select student.Sno,student.Sname,sc.Sno,sc.Sname from student left outer join sc
on student.Sno=sc.Sno
select student.Sno,student.Sname,sc.Sno,sc.Sname from sc right outer join student
on student.Sno=sc.Sno
select student.Sno,student.Sage,sc.Sno,sc.Sname from sc full outer join student
on student.Sno=sc.Sno
select *from student cross join sc
--union 去重,union all 不去重
use studentDB
select Sno,Sname,Ssex from sc
select Sno,Sname,Ssex from student
--intersect 交集
select Sno,Sname,Ssex from student where Ssex='男'
select Sno,Sname,Ssex from student where Sno=1
--except 差集
select Sno,Sname,Ssex from student where Ssex='男'
select Sno,Sname,Ssex from student where Sno=1
insert into sc (Sno,Ssex,Sname) values ('21','21','43')
create table fsc
Sno char(12) not null primary key,
Sname char(20) not null,
Ssex char(2),
new char(10)
insert into fsc(Sno,Sname,Ssex,new) select Sno,Sname,Ssex,'new' from sc
select * into wtf from student where Ssex='男'
update wtf set Ssex='女' where Tel=12
update sc set Sname=(Select Sname from student where student.Sno=sc.Sno)
delete from wtf where Sno='12'
delete from wtf where Sno in (select Sno from sc)
create view see
select * from sc
update see set Sname='22'
--视图的as前加with encryption 可以给视图加密
create view see
with encryption as
select * from sc
create unique index only on wtf(Sname)
drop index wtf.only
drop index only on wtf






当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


