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原创 如何通过费曼技巧理解复杂主题


2024-09-25 12:07:35 410

原创 我的创作纪念日


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原创 【改變,是面對的開始】


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原创 如何使用 OpenAI Sora?

如何使用OpenAi Sora

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原创 Linux 命令行的世界 :4.操作文件和目录

Linux 命令行的世界 :4.操作文件和目录

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原创 Linux 命令行的世界 :3.探索操作系统

Linux 命令行的世界 :3.探索操作系统

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原创 Linux 命令行的世界 :1.什么是shell

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linux crontab命令简易实践,帮你快速搞定定时任务

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原创 Learn the basics of Python 3-Chapter 7: Modules

Learn the basics of Python 3-Chapter 7: Modules

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原创 Learn the basics of Python 3-Chapter 6: Strings Methods

Learn the basics of Python 3-Chapter 6: Strings Methods

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原创 Learn the basics of Python 3-Chapter 6: Strings

Learn the basics of Python 3-Chapter 6: Strings

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原创 Learn the basics of Python 3-Code Challenges:Functions(Advanced)

Learn the basics of Python 3-Code Challenges:Functions(Advanced)

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原创 Learn the basics of Python 3-Code Challenges:Functions

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原创 Learn the basics of Python 3-Code Challenges:Loops(Advanced)

Learn the basics of Python 3-Code Challenges:Loops(Advanced)

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原创 Learn the basics of Python 3-Code Challenges:Loops

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转载 天涯运维之服务器远程操作


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转载 天涯的运维之路

天涯网络和应用架构在运维团队及技术团队的努力下已经成熟稳定,前端是智能DNS和双线接入,本地负载均衡采用F5-LTM 6400和LVS,反向代理采用Haproxy,页面内容缓存使用varnish替换了squid,应用层为Nginx+esin,静态资源采用Varnish+Nginx,数据级缓存采用Memcached,数据库为MySQL,中间层使用ICE和MQ。在运维管理平台的开发上,我们借鉴了大互联网公司的运维平台,同时结合天涯本身的业务和产品特点,量身定制,走一条适合自己的路。

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原创 Learn the basics of Python 3-Code Challenges:Lists (Advanced)

Learn the basics of Python 3-Code Challenges:Lists (Advanced)

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原创 Learn the basics of Python 3-Code Challenges:Lists

Learn the basics of Python 3-Code Challenges:Lists

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原创 Learn the basics of Python 3-Code Challenges:Control Flow (Advanced)

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原创 Learn the basics of Python 3-Code Challenges:Control Flow

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原创 Learn the basics of Python 3-Chapter 5:Functions

Learn the basics of Python 3-Chapter 5:Functions

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Learn the basics of Python 3-Chapter 3:Lists--Working With Lists In Python

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原创 Learn the basics of Python 3-Chapter 4:Loops

Learn the basics of Python 3-Chapter 4:Loops

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原创 Learn the basics of Python 3-Chapter 3:Lists

Learn the basics of Python 3-Chapter 3:Lists

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原创 Learn the basics of Python 3-Chapter 2:Control Flow

Learn the basics of Python 3-Chapter 2:Control Flow

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原创 Learn the basics of Python 3-Chapter 1:Hello World

Learn the basics of Python 3-Chapter 1:Hello World

2024-01-12 10:56:14 553 1

原创 Rsync教程--linux服务器文件实时同步

rsync —— remote synchronize ,是一款实现远程同步功能的软件;rsync使用“Rsync算法”来同步文件,该算法只传送两个文件的不同部分,因此速度相当快;同步文件的同时,可以保持原来文件的权限、时间和目录结构;对于多个文件来说,内部流水线减少文件等待的延时;rsync默认监听TCP 873端口,通过远程shell如rsh和ssh复制文件。同时要求必须在远程和和本地系统上都安装sync。官网。

2024-01-11 18:58:10 3129


作者:[美]埃里克·马瑟斯(Eric Matthes) 译者:袁国忠 本书是享誉全球的Python入门书,影响了超过250万读者。全书分两部分:第一部分介绍用Python编程所必须了解的基本概念,包括强大的Python库和工具,以及列表、字典、if语句、类、文件和异常、代码测试等内容;第二部分将理论付诸实践,讲解如何开发三个项目,包括简单的2D游戏、利用数据生成交互式的信息图以及创建和定制简单的Web应用,并帮助读者解决常见编程问题和困惑。 【练习答案】Python编程:从入门到实践



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