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原创 数组的遍历

一维数组的遍历:public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) { int[] arr = {1,2,3,4,5}; // 第一种方式 for(int i=0;i<arr.length;i++){ //arr.length 获取arr数组的大小 System.out.println(arr[i]); //arr[i]--arr的第i

2022-03-22 16:47:53 285 1

原创 一维数组的声明、创建和使用

public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) { int elementCount=10; int[] a; //1、声明 System.out.println(a); //输出结果:null,因为数组a声明后没创建,没有给a分配内存空间 a=new int[elementCount]; //2、创建...

2022-03-22 13:20:55 540

原创 JavaScript:select列表选中项与页面其它元素的联动

select列表项包含普通用户和VIP用户,当用户选中VIP用户时,请用户选择是否同意收费政策,效果如下:<select id="select1" onchange="showinfo()"> <option>普通用户</option> <option>VIP用户</option></select><div id="div3"> <input type="checkbox">同意收费

2022-01-06 08:46:02 783

原创 CSS:子DIV在父DIV中水平居中、垂直居中

<div id="container"> <div id="inside"> this is a inside DIV<br> this is a inside DIV </div></div>div{ border:1px solid black; }#container{ width:800px; height:800px; background-image:URL("11.jpeg");}#i...

2022-01-03 20:39:58 679

原创 JavaScript:两个select列表联动


2022-01-03 19:37:38 1332 1

原创 JavaScript:页面加载完成后启动倒计时器

<html><head></head><body> <input type="text" value="100" id="txt1"/> <script> var timeCount=100; var timer; window.onload=function (){ timer=setInterval("f1()",1000); //创建计时器 .

2022-01-03 19:11:44 672

原创 JavaScript:Select被选中的列表项变化时,改变表格的行数

<strong>学历:</strong><select size=1 style="width:200px;" onchange='f1(this)'> <option>本科</option> <option>硕士</option></select><br><br><table> <tr> <td>学位&lt...

2021-12-31 15:01:50 555

原创 JavaScript:复选框的全选与取消全选

爱好: <input type="checkbox" name='cbx1'/>阅读&nbsp;&nbsp; <input type="checkbox" name='cbx1'/>音乐&nbsp;&nbsp; <input type="checkbox" name='cbx1'/>运动&nbsp;&nbsp; <input type="checkbox" name='cbx1'/&gt...

2021-12-31 09:02:17 460 1

原创 JavaScript:计时器,包含按钮效果设置

初始状态:启动状态:暂停状态:停止状态:<div> <font id='timeCount' style='display:inline-block; font-size:72px;width:100px;text- align:right;'>0</font> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; //需要固定时间值的宽度,避免时间值从9变到10(以及从99变到100)时后面三张图片的位置发生变化 .

2021-12-30 15:42:18 585

原创 JavaScript:重写window alert的弹出窗口

alert弹出窗口大小及窗口上的文字大小无法调整,上课时学生无法看清,因此重写了alert方法。window.alert=function (msg){ //创建弹出窗口(用DIV),窗口上的内容包括一个显示文本字符串的容器和一个按钮 var box=document.createElement('div'); var msgbox=document.createElement('div'); box.appendChild(msgbox); var btn=document.crea

2021-12-30 15:09:59 1940

原创 JavaScript: Select列表项的迁移

HTML代码:(注意要用表格或CSS进行布局,下面代码用了表格进行布局)<table> <tr> <td>关键词:</td> <td><select name="sel" size="4" multiple class='multi'> <option>程序员</option> <option>C++</option> <option&gt..

2021-12-30 14:50:52 279

原创 JavaScript:选择图片路径,更改网页上的图片

效果图:HTML代码:<div style="width:160px;height:220px;"> <img src="pic1.jpg" style="width:160px;height:200px;" id='img1'/><br> <input type="file" onchange="f2(this)"/></div>JavaScript代码:function f2(obj){ document.ge

2021-12-30 11:26:34 690

原创 JavaScript:在指定元素中搜索单词,并将搜索结果高亮显示

//形参说明://searchBox: 搜索框的ID//searchText:需要进行搜索的文本所在容器的IDfunction search(searchBox,searchText){ s1=document.getElementById(searchBox).value;//搜索框中的文本内容 s2=document.getElementById(searchText).innerHTML; var pos=s2.indexOf(s1); if(pos==-1) alert('can n.

2021-12-30 09:42:22 746

原创 JavaScript: 从网页上所有段落中检索敏感词

function search(word){ //函数返回true表示存在敏感词汇,返回false表明不存在敏感词汇 var paras=document.getElementsByTagName("p"); if(paras.length==0) return false; for(var i=0; i<paras.length; i++){ var str=paras[i].innerHTML; if(str.indexOf(word)!=.

2021-12-30 09:22:28 825

A CA-based land system change model_ LANDSCAPE

Cellular automata (CA) models are widely used to simulate landuse changes because of their simplicity, flexibility, intuitiveness and ability to incorporate the spatial and temporal dimensions of processes. A small number of CA-based models have been developed to simulate changes in multiple land uses, most of which use the hierarchical allocation strategy and/or inertia factors to enable these CA models to do so accurately. However, only some of these models allow explicit determination of the allocation sequence for active land uses according to the hierarchical allocation strategy and the objective calculation of inertia factors. In this paper, we proposed a CA-based model, i.e. the LAND System Cellular Automata model for Potential Effects (LANDSCAPE), with a hierarchical allocation strategy and resistances, to simulate changes in multiple land uses. Furthermore, we introduced effective ways to objectively determine the allocation sequence for active land uses and calculate resistances for individual land uses. The results show that the LANDSCAPE model, with a calibrated allocation sequence and resistances, is reliable and accurate for simulating multiple land-use changes。



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